TI WebPO Help Documentation
WebPO Overview
Welcome to the TI WebPO program overview ! TI developed and deployed the WebPO program beginning in 2001 as a tool for worldwide suppliers to interface with
TI on order fulfillment business transactions. The program is now used with over 1200 worldwide TI suppliers in all regions, to transact and acknowledge new and changed purchase orders and invoices, view updated order and invoice/payment status, give visibility of the suppliers’ activity with TI via various online reports, and to provide several other tools to support the TI-supplier business relationship. We believe the
use of this system makes TI easy to do business with, and helps our suppliers to maximize their performance for TI.
The documentation contained in the various options from the help menu is intended as
the primary training and reference material for supplier users to utilize the system.
The “TI Contact List for Assistance” shows the current TI WebPO coordinator in each
country, who can be contacted with any further questions, or to setup new users. The
TI system coordinators periodically arrange for new supplier or user training demonstrations via the web; if any new user training is needed, the local country TI
coordinator can be contacted for the next training schedule.
TI focuses the use of the WebPO program mostly on our suppliers who have mid- to high- volumes of transactions such as purchase and change orders, and invoices.
Setup is coordinated by each of our country coordinators listed on the “TI Contacts
for Assistance” listing. Setups are easy, requiring a brief training overview, utilizing
the training/reference materials shown in the help documentation. To initiate setup, supplier users receive a registration packet, which only requires an easy 5-minute registration process. Once training has been completed, the supplier users can easily access the system, and execute their transactions with TI. Once the supplier has converted to the WebPO program, all future new and changed orders are transmitted
and acknowledged via the web (no separate fax or other order document is required).
Please view the individual subject training/help documents to understand the
process and execution for each functionality. We look forward to your support of
Texas Instruments via use of the WebPO supplier program.
Systems Operations and Processes Team
TI Worldwide Procurement and Logistics