Oregon Trail Card Replacement Line

Huddle Hot Topics – Replacement Line Tips

February 1, 2013

Please share these tips about the Oregon Trail Card Replacement Line during your huddles. If you have follow-up questions, please contact Melissa Clark in CW/SSP Field Services, at .

About the Replacement Line:The Oregon Trail Card Replacement Line is a new process for centralizing the replacement of lost or stolen Oregon Trail (EBT) Cards. Clients must call a toll-free phone number to request a replacement card be sent by U.S. Mail to their mailing address. The change does not affect how we issue initial cards as part of a new application or intake appointment. Damaged cards are an exception. This new process is in a test period and will later be required statewide.

Replacement Line Tips:

  • Change of address:Client address changes must be reported to the branch. Please do not advise clients to report an address change or any other changes to the Centralized EBT Replacement Card Unit. If a branch refers someone to the Replacement Line to change an address, the Replacement Line staff must take additional steps and time to send the information back to the branch, thus not answering calls during this time. When this occurs, the Replacement Line backs up preventing people who need a replacement card from getting through and causes anger and frustration from clients when they are told the information will be sent back to the branch for action.
  • Damaged cards:Replacements for damaged cards brought to the branch by a client should be issued in the office.The damaged card must belong to the client and must be the most recent card issued.
  • Replacement Line Busy Message:When the Replacement Line hold queue is full, clients will hear an automated message that says, “all operators are busy, please call back.” It is important to encourage clients to redial repeatedly. If they use a cell phone, encourage them to be in a place where there is good reception.
  • Checking the Replacement Line: Please do not call to check on the Replacement Line. Staff calls tie up the line, preventing clients from connecting. When there is a technical problem with the Replacement Line, a notice immediately will be sent by e-mail to all field staff and the local branch can then determine whether it will use the exception process to issue replacements in the branch until the Replacement Line is functioning.
  • Oregon Trail Card Replacement Line Webpage: Many resources are available for field staff on this webpage: