There are many resources available to technology teachers and students in Michigan’s Engineering, Manufacturing, and Industrial Technology (EMIT) Career Pathway. The resources listed below include web sites, career planning/job search resources, and professional organizations/associations that have general and specific information that may be of use, as teachers and students plan for, deliver and receive instruction, and assess students progress in the various career pathways.
PLEASE NOTE : If you are not able to access a site by clicking on the listed URL, use the search engine, then type the URL in the box.
q National Center for Construction Education and Research – develops and publishes
standardized curriculum, craft skills and assessments for the following careers: boilermaker, carpenter, electrician, equipment operator, estimator, foreman, ironmaker, masonry, plumber, welder, and project manager.
http://www. n c
q Electrical Construction Workers
http://w w w.nj a
q Michigan Construction Teachers Association
http:/ / www.m c
q Michigan Industrial and Technology Education Society (MITES) (Curriculum, Professional Development) c/o: Mr. Bradley Garrison – Membership, 2473 N. Jefferson, Ionia, MI 48846-9604
http:// w w w
q Van Buren Intermediate School District – FREE electronic curriculum materials – math for construction trades 2002.
http:// w ww.vbisd. o rg/
q MIOSHA – Michigan Occupational Safety & Health – view this site to obtain valuable information to help ensure the safety and wealth of your workers.,1607,7-154 - 11407_15349---,00.html
q Michigan Carpenter & Millwright Apprenticeship Programs – these programs consist of four years of practical on-the-job training, supplemented by periodic attendance at one of seven training centers statewide.
http://w w w.realapprentices h
q PowerTool Institute – the Power Tool Institute has established itself as the pre-eminent organization for building global understanding of power tools and for maintaining high standards of safety and quality control in the industry. This site provides several downloadable safety videos.
http://w w w.powertoolin s
q U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Indoor Air – Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings – refer to this site for information and resources on mold – which can be incorporated this information into your curriculum.
.go v /iaq/mol d s /index.html
q National Academy of Engineering
http:// w w
q Cornell University Youth and Work Program – this site provides a variety of information on technology education instruction and assessment with emphasis on manufacturing, drafting, and electronics.
http:// w m
q Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program – this mission of this organization is to increase the number of historically underrepresented minority students (African American, Hispanic, Native American) who are motivated and prepared academically to pursue careers in engineering, science, and mathematics related fields.
htt p ://www.d a
q Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD) Skill Standards – view website to order a copy of the standards for $22.50 -- htt p ://www. n ac f a m .org/cadd.htm
q Manufacturing Skill Standards Council: skill standards, assessments, and certification
resources -- www.mss c u s a . org
q Michigan Manufacturers Association – http : //www. m ma - n e
q National Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing
c f a
q ABC Safety Training - Interactive safety training CD-Rom sets
http://www.a b c-safety -
q Automobile Youth Education Systems
http://www. a ye s .org/docs/about
q National Automobile Technical Education Foundation
http: / /
q American Motorcycle Institute
An international training center for motorcycle, and marine, or watercraft technician training programs. wren c
q National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
http://w w
q Automobile Service Association
shop.o r g/
q PASSES, a national teen-safety organization. Provides a 90-minue safety training free to schools that are MCTA members – ( 734 ) 281-7160
q Gender Equity Program – refer to this site to ensure that your wage-earning vocational programs promote successful experiences for non-traditional students. - then type gender equity in the search box.
q Construction Trades career exploration website
http://www.c o
q Construction Classes
A source of online classes to help you advance in the career of construction trades
structionc l
q Manufacturing Careers: Design, Engineering & Industrial Technology
MOIS – Michigan Occupational Information System – a career guide software for a student to use to complete a four-year educational development plan while doing their assessment, resumes or exploration. http://ww w
q Cool Careers
Career opportunities in air conditioning, heating, refrigeration and plumbing industry
q Career Portal for Michigan – This site is a bridge to state and national employment, career, Education, training, and business resources and services.
hig a
q Michigan Technology Content Standards and Benchmarks - this site contains Michigan’s vision, standards, and benchmarks for what every K-12 student should know and be able to do with respect to being a technologically literate person. e chnology_11594_7.htm
q Michigan Career and Employability Content Standards and Benchmarks –this site contains Michigan’s vision, standards, and benchmarks for what every K-12 student should know and be able to do with respect to general career and on the job expectations. e er&Employ_Standards_12_01_13760_7.pdf
q Career Cruising
An interactive career reference guide available on CD-ROM and the internet for a fee
eercruising.c o m/home/f_ q uick_tour.html
q Michigan Works
A site to assist individuals with searching for jobs in Michigan by county-
http://www. m
q Snag a Job
A resource for part-time jobs and hourly employment, for high school students and adults
g a j o
q MSU Career Services and Placement
View videos regarding several different careers: e source.cfm
q National Technical Information Center – a centralized resource for federally developed training and education materials. Contains over 9,000 audiovisual and media productions. s /audiovisual/index.a s p?loc=4-4-1
q Michigan Department of Career Development (MDCD)
Home page for the MDCD. Contains information about the mission and goals for educating Michigan’s citizens to be prepared to participate in and contribute to the state’s economic well being and growth.
q Office of Career and Technical Preparation, Michigan Department of Career Development (MDCD) - Home page for the MDCD unit responsible for Technology Education and Michigan’s Career Preparation System.
http:// w ww.michig a,1607,7-122-1680_2629---,00.html
q Michigan Department of Education (MDE) - Home page for the MDE. Contains information about the Michigan Curriculum Framework, State of Michigan
ww w .michig a n . gov/mde/
q National Standards for Technological Literacy
http://ww w a rds_for_technolog.htm
q Multi-state Academic & Vocational Curriculum Consortium – one of the largest developers and distributors of competency-based instructional materials in the world.
http : //www.mavcc.or g /
q Michigan Curriculum Framework – structure for teaching, learning, assessment, and professional development.
http : //www.michi g,1607,7-140-5234_5702-19381--,00.html
q Tech Directions On Line - Tech Directions magazine’s on line site. Includes recent articles, links, and a subscription form.
http://ww w
q Learning Institute for Technology Education - This site is the home page of one Michigan’s International Technology Education Association’s affiliates and provides information about developing technological literacy across the K-12 curriculum and professional development opportunities for teachers.
http://www.l i tesource. o rg/
q Materials available from the U.S. Department of Education
http:// w ww.ed. g ov/free
q National Career Clusters – Four of the sixteen clusters focus on careers and programs in the EMIT Pathway. These clusters are: Architecture and Construction; Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics http://www . care e
q American Council on Education
A college credit recommendation service- The American Council on Education has developed this site to try to simplify articulation.
http://www. a cenet.e d u/calec/corporate/coop-colleges.cfm
q Michigan’s Great Start Initiative – Governor Granholm’s initiative that asks Michigan’s 57 intermediate school districts to convene local partnerships to achieve Project Great Start’s goals of promoting reading to children beginning at birth and giving parents the tools to be their child’s first teacher. $3.3 million available for collaborative community efforts and develop parent involvement and education programs.
http:// w w w
q Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) [Formerly American Vocational Association – AVA]
1410 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
http://w w w.acteon l
q International Technology Education Association (ITEA) (Curriculum, Professional Development)
1914 Association Dr.
Reston, Virginia 20191
(703) 860-2100 (voice)
(703) 860-0353 (fax)
e aww w .org/ (home page)
q Learning Institute for Technology Education (LITE) Professional Development
c/o Mr. Jeffrey Bush, President
Oakland SMT Center
1408 Scott Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328-1530
http://www.l i t
q Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education – provides assess to information and services to individuals and organizations who are involved with planning, developing, and delivering education and training programs. The site has a Technology Education section and links to other resources.
http:// w c
q Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD)
P.O. Box 21689
Waco, TX 76702-1689
http:// w ww.cor d .org/
(This is a living document – look forward to ongoing additions and deletions to this document, to keep it current and relevant to the needs of EMIT Pathway educators)
Please forward any comments or suggestions to Patricia Talbott-Dills, EMIT Pathway Consultant,