WSOLC – Western Seminary Online Campus
Course Number: MFM 501E – Spring 2015
Course Title: Mentored Field Ministry
Instructor: Terry Burns, D. Min.
- 503-517-1894
Office hours: Monday – Wednesday: 9:00 – 4:00
Credit Hours: 1
Group meeting times: Monday, 4:30 – 6:00 PM (Pacific Time)
January 26
February 9
March 2
March 30
This course is designed to help students gain greater confidence and competence in the actual practice of those ministry skills that will be needed in the student’s anticipated ministry role. Mentoring is provided through both individual meetings with experienced practitioners and peer ministry reflection groups. Current involvement in field ministry is required for enrollment. Students should plan to register for one unit of this course over four different semesters to enable sufficient breadth of ministry experience and pastoral mentoring. Prerequisite: MFM 500.
By the end of the course the student:
1. will have created and implemented a plan which leads to growth in character and ministry competency using a model that contributes to lifelong learning and spiritual transformation.
1.1 Personal Development Plan (Includes Character and Ministry Competency Assessment)
1.2 Integrative Reflection paper: this will indicate what the student has learned from interaction with mentors, ministry experience and the completion of a personal development plan
2. will have demonstrated the ability to integrate biblical and theological knowledge with actual ministry situations.
2.1Case study reflection groups: Under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor each student will present at least one case study in a group of 3-4 students. The faculty mentor will guide the discussion in such a way that all students will reveal their integrative competencies as the case study is presented.
3. will have participated in mentoring relationships with experienced ministry practitioners who will guide and evaluate the student’s growth in character and ministry competency.
3.1 Personal Development Plan (Includes Character and Ministry Competency Assessment)
3.2 Mentoring: the focus is on the accomplishment of the student’s personal development plan and what the student can glean from the wisdom and experience of the mentor.
Students will have at least two mentors:
1. A ministry (pastoral) mentor
2. A lay mentor or specialized ministry mentor
3.3 Mentor Report Forms: these report forms will reveal the progress students are making in accomplishing the student learning outcomes of their program. These forms are essential for program assessment.
1. There are no Audio/Video Materials for this course.
2. Learning Center.
You will also be given access to a web-based learning center which functions as your classroom for the course. There you will find:
· The course syllabus. Please Note: The syllabus in your learning center is the governing course syllabus. Syllabi downloaded from the seminary website, or received from any other source, are for informational purposes only.
· Assignment summaries and links for uploading assignments.
· Links to discussion forums, your course instructor and other students, the distance learning support team, as well as links to other helpful communication and instructional resources.
3. Responsibilities.
Before the end of the first week of the session, you need to log onto the online learning center to complete and upload the course affirmation file. By federal law, we now need to ensure that students participate in courses for the full length of the course. So failure to complete the course affirmation on-time will result in a loss of course points and may impact your financial aid eligibility.
Students will receive on-time completion points for finishing their course work according to the schedule. Students in the 16 week sessions are required to have all their work into their course instructor by the end of week 15. If you have not been granted an extension, graded assignments turned in after 8:00 a.m. on Monday of the final week may be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day. No online completion points will be granted after that time.
4. Course Instructor.
Your course instructor will be Dr. Terry Burns who will participate as appropriate in activities; review, grade, and provide feedback on course assignments; and interact with you on any questions you have about the course.
1. Participation Requirements (part 1)
For each week, complete the items as instructed in your learning center. You will be required to have three group video conference calls with the instructor.
In addition, you are to complete three activities that will allow us to verify your participation at key points within the course, in compliance with federal regulations. Failure to complete these activities within the designated times may impact the amount or timing of federal financial aid you receive.
§ First week participation: Within the first week of the posted course dates, complete and upload the affirmation file.
Points: 2 points possible
Time: .5 hours
2. Participation Requirements (part 2)
§ On-time verification. By the date listed in the schedule, submit your final assignments and complete the verification assignment, to confirm that you finished the course work on time.
§ Course evaluation and reflection. Within the final week of the posted course dates, complete the course evaluation and reflection assignment; a link will be emailed to you at that time.
Points: 3 points possible
Time: .5 hours
3. Field Ministry
Each student must meet one of the following conditions with regards to their ministry assignment being used for MFM:
A. Spend at least four hours per week in a ministry that is directed by the pastoral mentor. This does not include travel to and from the ministry.
B. Already in paid pastoral ministry. The pastoral mentor should have adequate knowledge in this area of ministry to provide wise guidance.
4. Mentoring Team
Spend seven (7) meetings with a pastoral mentor and a lay mentor together. (1-1.5 hours each meeting) NOTE: BE SURE TO NOTE THAT YOU NEED TWO MENTORS FOR MENTORED FIELD MINISTRY!
The structure of your mentoring sessions is described in the document entitled, The Mentoring Session.
· First meeting in January
-Discuss your completed Professional Ministry and Personal Character Assessment.
-Discuss your Personal Development Plans with each mentor
-Be sure to have your mentors sign the Mentor Agreement forms, scan them and upload them to your MFM OLC site.
· Second meeting in January
· Meet twice in February
· Meet twice in March
· Meet once in April
-Bring your completed Integrative Reflection Paper to this meeting and discuss it with your mentors.
-Mentors bring their completed Mentor Report Form and review it with you.
Points: 10 points for the pastoral mentor’s report, 10 points for the lay mentor’s report, and 10 points for the mentoring log (30 points total).
Time: 16 hours
5. Mentor Orientation
Mentors need to complete a 2-hour on-line mentor orientation. Your mentors will be asked to indicate, on the Mentor Agreement Form, that they have completed the Mentor Orientation.
We have created a mentor training site that both you and your mentor need to complete if you and/or your mentor have not done any mentor orientation at Western. The site is located at:
6. Mentor Agreement Form
Submit Mentor Agreement Form by Monday, January 19th:
· Each form is signed by you
· One is signed by appropriate mentor.
Upload this form to the MFM OLC learning center.
7. Meeting with Faculty Mentor
You will have two (2) meetings/conversations with faculty mentor.
Sign up for these times at the beginning of the semester on the OLC MFM 501E-504E Discussion scheduler
Jan. 12-14 orJan. 20-21 / Discuss Professional Competency and Personal Character Assessment and Personal Development Plan.
Apr. 6-8 or
Apr. 13-15 / Discuss Integrative Reflection Paper after you have completed it.
Discuss completed Mentor Report Form from each mentor.
Points: 5 points for each meeting
Time: 1 hour each
8. Theological Reflection on Ministry Case Study (4 hours)
You will complete one theological reflection paper which involves analysis of a case study situation in your PRESENT ministry. This should be a challenging situation which caused or is causing you to stop and think about biblical and theological matters in order to handle the situation. The situation may or may not have been resolved.
The purpose of this is to take the knowledge you are gaining from your seminary training and apply it to actual life situations in ministry. Unfortunately the transfer of learning from classroom to ministry is not automatic. Reflection is required and that reflection should include biblical and theological truth. Obviously, every aspect of ministry should be carried out with biblical principles in view. These case studies are about ministry situations that require more lengthy reflection.
For the case study write 1-3 page single-spaced paper that includes the following (based on a model of practical theology by Richard Osmer). You don’t have to answer all of the questions under each section. They are given to help in the process of thinking. You are, however, to complete each section, with the exception of the last section, if the case has not come to a conclusion.
It will be preferable to write the case study in the third person and change names so that confidentiality can be maintained.
For specific instructions on how to write the case study, see Appendix 1
For an example of a case study, see Appendix 2
Points: 10 points possible
Time: 4 hours
9. Mentor Group Meeting
You will have 4-ninety minute on-line conversations with your MFM distance cohort. (See Course schedule for dates and specific assignments)
You will lead one mentor group meeting. During this time, you will give and overview of your personal development plan, present your ministry case study, and guide the session in a way that will be helpful to you and the group.
Note: 5 points will be deducted for each mentor group meeting that you miss.
Points: 5 points for each meeting
Time: 1.5 hours each
10. Personal Development Plan and Integrative Reflection Paper
You will develop two Personal Development Plans: one in the area of personal character, and one in the area of ministry competency. When creating your personal development plans consideration should be given to what you learned from completing the Personal Character and Pastoral Competency Audits. There is an example of a Personal Development Plan on the online classroom site.
The Integrative Summary is a report on the progress you made, during the semester toward your goal for growth and development. This will include reflections on your ministry experience, meetings with your mentors and mentoring group, as well as what you have learned from the Learning Initiatives.
As you prepare this report you will want to take into consideration the extent to which you accomplished your goal, or the progress made toward your goal, factors that helped you with your goal, and the obstacles that you faced. If you did not accomplish, or make significant progress toward your goal, what would you need to do in order for that to happen?
Your Integrative summary must be a least, but not more than, 7 pages in length. It will include reflections on growth in the areas of professional competency and personal character.
Complete the Integrative Reflection Paper at the end of the semester and discuss it with both your pastoral mentor and your faculty mentor.
Points: 20 points -Personal Development Plan, Time: 6 hours
20 points –Integrative Reflection, Time: 7 hours
This is the grading scale that we have decided to use throughout the system. Please enter this in your syllabus as is.
A+ / A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / D-99-100% / 95-98% / 93-94% / 91-92% / 88-90% / 86-87% / 84-85% / 81-83% / 79-80% / 77-78% / 74-76% / 70-73%
Required Assignments / Points / Estimated Time to Complete
Participation Requirements, part 1 / 2 / .5hrs.
Case Study Preparation and Presentation / 10 / 6hrs.
Faculty Mentor Conversations / 10 / 2hrs.
Mentor Report Forms
Mentor Meeting Logs / 30 / 16hrs. (The points for these assignments reflect the time that you spend with your mentors.)
Personal Development Plans / 20 / 7hrs.
Mentor Group Meetings / 20 / 6hrs
Integrative Reflection / 20 / 7hrs.
Participation Requirements, part 2 / 3 / .5hrs.
Totals / 115 / 45 hrs.
Friday, Jan. 9 / On-line Orientation / Assignment 1- Online Orientation
Friday, Jan. 16 / Assignment 8- Ministry Case Study
Monday, Jan. 19 / Assignment 6- Mentor Agreement Forms due
Monday, Jan. 19 / Case Study due
Friday, Jan. 23 / Personal Development Plans / Assignment 10- Personal Development Plan
Monday, Jan. 26
Vsee conversation / Reflection on Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
Case Study Discussion
Monday, Feb. 9
Vsee conversation / Reflection on Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
Case Study Discussion
Monday, Mar. 2
Vsee conversation / Reflection on Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
Case Study Discussion
Monday, Mar. 30
Vsee conversation / Reflection on Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
Case Study Discussion
Friday, April 17 / Final Assignments / Assignment 4- Mentoring Logs
Assignment 4- Mentor Evaluation Forms
Assignment 10- Integrative Summary
Friday, April 24 / Assignment 2- Final Course Evaluation
Attendance and Late Assignments: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Students who miss class are responsible for missed work. Absences and tardiness may impact a student’s grade. Students who anticipate an absence should discuss it in advance with the instructor. Students who miss more than 80% of the seat time for the class will not pass the course, without a request for and the completion of additional assignments. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will result in a reduction of the student’s letter grade for that assignment.