PALS Meeting
November 15, 2017

Present - Chrissy S, Nikki W, Katie L, Donna K, Cathy C, Kelly J, Jackie D, Cecily, Linda C

●  Secretary's Report - Nikki Woods

●  Treasurer’s report - Donna Knighton

○  Beginning Balance: $1925.46

○  Income: Decal sales: $36.00

■  Cook Shack & other sales: $52.00

■  Popcorn Friday - $134.00

■  Adult Paint & Sip - $245.00

●  Old Business:

○  Concessions:

Donna will contact Jimmy Elliott about how much we owe them

Nikki will put it out to PALS to sell concessions during MS games

●  Fundraising Opps:

■  Chair - not going to do now

■  Long sleeve shirts - Chrissy is getting pricing - will try to get out for the holidays if possible

■  99 Night - Chrissy or Cathy

■  Popcorn update

●  Larger popcorn machine update - the ones found are $350 and $450, will check with BJ’s and Sam’s Club to get a floor model when they go on sale - motion made to expend up to $500 for Kelly to get a machine

●  Paint N Sip fundraisers update - Cathy Colby

●  Coffee mug update - Christmas present

●  Update on Valedictorian and Salutatorian Banners - Do we need to help - Jackie will email Tracy

●  Banners for gym for winter activity participation by seniors - Hayley Fisher is only senior band/chorus person

●  Pennant drive. Pennant’s are coming in, display options and thank you to those who donated - will put on Facebook and list graduates on pennant - if we fill out, we will get another one

●  After school snack update - Kelly - lots of people donating. Thinking of buying a sippy cup/water bottle for each kid to have

●  Kids FUNraiser/ paint party - Chair Mandy Bailey - date

○  December 9th - 10:00 am

○  Reserve multipurpose room

○  Advertising - $20,

○  Setup and take down

○  Tablecloths?? - Kelly

○  Cookie Walk - 10-12am - Look for volunteer - will need to get tins, containers (small, medium & large) - Katie will help someone else get it organized

○  Adult with child - Adult can participate for $20 also



Popcorn Friday, December 1st

Offer assistance to Music teachers to help out for the concerts - Nikki will check

Purchase a couple shirts for Recycled Percussion and a sticker & MUG - Justin and Ryan

Next year - ? - Festival of trees - Chrissy has the information

Next Meeting Date:

December 12th at 6:30 pm

January 18th at 6:30 pm