Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools – Budget Guidance
Completing Your Budget
All applications to Creative Victoria must include a budget.
The amounts in the budget must beexclusive of GST
Definition of terms (headings used in the Budget template)
- Grants: your Creative Victoria request, as well as any other grants you may have or be applying for from local, state and/or federal Government. The Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools grant amounts for schools are $15,000 for an individual creative professional and $35,000 for an arts organisation
- Earned income: ticket sales, merchandise sales, CD/DVD sales, artwork sales, school fundraising (please provide details on how this figure was calculated i.e. DVDs x 100 @ $2 each = $200)
- Applicant’s and others’ contributions: the school and creative professional or arts organisation contributions such as use of equipment, additional artist and project manager time, CRT (Casual Relief Teacher) contributions, applicant’s cash contributions, sponsorship, donations, fundraising, philanthropic.
A note on Applicant's and Other Contributions
Where possible, your budget should include some income from sources other than Creative Victoria, such as the school’s budget or school’s in-kind support and/or creative professionals/arts organisation contribution of cash or in-kind support.
All expected income relevant to the project, including any other funding submissions to Local, State and Federal government agencies must be included in the budget. Please indicate whether these amounts are confirmed (C) or not confirmed (NC).
The amount of funding sought from Creative Victoria should be represented as projected income, i.e. not confirmed.
If your budget includes income that is not confirmed (NC), (for example, an application to another funding body) you will need to update us with the results as they become available. If an application to another funding body is unsuccessful, or other income becomes unavailable, you will need to submit a revised budget.
- Marketing & promotion: any publicity, advertising, printing and design, website development, digital and social media tools, programs, distribution, flyers etc.
- Project / production costs: development, software purchase or licencing, materials, production and/or recording costs, studio/venue hire, installation, CD/DVD manufacture, specialist skills i.e. consultants
- Administration: office costs, postage, stationary, photocopying, phone, other overheads, insurance
- Salaries, fees, on-costs: artists salaries (list each artist separately), school Project Co-ordinator CRT costs, teacher CRT costs for professional development, superannuation, living allowances/per diems, artist travel and accommodation costs, Working With Children Check
Please include all in-kind amounts in your budget. The items must clearly be labelled as in-kind.
In-kind support is any non-cash contribution towards the project. It must be calculated as a dollar value and be identified on both the income and expenditure sides of the budget.
If you have an item of expenditure (e.g. venue hire) that is covered through both in-kind (the amount by which it is discounted) and cash, you must show each expenditure amount as a separate item. The cash component must appear under the appropriate heading (e.g. Project / production costs) and the in-kind component will need to appear in both the Income in-kind and Expenditure in-kind sections.
Expenditure from Creative Victoria Grant to Creative Professionals or Arts Organisation
Expenditure allocated from the amount you are requesting from Creative Victoria must be noted in the column headed ‘$ CV’ and match the total Creative Victoria funding requested.
Expenditure to be paid by the school to the creative professionals or arts organisation must be shown in italics. These are the items the creative professionals or arts organisation will invoice the school for.
When you have completed the budget the Total Income and Total Expenditure must match.
All income and expenditure must be itemised under the relevant headings, including the approximate value of materials or services provided in-kind by the school, community, creative professional or arts organisation.
Significant costs such as artists’ fees should be broken down and detailed including rate of pay and time allocated.
Your budget should include adequate CRT relief either in-kind or actual.
Make sure your budget includes allocation for CRT and artists fees to cover planning time, project time and evaluation and reporting time
If the budget form does not provide adequate space, use it as a summary and attach a detailed budget and any explanatory notes to your submission.