Progressive Caucus of the North Carolina Democratic Party

General Meeting Minutes (draft)

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. State of the Caucus (Dave Nelson)

The caucus is brand-new, and the goal has been taking care of start-up requirements. There currently are 176 dues-paid members.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Stacey Piesche)

We started with $0. We have the following receipts: $840 from ActBlue; $200 from donations; $80 cash or check memberships. Expenses include $28 to ActBlue; $90 for a post office box, and $61 in miscellaneous expenses.

  1. Bylaws

Discussion centered on concerns with various bylaws and the need for clerical errors to be addressed.

Motion to vote on bylaws; 2nd; vote – 31-3 to approve

  1. Election of Officers
  2. President
  3. Nominees: Elizabeth Crudup, Vicki Boyer, Dave Nelson
  4. Elected: Dave Nelson
  5. 1st Vice President
  6. Nominees: Elizabeth Crudup, Mike Pierce
  7. Elected: Elizabeth Crudup
  8. 2nd Vice President
  9. Nominees: Mike Pierce, Vicki Boyer, Wendy Ella May
  10. Elected: Mike Pierce
  11. Treasurer/Finance Chair (appointed by president) – Stacey Piesche
  12. Secretary
  13. Nominee: Brandi Brown
  14. Elected: Brandi Brown
  15. Formation of Committees
  16. Motion to approve a bylaws committee; 2nd; motion carries by voice vote
  17. Motion to create strategy committee; 2nd; motion carries by voice vote
  18. Motion to create outreach committee; 2nd; motion carries by voice vote
  19. Motion to create a platform, resolutions, and legislative affairs committee; 2nd; motion carries by vote
  20. Motion to create healthcare committee; 2nd; motion fails by voice vote
  21. Motion to create a healthcare sub-committee under the PRLA committee; 2nd; motion carries by voice vote
  22. Concerns expressed about committee members: should represent geographical diversity; need to understand the time and energy commitment of membership; need to share their experience and qualifications before selection
  23. Judicial Board
  24. Nominees: Bob Hyman (Wake); Tara Blomquist (Guilford); Mike Gould (Wake); Phillip Bo Chagnon (Wake); Alan Longman (Harnett); Wendy Ella May (Johnston); Elizabeth Davis (Wake); William Clay (Wake); Josh Brown (Guilford); Stephanie Gosling (Franklin)
  25. Elected: Bob Hyman; Elizabeth Davis; Josh Brown; Tara Blomquist; Stephanie Gosling
  26. Next Meeting
  27. Motion to have meeting on Dec. 2 at Guilford Co. Democratic Party headquarters, Time TBD; 2nd; motion carries
  28. Adjourn