This International Collaboration with an emphasis on Romanian Medicine is developed by“Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad in partnership with Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

In a global world, any international experience in the medical sector; health experiences, observership, externship, clinical internship, continuing medical education workshopsand other international opportunities for health care sector play an increasing role in the personal and professional development.

International Health ProgramRomania - Medicineoffered by “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad willprovide youthe opportunity for medical students and other health professionals to travel to Romania (European Union) and participate in training and clinical education and experience. We believe that by participating in this program, students will benefit from getting exposure to educational and clinical settings in key educational and medical institutions in Romania where practices may differ from your home country.As part of our programs you augment your medical education with a heightened awareness of key issues related to urban and global health and will have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the community you are serving. You will have the possibility to meet and interact with local medical students as well as with experienced doctors, nursesand physicians, leading to a dynamic exchange of knowledge and experiences.

The program has been specifically designed for medical students, but may be also modified to fit other health professionals (e.g., residents, physicians, nurses) with the following main purposes:

-to provide opportunities for medical education and clinical observationsin another culture and country, that wouldmake students more aware about the differences that exist in health systems around the globe;

-to offer participants a knowledge about Romanian and European Union culture and about the educational, medical and professional system in Romania and European Union;

-to offer the opportunity to strength the existing working relationships and initiative new collaborations between students and professionals from Romania and students and professionals worldwide;

-to promote cultural understanding and cooperation among medical students, residency, doctors, nurses’ students and nurses, throughout international exchanges;

-to promote the general interests of cultural, educational and professional exchanges.

“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Aradwas created in 1990. In this short 26 yearspan, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad has become a fortress of Transylvanian and Euro-regional science and culture, integrated into the European space of research and education, being affiliated to international organizations such as The European Universities Association – EUA, Magna Charta Observatory, Danubian Rector’s Conference – DRC, Association of Trans-Carpathian Universities, The International Association of University Presidents – IAUP, The European Academy of Sciences and Arts of Salzburg – Austria, the Euro-Asian Universities Union – EURAS and holds the vice-presidency of the Federation for Education in Europe – FEDE, institution that participates to the work sessions of the European Council.

Program Details:

The program is developed for medical students and young physicians eager to know and explore other cultures, as well as the functionality of other healthcare systems.The participants will benefit of a 4 weeks internship, 6-8 hours per day,at the Faculty of Medicine, distributed as follows:

-a week of knowledge and understanding of the teaching process at the school of medicine, participating in various curricular and extracurricular activities, accommodation with the location, the culture and the history of the place with our students,

-a week of participation in activities in primary healthcare services, carried on in the practices of the family physicians in rural or urban environment, or in partner centers of recovery where a first contact with the patient from the Romanian medical system is to take place,

-a week of participation in clinical activities in the medical academic clinics, depending on the applicants’ field of interest, for instance hematology, oncology, imagery, neurology, internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency, cardiology, gastroenterology etc.

-a week of participation in clinical activities in the surgical academic clinics, depending on the applicants’ field of interest, for instance general surgery, obstetrics-gynecology, orthopedics, multiple traumas, surgical emergencies, etc.

-by choice, the week of participation in clinical activities may be replaced with research activities carried on at the Institute of Life Sciences

The practical training programme (clinical observation) will take place at the County Emergency Clinical Hospital Arad. The County Emergency Clinical Hospital Aradis a pavilion clinical hospital with several locations, including 48 departments and sections for acute patients, with a number of 1,167 beds, and 8 departments and sections for chronic patients with a number of 201 beds, as well as in the family physicians’ practices and in the partner centers of recovery.

Course/Seminar Activity / Comments
Romanian Courses / Intensive Romanian language - up on request.
Clinical observation (clerkship, rotation, internship) / The practical training programme (clinical observation) will take place at the County Emergency Clinical Hospital. The County Emergency Clinical Hospital is a pavilion clinical hospital with several locations, including 48 departments and sections for acute patients, with a number of 1,167 beds, and 8 departments and sections for chronic patients with a number of 201 beds.
The clinical interaction and observation may include:
-History taking, physical examination of patients and medical checkup;
-Ward rounds/ visits;
-Routine drug use and fluids in patient management;
-Various medical management of patience;
-Dietary differences in medical practices;
-Cultural ethics to medicine;
-Basic comparative medical practices;
-Data collection and analyses of various treatment of patients;
Required equipment: Stethoscope, formal clothing, white lab coat and hospital shoes.
Cultural Exploration /
This is an optional service and there will be established based on the signed partnership agreement(MOU).
Language / The program will run in English.
Note: Please be reminded that the language primarily used in hospital wards is Romanian, but help with translation and interpretation will be provided
Application documents and deadline / Documents required forapplying:
  • Signed Application Form;
  • Signed Terms and Conditions Form:
  • Passport size photo(with white background):
  • Criminal record in English or a legalized translation in English; the participant must have a clear criminal record (there is not such a document in the US – the applicant should simply indicate there is no history of such).
  • Proof of Medical, Nursing diploma or current University Enrollment in English (must state the year of study the participant is currently in).
  • Medical certificate in English stating that the future intern is not suffering from any contagious diseases orother conditions that would affect practical training (clinical observation) in Romanian hospital;
  • Immunization Records in English - Hepatitis B antibody; Serology of Hepatitis C, MRSA, TBC status. Other immunization records or documents upon request by the hospital;
  • Copy of the passport especially the section with your photograph and other details. Passport expiration date must be minimum 6 months after the end of the program.
The participant must have all original documentsby the time they arrive for the rotation. Failure to provide original documents upon arrival, incomplete application, are grounds for termination of the program with no refund and
Insurance Coverage / As stated in the partnership agreement (MOU)

DATES: The rotation will take place June 15-July 15 approximately, starting in 2018.

HOUSING: Academic Hotel. More details forthcoming

COORDINATORS: The coordinators for this experience will be Dr. Adrian Balica at Rutgers and at Vasile Goldis, Dr. Casiana Boru, Vice Dean School of Medicine.


Tuition: to cover administrative and secretarial activities: (typically $ 150 US Dollars per student)

Room and Board:Room US $ 150 -300 $ per month, Food US $ 150 per month

Transportation expenses:Public transportation 30 $ per month, Taxi 100 $ per month,

AIRFARE TO ROMANIA: Approximate Fare = US $ 1500 dollars from New York to Timisoara. (Timisoara to Arad 30 miles by car/bus/train 40 $)