(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
Kurukshetra University is a widely recognized premier institution of higher learning. The University offers 175 courses on the campus in 45 Departments/Institutes through a highly qualified faculty. The University is well equipped with state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities. The Campus of the University, spread over 473 acres, has often been rated as one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. The campus also has 13 hostels for girls and 12 for boys. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra invites Online applications for admission to the following courses being run on the University Campus for the session 2017-18 and last dates for online submission of Application Forms are shown against each course :
M.A. in Ancient Indian History; Culture & Archaeology; Business Economics; Education; Fine Arts (Painting & Applied Art); Music (Vocal & Instrumental); Panjabi; Philosophy; Sanskrit; Women’s Studies; Defence & Strategic Studies; Applied Yoga & HealthM.Sc. in Computer Science (Software); Electronic Science; Food, Nutrition & Dietetics; Human Development; Clothing, Textiles and Fashion Designing; Statistics & O.R.; Applied Geology;
M.Sc. Tech. in Applied Geophysics; Master of Fine Arts (MFA); MBA 5-Yr.; MCA 3-Yr.; MCA (LEET); M.Lib.& Inf. Sc.; Master of Performing Arts (MPA) (Hons.) 5-Yr. Integrated Course (Vocal, Sitar, Tabla, Kathak-Classical Dance); M.Tech. Applied Geology (5-Yr. Integrated Course); MHM&CT; MTTM
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5-Yr.; LL.B. 3 Yr.; Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA); B.Ed. Spl. Edu.(V.I.); B.Lib. & Inf. Sc.; B.P.Ed.; BHM&CT; B.A. Mass Communication; B.Sc. Graphic & Animation; B.Sc. Multi Media;
P.G. Diploma in Yoga; Floriculture; Women’s Studies ; Certificate Course in Yoga / 23.06.17
B.Pharmacy; B.Pharmacy (LEET) / 30.06.17
M.Tech. in : Micro-electronic and VLSI Designs; (Nano Sc. & Tech.); Computer Sc. & Engg.; Energy & Environmental Mgt.; Instrumentation Engg.; Computer Engg.; Electronics & Comm. Engg.; Bio-tech.;Software Engg.; Mechanical Engg. (Thermal Engg.); Mechanical Engg. (Industrial & Production Engg.); Electrical Engg.); Material Sc. & Tech.
M.Ed. 2-Yr.; M.Ed. Spl. Ed.(V.I.) / 15.07.17
P.G. Diploma in Translation (Hindi/English/Panjabi); Counseling, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation; Diploma in Reasoning
Certificate Course in Bhagvadgita. / 21.07.17
Diploma in French; German; Urdu
Advanced Diploma in French; German
Certificate Course in Communication Skills; French; German; Urdu; Panjabi; / 16.08.17
Admission /counseling schedule of M.Phil. courses, Certificate Course of Sports Dietician, Certificate Course in Gym & Aerobic Instructor will be issued later on.
Admission to B.Tech. Engg. & direct admission to B.Tech. 2nd Year under Lateral Entrance Examinaion Test (LEET) Scheme to the following Programmes run on the University Campus will be made by the HSTES, Panchkula through online counseling (website www.tehadmissions.gov.in and www.hstes.org.in ) :
1. / B.Tech. (Instrumentation Engg.)/LEET / 4. / B.Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engg.)/LEET
2. / B.Tech. (Printing, Graphics & Packaging)/LEET / 5. / B. Tech. (Electronics & Comm. Engg.)/LEET
3. / B.Tech. (Bio-Technology Engg.)/LEET / 6. / B. Tech. (Mechanical Engg.)/LEET
Separate prospectus will be published for 14 Traditional and 20 Professional courses run through Distance Education mode in September, 2017. Separate prospectus is also published for Ph.D. courses. For details visit University website www.kuk.ac.in
Availability of Prospectus (Code No.HBI-17) : Prospectus can be downloaded from the University website : www.kuk.ac.in w.e.f. 06.06.2017 and online submission of Application Form will commence from 06.06.2017. Before submission of Application Form, the candidates should read the instructions/guidelines carefully for online registration given in the Prospectus.
Admission Helpline/Enquiry Numbers: Room No. 04-A, Ground Floor, Deans’ Building, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days. Contact No.: 01744-239166, Intercom: 3021, Fax No. 01744-238035 & 238277 and EPBAX No.238196, 238410, 238629, 238679.