Soccer for Social Development Club Constitution

Article I


Section 1:This organization shall be known as the Soccer for Social Development Club.

Article II


Section 1:The Soccer for Social Development Club was created to build community within the university by integrating an interest in soccer and civic engagement. The Soccer for Social Development Club will offer students, faculty, and staff opportunities to watch nationally televised soccer games where fundraising for local charities will take place. Other possible events will include organizing charity soccer games, attending live soccer matches, selling merchandise, and raising awareness of mental health needs of athletes, among other events. Proceeds will also be donated to local charitable organizations as determined by the standing club officers.

Article III


Section 1:Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of Westfield State University who have paid their student activities fee for the current academic semester.

Section 2:Members are considered to be active if they attend and participate in fifty percent (50%) of Soccer for Social Development Club meetings and activities.

Article IV


Section 1:The officers will include a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Event Planner, and Community Relations.

Section 2:The President will organize meeting dates, create meeting agenda, communicate with members, and delegate responsibilities to officers.

The Vice-President will conduct the President’s responsibilities when the President is unable to do so, maintain membership mailing list, and provide assistance to each of the officers.

The Treasurer will be responsible for monthly financial statements, manage financial account of the Soccer for Social Development Club both in terms of deposits and withdrawals, and organize finances at fundraising events.

The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes of meeting, distributing them to the officers, and organizing a binder of Soccer for Social Development Club documents.

The Event Planner will be responsible for generating and implementing ideas for Soccer for Social Development Club events, including booking rooms, advertising, and maintaining social networking sites.

The Community Relations Officer will identify local charitable organizations, and will serve as a liaison between the Soccer for Social Development Club and these organizations.

Section 3:Officers will be elected on the last general meeting of the academic year to take office the following academic year.

Section 4:Full-time or part-time undergraduate students at Westfield State University are eligible to hold office.

Section 5:The term of office is one (1) academic year.

Article V


Section 1:Advisor(s) can be changed by vote among officers and Soccer for Social Development Club members.

Section 2:Advisor(s) will attend meetings, provide feedback on Soccer for Social Development Club events, and assist officers with their responsibilities.

Article VI


Section 1:Any full-time or part-time undergraduate student can nominate a person for office. Written and verbal nominations will be accepted.

Section 2:Votes will be cast anonymously and in-person at our last general meeting of the academic year.

Section 3:No election may be held if there is not a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the Soccer for Social Development Club members plus one (1) present at the meeting.

Section 4:A tie will be broken first with a re-vote, and if a tie persists, then a winner will be selected by the President.

Article VII


Section 1:The Soccer for Social Development Club will meet no less than twice (2) per month.

Section 2:Officers may hold separate meetings with only the officers and without the advisors.

Section 3:Any officer or advisor may call special meetings as needed.

Article VIII


Section 1:If a vacancy arises, special elections will be held at a Soccer for Social Development Club meeting following procedures outlined in Article VI.

Article IX

Amending Procedure:

Section 1:This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting members of the Soccer for Social Development Club and if approved by the Rules and Regulations committee of the Student Government Association.

Article X

Removal from office:

Section 1:An officer may be removed by majority vote of the members if he/she is not performing the duties outlined in the constitution.

Section 2:A written complaint should be filed to either the Soccer for Social Development Club President or Advisor(s), at which time a vote will be organized at the next meeting.