Minutes: Community Project Liaison Group, 18th April 2013, 6-7.30pm

Chair – Sue Trimingham, Natural PR

Secretary – Katherine Elton, Natural PR

Chris Tomlinson – Rampion Project Development Manager, E.ON

Vaughan Weigall – Rampion Project Manager, E.ON

Cllr Alan Sargent – Peacehaven Town Council

Claire Hunt – Adur District and Worthing Borough Council

1. Update on final proposals, key changes and the environmental statement

Sue Trimingham gave an overview of the meeting agenda. Chris Tomlinson opened the presentation reminding attendees that they had until May 11 2013 to register their interest with the Planning Inspectorate at http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/projects/South%20East/Rampion-Offshore-Wind-Farm/. He then gave an illustrated presentation updating attendees on key aspects of the consultation feedback, changes to the final proposals, the consent process going forward project and projected timescales.

Cllr Sargent asked if the E.ON team had been in touch with Southern Water with regard to data they may have collected from their major project in Peacehaven Wastewater Treatment Works. Chris Tomlinson replied that with a project the size of the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, site investigations specific to this potential development site would have to be made.

Cllr Sargent also questioned how many surfers the project would affect. Chris explained that this issue had also come up in the Business and Tourism PLG held immediately before the Community PLG. Although the area was not seen as a particular hotspot for advanced surfers, it was popular with beginners to the sport and bolstered by tourist visitors to the Brighton area. However, further engineering work had led to a reduction in the maximum number of gravity base foundations, which in turn reduced the worst case reduction in wave height from 22% down to just 3% and that Surfers Against Sewage now considered the amendment a win-win for surfers and renewable energy.

Cllr Sargent also questioned how many surfers the project would affect. Chris explained that the area was not seen as a particular hotspot for advanced surfers, but was popular with beginners to the sport and bolstered by tourist visitors to the Brighton area.

Cllr Sargent also asked if the residents living near the Bolney substation would be compensated for any disturbance while construction work was underway or for any impact onto their properties. Vaughan explained that the offshore wind farm was deemed to be a nationally significant infrastructure project and residents would not be compensated. However he said E.ON would seek to minimise the impact of construction to Bolney Lane and Wineham Lane residents with measures such as mitigation planting and the formation of a Community Liaison Committee which would look into construction traffic and vehicle considerations e.g. timing of lorry movements and wheel washing..

He said the properties were already adjacent to one of the largest electricity substations in the south coast area which was the reason this site had been identified. He explained the cable itself would be underground but the building would be the only permanent visible structure largest onshore construction site of the scheme itself.

Cllr Sargent asked if the substation would be manned and Vaughan replied that it would not but would be monitored by high tech equipment at all times.

2. Feedback from PLG members on changes made resulting from consultation

Sue Trimingham asked for any comments or feedback on the updates.

Claire Hunt thanked E.ON for listening and responding to the concerns of the community.

Cllr Sargent said the adoption of Newhaven as the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) base would affect Peacehaven residents as many worked in the Port. He asked whether additional work would be required on Newhaven’s quay.

Vaughan Weighill replied that there would be no major works required for the quayside but that some of the older buildings would need to be demolished to develop the facility. He added that the new O&M base would provide skilled jobs for 65 to 85 people. He added the turbines would mostly be brought in from Germany or Denmark and it was likely the turbine manufacturers would also want to recruit crews locally.

He listed the positive attributes of Newhaven including the amount of space and flexibility that it could offer. He added that E.ON was still in talks with Shoreham Port and would be using the port as a base for site investigation vessels as well as potentially accessing the western side of the scheme as it is developed.

With regards to Newhaven, Vaughan added there would be major upgrades to the Port which the Port Authority was keen to progress. There would also be scoping work which would be carried out in conjunction with Lewes District Council. He added E.ON would have a better idea of how the site would work towards the end of this year. Cllr Sargent highlighted the shortage of hotel accommodation in the Newhaven area.

Vaughan added that E.ON was involved in a supply chain study with Marine South East, identifying potential contractors in Sussex and the wider region. The project involved identifying the suitability and key capabilities of local firms. He added that the companies may not prove a suitable match for E.ON itself but may be able to supply products and services to the tier one contractors, with whom E.ON contracts directlyfit with projects further along the supply chain. He gave the example that the 26.47km on shore cable project required civil engineering and electrical contractors and provideding opportunities for contractors across the region.

Vaughan explained that there were some highly specialised tasks which would require specialised support barges and equipment but also added that there would be a raft of support vessels needed from the established marine sector.

3. The Development Consent Order (DCO) examination process

Cllr Sergent asked whether it would be useful to design a poster with the 11 May deadline and the web address to register for comments which he would place in both the Telscombe and Peacehaven offices of the Council. Chris Tomlinson replied that a poster had not been designed but offered a quantity of the latest Rampion Offshore Wind Farm newsletter to be placed in the offices.

45. Dates and time for future meetings

Due to similarities in the meeting content, attendees felt it would be beneficial to amalgamate the Community PLG group with the Business and Tourism PLG (B&T PLG).

Claire Hunt added that there were synergies between the Community and the B&T PLG as the group would be discussing agenda items such as the Visitor Centre. She added that the Community Group had already achieved its remit, reaching out to the community through the consultation process, which had now been completed.

Chris Tomlinson said he would also write to the Sea Users PLG to gauge whether they would also like to amalgamate into a larger group or combine with another PLG. He added a change of strategy was now needed following the proposal's submission to the Planning Inspectorate.

Cllr Sergent asked whether it would be useful to design a poster with the 11 May deadline and the web address to register for comments which he would place in both the Telscombe and Peacehaven offices of the Council. Chris Tomlinson replied that a poster had not been designed but offered a quantity of the latest Rampion Offshore Wind Farm newsletter to be placed in the offices.

56. AOB

None stated