Updated 05/13/08
Ada, Alma Flor. In the Barrio. 1994. jE Ada
Alvarez, Julia. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. 1991. jF Alv
Braman, Arlette N. Kids Around the World Create!: The Best Craft and Activities from Many Lands.
j372.55 B815k
Budhos, Marina Tamar. Ask Me No Questions. 2006. jF Bud
Bunting, Eve. One Green Apple. jE Bun
Cook, Deanna F. The Kids’ Multicultural Cookbook: Food & Fun Around the World. 1995. j641.59 C771k
Doherty, Gillian. The Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of World Geography with Complete World Atlas.
2004. j910 D655u
Dooley, Norah. Everybody Cooks Rice. 1991. j641.6 D691e 1992
Hooks, Bell. Skin Again. 2004. jE Hoo
Jackson, Tandi. Shark Rescue. 1996. jF Jac
Jones, Lynda. Kids Around the World Celebrate!: The Best Feasts and Festivals from Many Lands. 2000.
j394.26 J77k
Kerley, Barbara. A Cool Drink of Water. j363.61 K39c
-----. You and Me Together: Moms, Dads, and Kids Around the World. j306.874 K39y
Kinkade, Sheila. My Family. 2006. j306.85 K55m
Koja, Kathe. Buddha Boy. 2003. jF Koj
Knutson, Barbara. Love and Roast Chicken: A Trickster Tale from the Andes Mountains. 2004.
j398.209 K74L
MacDonald, Margaret Read. Three-Minute Tales. 2004. j398.2 M135t
-----. Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur!: A Palestinian Folktale. 2006. jE Mac
Making Music!: Breads Around the World. 1993. POSTER 1753
Masoff, Joy. We Are All Americans: Understanding Diversity. 2006. j304.8 M398w
Mayer, Laura. My Father. 1994. jE May
Morris, Ann. Bread, Bread, Bread. 1991. j641.8 M875b
Nelisi, Lino. Sione’s Talo. 1992. jE Nel
Smith, David J. If the World Were a Village: A Book About the World’s People. 2002. j304.6 S645i q
The Space Between Our Footsteps: Poems and Paintings from the Middle East. 1998. j808.81 S732
Tarsitano, Frank. United Nations. 2004. j341.23 U58t
Yang, Belle. Hannah Is My Name . 2004. jE Yan
Albyn, Carole. The Multicultural Cookbook for Students. CML 641.59 A344m
Allen, Judy. Cultural Awareness for Children. 1992. CML 370.196 A427c
Allyn and Bacon Anthology of Traditional Literature. 2004. CML 398.2 A773
Arlon, Penelope. How People Live. 2003. j306.08 A725h
Austin, Mary C. Promoting World Understanding Through Literature, K-8. CML 016.301636 A864a
Bazin, Maurice. Math and Science Across Cultures: Activities and Investigations from the Exploratorium.
CML 510.71 B363m
Beaty, Janice J. Building Bridges with Multicultural Picture Books: For Children 3-5.
CML 370.196 B369b
Bloom, Dwila. Ready-to-Use Interdisciplinary Lessons and Activities for Grades 5-12. 1997.
CML 300.71073 B655r
The Black Experience in Children’s Books. 1989. CML 016.3014 B627 1989
Bock, Louie. Multicultural Math Fun: Holidays Around the Year. 1997. CML 510.7 B665m
Books on American Indians and Eskimos: A Selection Guide for Children and Young Adults. 1978.
CML 016.97 B724L
Books Without Bias: Through Indian Eyes. 1988. CML 016.97 B724 1988
Braxton, Beverly. Math Around the World: A Teacher’s Guide. 1995. CML 372.7 M425
Breaking Boundaries with Global Literature: Celebrating Diversity in K-12 classrooms. 2007.
CML 372.64 B828
Butler, Francelina. Skipping around the World: The Ritual Nature of Folk Rhymes. 1989. CML 398.2 B985s
Carr, Thomas J. Games from Long Ago and Far Away. CML 372.86 C312g
Cech, Maureen. GlobalChild: Multicultural Resources for Young Children. 1991. CML 372.21 C387g
Celebrating Cultural Diversity. CML 507 C392
Chase, Josephine. Multicultural Spoken Here: Discovering America’s People Through Language Arts
and Library Skills. 1979. CML 372.83 C487m
Clegg, Luther B. Celebrating Diversity: A Multicultural Resource. 1995. CML 370.196 C624c
Cochran, Judith. Using Literature to Learn About Children Around the World: A Thematic Approach to
Cultural Awareness . CML 370.196 C663u
Cohen, Monroe. Learning to Live as Neighbors. 1972. CML 370.19 A849e
Cole, Ann. Children are Children are Children: An Activity Approach to Exploring Brazil, France, Iran,
Japan, Nigeria, and the USSR. 1978. CML 372.83 C536c
Dame, Melvina. Serving Linguistically & Culturally Diverse Students: Strategies for the School Library
Media Specialist. 1993. CML 027.63 D157s
Davis, Enid. A Comprehensive Guide to Children’s Literature with a Jewish Theme. CML 016.909 D261c
East, Kathy. Across Cultures: A Guide to Multicultural Literature for Children. 2007. CML 011.62 E13a
Educational Materials By and About the American Indian: A Comprehensive Bibliography
Recommended for Use with Students in Grades K-12. 1977. CML 016.97 E24e
Ellermeyer, Deborah. Multicultural American History through Children’s Literature. 2003. CML 372.89 E45m
Kian, Fereydoun. Humpty-Dumpty Sat on the Globe: Geotales from Around the World. 1997. CML 910 K46h
Fairbanks, Carol. Black American Fiction: A Bibliography. 1978. CML 016.301 F164b
Financial Times World Desk Reference. 2005. CML 031 F491 2005
Gilliland, Hap. Indian Children’s Books. 1980. CML 016.97 G481i
Gilton, Donna L. Multicultural and Ethnic Children’s Literature in the United States. 2007. CML 810.93529 G489m
Grant, Carl A. Turning on Learning: Five Approaches for Multicultural Teaching Plans for Race, Class,
Gender, and Disability. 2003. CML 370.193 G761t 2003
Guide to Multicultural Resource. 1997-98. CML 301.6016 1997
Hayden, Carla. Venture into Cultures: A Resource Book of Multicultural Materials and Programs. 1992.
CML 011.62 V468
Hearne, Betsy. Beauties and the Beasts. 1993. CML 398.21 B384
Heath, Alan. Common Threads: Festivals of Folklore and Literature for Schools and Libraries. CML 372.83 H437c
Helbig, Alethea K. This Land is our Land: A Guide to Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults.
1994. CML 016.8108 H474t
Heltshe, Mary Ann. Multicultural Explorations: Joyous Journeys with Books. CML 372.892 H484e
Hirsch, E. D. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. 1987. CML 370.19 H669a
Hirschfelder, Arlene B. American Indian Stereotypes in the World of Children: A Reader &
Bibliography. 1982. CML 970.1 H669a
Hogan, Susan. Multicultural Studio Art Projects. CML 707.1273 H714m
Horning, Kathleen. Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Vol. 2, 1991-1996: A Selected Listing
of Books by and About People of Color. 1997. CML 011.08 K94mh
Huber-Bowen, Tonya. Teaching in the Diverse Classroom: Learner-Centered Activities that Work.
CML 370.196 H877t
Jenkins, Esther. Literature for Children about Asians and Asian Americans: Analysis and Annotated
Bibliography with Additional Readings for Adults. 1987. CML 016.95 J52L
Johnson, Harry. Ethnic American Minorities: A Guide to Media and Materials. CML 016.30145 J13e
Johnson, Lauri. Dealing with Diversity Through Multicultural Fiction: Library-Classroom Partnerships.
1993. CML 370.196 J67d
Jordan, Lois B. Mexican Americans: Resources to Build Cultural Understanding. CML 016.9172 J82m
Jweid, Rosann. Building Character Through Multicultural Literature: A Guide for Middle School
Readers. 2004. CML 809.892 J98b 2004
Kear, Dennis J. A Multicultural Guide to Literature-based Whole Language Activities for Young
Children. 1993. CML 370.196 K24m
Keating, Charlotte. Building Bridges of Understanding Between Cultures. 1971. CML 016.8 K25bu
Khorana, Meena. Africa in Literature for Children and Young Adults: An Annotated Bibliography of English-language Books. 1994. CML 960.016 K45a
Kian, Fereydoun. Humpty Dumpty Sat on the Globe: Geotales from Around the World. 1996. CML 910 K46h
King, Edith. Teaching Ethnic Awareness: Methods and Materials for the Elementary School. 1981.
CML 371.970973 K52t
Kruse, Ginny Moore. Multicultural Children’s and Young Adult Literature: A Selected Listing of Books
Published Between 1980-88. 1989. CML 011.08 K94m 1989
Learning to Teach for Social Justice. 2002. CML 370.117 L4385
Li, Marjorie. Understanding Asian Americans: A Curriculum Resource Guide. 1990. CML 973.0495 U55
Lipman, Doug. We All Go Together: Creative Activities for Children to Use with Multicultural Folk Songs.
1993. RT 372.87 L
McCall, Ava Lousie. Teaching State History: A Guide to Developing a Multicultural Curriculum. 2003.
CML 372.89 M122t
MacDonald, Margaret Read. Tom Thumb. 1993. CML 398.21 T655
McElmeel, Sharon L. Adventures with Social Studies through Literature. 1991. CML 372.83 M141a
-----. Bookpeople: A Multicultural Album. 1992. CML 027.8 M141boo
Makino, Yasuko. Japan through Children’s Literature: An Annotated Bibliography. CML 016.952 M235j 1985
Mallett, Jerry. World Folktales: A Multicultural Approach to Whole Language. 1994. CML 372.64 M253w
Many Faces, Many Voices: Multicultural Literacy Experiences for Youth: The Virginia Hamilton Conference.
1992. CML 810.9 M295
Marantz, Sylvia. Multicultural Picture Books: Art for Understanding Others. 1994. CML 011.62 M311m
Marden, Patricia C. Cooking Up World History: Multicultural Recipes and Resources. 1994.
CML 641.59 M322c
McGowan, Meredith. Appreciating Diversity Through Children’s Literature: Teaching Activities for the Primary
Grades . 1994. CML 372.64 M146a
Menzel, Peter. Material World: A Global Family Portrait. 1994. CML 306.85 M551m q
Miller-Lachmann, Lyn. Our Family, Our Friends, Our World: An Annotated Guide to Significant
Multicultural Books for Children and Teenagers. 1992. CML 011.62 M652o
Multicultural Aspects of Library Media Programs. 1992. CML 027.63 M961
Multicultural Education. CML 370.19605 M961
Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. 2001. CML 370.117 M961 2001
Multicultural Guide to Literature-Based Whole Language Activities for Young Children. 1993. CML 370.196 K24m
Nelson, Wayne E. International Playtime: Classroom Games and Dances from Around the World. 1995.
CML 796.13 N432i
Pilger, Mary Anne. Multicultural Projects Index: Things to Make & Do to Celebrate Festivals, Cultures,
and Holidays around the World. 1992. CML 016.37019 P638m
Pratt, Linda. Transcultural Children’s Literature. 1999. CML 809.892 P915t
Rainbow Activities; Fifty Multicultural/Human Relations Experiences. 1977. CML 370.19 R154
Rasinski, Timothy V. Sensitive Issues: An Annotated Guide to Children’s Literature, K-6. CML 011.62 R224s
Reading Ladders for Human Relations. 1981. CML 016.3 R287r 1981
Rochman, Hazel. Against Borders: Promoting Books for a Multicultural World. CML 011.62 R679a
Schon, Isabel. A Bicultural Heritage: Themes for the Exploration of Mexican and Mexican-American Culture in Book
for Children and Adolescents. 1978. CML 016.30145 S371b
Science in Primary Schools: The Multicultural Dimension. 1991. CML 372.35 S4165
Shannon, George. Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series: A Knock at the Door. 1992. CML 398.21 K72
Sierra, Judy. Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children. 1991. CML 398.2 S572m
-----. Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series: Cinderella. 1992. CML 398.21 C574
Sive, Mary Robinson. China: A Multimedia Guide. 1982. CML 016.951 S624c
Smallwood, Betty Ansin. The Literature Connection: A Read-Aloud Guide for Multicultural Classrooms. 1991.
CML 016.428 S635L
Smith, Karen. Enhancing Cultural Understanding Through Historical Fiction: A Multicultural Bibliography for
Grades 5-8. 1994. CML 305.8 S653e
Southgate, Robert. Black Plots and Black Characters: A Handbook for African-American Literature. 1979.
CML 016.301 S727b
Stanford, Barbara Dodds. Black Literature for High School Students. 1978. CML 016.301 S785b
Starting Small: Teaching Tolerance in Preschool & the Early Grades. 1997. CML 370.117 S796
Stensland, Ana Lee. Literature By and About the American Indian. 1973. CML 016.97 S826L
Stories Matter: The Complexity of Cultural Authenticity in Children’s Literature. 2003. CML 813.009 S884
Storytelling Encyclopedia: Historical Cultural, and Multiethnic Approaches to Oral Traditions Around the World.
1997. CML 372.64 S8875
A Sustainable Development Curriculum Framework for World History & Cultures. 1991. CML 375.001 S964
Teaching about Canada and Mexico. 2006. CML 307.2 N277b no. 104
Teaching Multicultural Literature in Grades K-8. 1992. CML 370.196 T253
Thomas, Rebecca. Connecting Cultures: A Guide to Multicultural Literature for Children. 1996. CML 011.62 T461c
Ullom, Judith. Folklore of the North American Indians. CML 016.97 U42f
Using Multiethnic Literature in the K-8 Classroom. CML 372.64 U855
Venture into Cultures: A Resource Book of Multicultural Materials and Programs. 2001.
CML 011.62 V468 2001
Wannamaker, Hallie Ann. Ready-to-use Multicultural Activities for the American History Classroom: Four
Centuries of Diversity from the 1600's to the Present. 1996. CML 973.07 W249r
Whitehead, Winifred. Different Faces: Growing Up with Books in a Multicultural Society. 1988. CML 823 W592d
York, Stacey. Roots & Wings: Affirming Culture in Early Childhood Programs. CML 370.193 Y63r 2003
Zaslavsky, Claudia. The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the World. 1996. CML 372.7 Z38mu
-----. Multicultural Mathematics: Interdisciplinary Cooperative-Learning Activities. 1993. CML 372.7 Z38m
Anglund, Joan Walsh. Friends Around the World: A Game of World Peace. 1989. GA 327.1 A
Betances, Samuel. Improving Student Achievement through Quality Instruction. 2000. VT 370.117 B562i
-----. Improving Student Achievement Through Quality Instruction. 2000. VT 370.117 B562i
Hall, Stuart. Race, the Floating Signifier. 2002. DVD 305.80973 R118
Hispanic: The Changing Role of Women. DVD 305.42 H673 2004
I’m Normal, You’re Weird!: Understanding Other Cultures. VT 303.482 I31
Lipman, Doug. We All Go Together: Creative Activities for Children to Use with Multicultural Folksongs. 1994.
RT 372.87 L
Multicultural Math Lab. 1995. K 510.7 M
Native Religions of the Americas. 1994. RT 299.7 N278
Shirts, R. Garry. BaFá BaFá: A Cross Culture Simulation. 1977. GA 301.114 S
Starting Small: Teaching Tolerance in Preschool & the Early Grades. 1997. VT 370.117 S796
Stewart, Georgiana Liccione. Children of the World: Multicultural Rhythmic Activities. 1991. CD 793.4 S849c
Teaching Diversity. CD 370.1170973 T253
Agell, Charlotte. Dancing Feet. 1994. jE Age
Ajmera, Maya. Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey Around the World.
j305.23 A312c 2001
Aliki. Hello! Goodbye! 1996. jE Ali
-----. Marianthe’s Story One: Painted Words; Marianthe’s Story Two: Spoken Memories. 1998. jE Ali
Ancona, George. Handtalk Zoo. 1989. j419 A542h
Atkin, Caroline. Voices from the Fields: Children of Migrant Farm Workers Tell Their Stories. 1993. j305.23 V889
Beeler, Selby B. Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World. 1998. j398.2 B414t
Berry, James. Everywhere Faces Everywhere: Poems Exploring the Diversity in Childhood. 1997.
j811 B534p 1997
Bode, Janet. New Kids on the Block: Oral Histories of Immigrant Teens. 1989. j301.43 B666n
Braman, Arlette N. Kids Around the World Cook!: The Best Foods and Recipes from Many Lands. 2000.
j641.59 B815k
Brooks, Jeremy. A World Prayers. 2004. j204.33 B873w
Cech, John. My Grandmother’s Journey. 1991. jE Cec
Crandell, Rachel. Hands of the Maya: Villagers at Work and Play. 2002. j972.88 C891h
Dooley, Norah. Everybody Bakes Bread. 1996. jE Doo
-----. Everybody Cooks Rice. 1991. j641.6 D691e
Erlbach, Arlene. Sidewalk Games Around the World. 1997. j796.14 E69s
Ganeri, Anita. Religions Explained: A Beginners Guide to World Faiths. 1997. j291 G196r
-----. Wedding Days: Celebrations of Marriage. 1998. j291.38 G196w
Gerke, Pamela. Multicultural Plays for Children. 1996. j812 G369m
Hamanaka, Sheila. All the Colors of the Earth. 1994. jE Ham
Herold, Maggie Rugg. A Very Important Day. 1995. jE Her
Hoberman, Mary Ann. My Song is Beautiful: Poems and Pictures in Many Voices. 1994. j808.81 M995
Jagendorf, M. A. The King of the Mountains. 1960. j398.2 J24k
Kindersley, Anabel. Celebrations! 1997. j394.26 K51c q
Knight, Margy. Talking Walls: The Stories Continue. 1996. j900 K71t q
Kuklin, Susan. How My Family Lives in America. 1992. j301.451 K96h
Lankford, Mary D. Christmas Around the World. 1995. j394.268282 L289c
-----. Quinceanera: A Latina’s Journey to Womanhood. 1994. j395.24 L289q
Leventhal, Debra. What is Your Language? 1994. jE Lev