Dè Tha Dol?

An Gearran 2015


Stiùireadh do Phàrantan/Luchd-cùraim a thaobh busaichean san raon-cluiche / Instructions for Parents/Guardians for buses in the playground.

Please memorise the number for your child’s bus and let anyone else who collects your child know it as well.

If you are collecting your child at 3pm as opposed to them going onto any of the buses in the playground, you will need to come to the entrance on Berkeley Street beside the Eco-garden. Please wait at the gate until school staff are at the buses. When you see school staff, make your way to the appropriate bus and let the driver and member of staff know that you are taking your child.

Stiùireadh do Phàrantan/Luchd-cùraim a thaobh busaichean/

Instructions for Parents/Guardians for buses on Kent Road or Berkeley Street.

Please memorise the number for your child’s bus and let anyone else who collects your child know it as well. If your child is being collected at 3pm as opposed to them going onto the bus please stand at the appropriate bus and wait for staff to bring the pupil lines. Please do not stand at the school gate.

Let the driver and member of staff know that you are taking your child.

The transfer of over 400 pupils from the school to the dedicated transport can be a very stressful time for staff and pupils especially if the above instructions are not followed.

I will keep you updated if there are any changes to the above arrangements.

Aitè pàirce luchd-obrach/Staff car park

Can I remind you that the car-park at the back of the school and the overflow area beside the pitch, are for the use of staff who work on the campus. It should not be used for parking, pickup or drop off by parents/guardians.

Concerns have also been raised by members of the public, parents who collect their children from the path and school staff. These concerns include:

The parking and movements of cars on the pavement between the car-park and the football pitch. This is illegal and traffic wardens have ticketed cars for this action previously.

The speed of cars travelling through the car-park with no due regard for the safety of others.

I am concerned that despite repeated notices through Dè tha dol? and letters that I have to re-visit this issue again.

We are also investigating damage to a car belonging to a member of staff caused by careless parking and are hoping to identify the perpetrator through use of the CCTV camera. The person who caused the damage did not even have the courtesy to leave a note of their details or acknowledge the long scrape and dent in the parked car.

I do appreciate that most of the school community have taken notice of the car park situation and use the available bays around the school.

Ùr-fhiosrachadh airson ar clàran/Updates for our records.

Feuch gun cuir sibh fios gu oifis na sgoile cho luath ’s a ghabhas, mu atharrachaidhean sam bith a thaobh seòladh no àireamh-fòn. Tha seo cudromach gu h-àraid ann an suidheachadh èiginn.

Please inform the office of any changes to your address or phone number especially mobile numbers as soon as possible. This is important to ensure parents receive information or can be contacted in the event of an emergency e.g. school closing early for bad weather

Staffing Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu 3-18

There have been quite a few changes to the staffing across the school in the last year with staff moving to Primary and Secondary posts across Scotland. I am working with Education HR to get as many posts advertised as soon as possible for a range of Secondary subjects, promoted posts and also the Primary school. There is a shortage of Gaelic Medium staff and inevitably if someone is appointed to a post another school has to manage the vacancy. All Education jobs will be advertised on a site called and I would welcome help from the school community in sharing vacant post information with any social media links they have or interested individuals who are Gaelic speakers or advanced learners with a teaching qualification in Primary or Secondary teaching.

Primary Teacher posts were advertised on Friday 23rd January 2015

PT Support for Learning 3-18 will be advertised Friday 30th January 2015


Mrs Kathleen MacLeod and Mrs Patricia MacLeod would like to thank all the parents, guardians and families for thegift presented to them at the end of last term. They both received a Glasgow Alphabet framed print for their new offices in Lewis, to remind them of their time in SGG. There were plenty of tears and laughter at a special assembly where children and young people from across the school came to wish them farewell.

Taing eile

Taing gu Comann nam Pàrant airson taic airgid luach £5000 a tha air an sgoil a thaobh innealan ICT a cheannach. Bi na goireasan seo air leth feumail do na sgoilearan gu leir a thaobh taic-ionnsachaidh.

Many thanks to Comann nam Pàrant who donated £5000 to the school, for tablets and specialist word-processing software to help support learning across the school.

Naidheachdan mu Thogail Airgid/Fundraising News

We have had two major fundraising initiatives since the start of the school year.

The 100 Club 2015/16 has 120 members. This raised £1440, £720 of which is kept within school funds as profit and the remaining monies distributed to two prize winners on a monthly basis. The Christmas Fair is always one of our most popular events but also one of our most expensive to organise. Float and refreshments, stock for stalls and entertainers (the magician proved particularly popular)saw an outlay of over £500. Despite this, we were still able to bank £1767, resulting in a clear profit of £1214.

Expenditure so far this year has been across the school. £680 went on transport costs for S3 to attend Outward Bound and £280 was also paid to enable the Shinty team to travel to a national competition. In addition the Shinty team benefitted from £398 for new strips and a similar request has been put forward for football strips across the primary school. Alongside this larger scale outlay, the fund has also ensured that there is a constant supply of catering equipment and supplies for concerts and other school events.

The fundraising account is currently healthy but always relies upon a number of regular initiatives to keep it that way. We are always looking for new ideas and, most importantly, enthusiastic volunteers to carryevents forward. Please look out for any letters/texts/notices about meetings and come along. The more the merrier!

Club 100/100 Club

Meal a naidheachd air Rhona Mhoireasdan, àireamh 33, agus Oliver Caimbeul, àireamh 117, a bhuannaich airson an Fhaoillich.

Congratulations to Rhona Morrison, number 33, and Oliver Campbell number 117, who were January’s winners’.

Buidheann Badmantan Ghlaschu is Shrath Chluaidh a Tuath/Glasgow & North Strathclyde Badminton Group

An opportunity for pupils aged 7 and upwards to compete in recreational badminton. Matches are at weekends roughly every 6 weeks. It's a good way for pupils who are enjoying their badminton to develop. All ability levels.

Contact: Ms G Allan, 30 Rigghead Avenue, The Village, Cumbernauld G67 2AY (01236 457732 or e-mail to gillian_allan3@hotmail.
Soirbheachas Clas 4a/Awards class 4
  • Bhuinnig Orla-Màiri NicAsgaill co-fharpais an Artstore airson cairt Nollaig ùr a dhealbhachadh dhaibh. Bha a’ cho-fharpais a’ togail airgid airson an STV Appeal.
  • B’ iad Isabel Driscoll agus Iris O’Connell a bha san dàrna àite san aon cho-fharpais.
  • Chaidh an dealbh aig Gillan MacSuain a thaghadh mar aon de na dealbhan airson Mìosachan Sgoiltean Baile Ghlaschu. Chithear an dealbh aige air a’ mhìosachan anns a’ Ghearran.
  • Shoirbhich le Charlotte Craven agus Orla-Màiri NicAsgaill ann an deuchainnean dannsa Gàidhealach, agus dannsa Tap.
Sgioba Ball-coise na Sgoile/School Football Team
Fhuair an sgioba ball-coise sriopan ùra an teirm seo. Seo sinn gan cur gu feum.
Tha dhà-na-thrì cho-fharpaisean sìos san leabhar-latha mar-tha agus abair gu bheil sinn air bhioran airson an cleachdadh. Tha sinn uile uabhasach taingeil dha Comhairle nam Pàrant airson an cuid taic agus cuideachaidh le seo. Tha sinn an dochas gun dèan sinn ar sgoil moiteil a’cluich annta.
The School football team received new strips. Here we are putting them to good use. We already havetwo or three competition and we are very excited about using them. We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to Comhairle nan Pàrant for funding this and helping us. We hope we continue to make the school proud in our new strips.

Aodach a-bharrachd/Spare clothes

Our supply of spare clothes, especially pants and trousers for younger children, is down to virtually nothing. If your child has been given a change of clothes that you have not washed and returned, we would be very grateful to have them back.

You may wish to consider keeping a spare change of pants, tights or socks in your child’s bag for their own use in case of an accident. Also if you have items in good condition that your child has outgrown, we would be glad if you could send them in.

Stuth air chall/Lost property

Due to the increasing volume of clothes and lunchboxes being left behind at playtime and lunchtime, we are putting a revised system in place for the retrieval and disposal of lost property.

All items of clothing, shoes and bags should be clearly marked with your child’s name (not initials) and class. Lunchboxes should be labelled on the outside.

Children in P1-3 will have named items returned as soon as possible.Children in P4-7 may collect their things from the PSA office on Wednesdays and Fridays at 1.45pm, or by arrangement with their class PSA.

The current backlog of lost property will be held until the February Weekend holiday. Thereafter we cannot keep any item longer than two weeks.


Clas 1a,1b, 1c,1d SgeulachdanKatie Mòrag

Katie Morag Stories – Island and city life

Clas 2a,2b,2c,2dTìrean teth agus fuar

Hot and cold lands

Clas 3a,3b,3cAr Dachaighean agus Dachaighean Malawi

Our Homes and Malawian Homes

Clas 4a, 4bCòraichean agus Uallaichean

Rights and Responsibilities

Clas 5a, 5bNa Ròmanaich


Clas 6a, 6b Na Bhictorianaich


Unicef (6b)

Clas 7a, 7bAn Dàrna Cogadh Mòr

World War 2

Dè Tha A’ Tachairt Air A’ MhÌos Seo?

What’s happening this montH ?

02.02.15P1 Dental Checks

14.02.15P1 Parents Triple P 6:30pm

09.02.15 & Second Mid-Term Break


11.02.15In-Service day

16.02.15P1 & P7 Class Photographs

17.02.15Religious Observance 9:15am

18.02.15P7 Dental Checks

18.02.15P7 Parent’s Lochgoilhead meeting 6:30pm

23.02.15-Fairtrade Fortnight
