Biomes & Population Ecology
For this independent study unit, you will read the notes below and complete the following activities. All assignments in this unit must be submitted to your teacher in a portfolio style by Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Your portfolio must be typed and organized. You MUST use headings and appropriate numbers for your question.
Section A: Biomes
1. Biomes Research Project (pdf)
Section B: Population Ecology
1. Notes: Population Ecology (PowerPoint)
2. Case-study: Snowshoe Hare & Lynx in Canada (pdf)
3. Power of the pyramids (pdf)
4. Online lab activity: Population in a test tube Complete the activity and then answer the
following questions:
a. Why is a test tube an appropriate representation of the planet?
b. Why are bacteria an appropriate representation of population growth?
c. What is meant by exponential growth?
d. In terms of population, what is the carrying capacity of the planet? Where are we at?
5. Watch the following video and answer the questions below:
World Population video
World Population Video Questions (pdf)
6. Watch the following video and using the resources given, answer the questions below:
Bluefin Tuna Video
- a. Why is bluefin tuna in greater demand than other tuna?
- b. How has the global demand for sushi and sashimi affected the market for tuna?
- c. Explain how four (4) of the following technologies contributed to the decline of the tuna catch: long lining, purse seining, harpooning, refrigeration, inboard freezers, spotter planes, sonar equipment, bluefin tuna ranching.
- d. How might the fate of the bison and northern cod provide direction in our approach to the bluefin tuna? See this link
- e. What measures might be taken to save the bluefin tuna?
- Resources:
Scientific American: “The Bluefin Tuna in Peril”
WWF – Bluefin Tuna in Crisis
Voice of America, “Bluefin Tuna Endangered by Overfishing”
National Geographic – The Ocean
National Geographic – Bluefin Tuna