Superintendent’s Radar

January-June 2013

The following list of monthly reminders is the result of the brainstorming efforts from January’s mentoring meeting. You can access the original document at

You can also find an additional list(courtesy of NWAEA) at


Prepare the board for collective bargaining.

Budget Plan & Projections (Specifically Reduction Plans)

Prepare for Negotiations meeting

Insurance numbers

Negotiations deadlines waiver

Part-Time employee determinations (future planning for health care)

District Calendar

Consider staff needs for upcoming year

Winter State Reporting

Facilities and summer projects

Review Supt Evaluations.

Approve staffing plan

Iowa Assessments to get scores back before end of year

Attendance center boundaries

Check the weather

Mid year review with admin team

Trip to Jamaica to golf (and spend time with significant other)

AASA National Conference


  • Kindergarten and Preschool

Legislative lobbying (consider establishing legislative lobbying committee--early fall)


Attend Budget workshop

Bus bids

Food service rebidding

Property valuation updates


Budget Process

Teacher Evaluations/Reductions

Staffing picture

Communicate to my administrative team my expectations for attendance at and participation in graduation

Staffing decisions

SIAC Meeting

Registration materials for next year

Schedules for next year

Sharing agreements with neighboring districts (talks)

Handbook changes (meetings)

Possible hiring (advertising)

Iowa Assessment (communication of 2nd assessment scores)


Transportation needs

Kindergarten Roundup

Analyze budget


Schedule and attend education celebrations.

Publication of budget hearing

Certify budget (April 15th)


Contract negotiations

POs for next year

Summer work projects and maintenance

Curriculum adoptions- ordering for next year

Meet and confer

Hiring season

Open enrollment for insurance

District Professional Development Plan - process

Summer staff development

Summer curriculum writing

Hiring Process/Staff Reduction

Administrators evaluations

ESY coordination

Checking graduates (update list)

Finalizing goals for the following year

Make cuts to 279 contracts by April 30th. Admin by May 15th.

End of year reports for directors

Plan end of year staff recognition ceremony



Analyze student learning data

Analyze walkthrough data for the year


Honor retirees


End of the school year

Hiring process

Building projects


Summer sporting events


Summer Help

Professional Development

Summer School

Driver’s Ed.

Summer breakfast and lunch programs

Planning personal summer activities

Summative evaluations with principals

Goal setting process

Analyze testing data

Finalize year end report to the community

Plan for a possible school board retreat during the summer

Teacher Appreciation Week

Board framework for next year’s meetings

Board recognition

  • School Board Appreciation Week


Project Easier


Plan Administrative Retreat for August or July

Summer Maintenance Schedules

Summative Evaluations of Principals

Finish up hiring

Curriculum Work

Curriculum Writing

Administrative Calendar

Summer Cleaning


Admin Contracts

Bus maintenance

End of Fiscal Year

Start of Summer School


State reports


Online registrations

Student achievement board reports

Update strategic plan

Board Policy Updates

C-Plan work

Continue to plan for site visit

Possible school board retreat depending when you do these

Ongoing (monthly):

Local Administrative Meetings

Union Reps

Business Manager

Board President (Regular communication either through meeting or conversation)

Department Heads


PD Team

Special Education Personnel

Regional Superintendent Meetings

Committee meetings if operating under a committee structure

Meeting with Maintenance Director

State Reports

Visit Classrooms

Focus on student learning

TQ committee

SIAC committee

Managing the external environment

Reading vast number of thank you cards!

Community visibility

Monthly newsletter

Website updates

PD of staff and administration

Hiring staff

Policy Review

Coffee in buildings or out in community

Board agenda