Office Use: Application Code:

Applying for a job with Greater Manchester Youth Network

Thank you for showing an interest in applying for a position with Greater Manchester Youth Network.

The decision to invite you for interview is based entirely on the information you give on your application form so it is important that you fully understand the process.

The application pack consists of this application document, the job pack (containing the job description and person specification) and an equal opportunities monitoring form.

The job description lists the general duties of the post. The person specification lists the experience, skills and, where relevant, the qualification needed to do the job and the methods that will be used to assess each of these, i.e. application form, interview or both. You should read these carefully and ask yourself why you are interested in the job before deciding whether or not to apply.

When applying, complete the application form accurately, giving as much detail as possible about your skills and experience relating to the position. Selection for interview will be based on the information gathered from your form, read in conjunction with the person specification. Refer back to the job description and person specification as you complete the application form to ensure you are providing information that demonstrates your suitability. Do not simply list skills and experience - give real examples that describe how you have acquired and made use of the knowledge and experience needed for the job.

Equal Opportunities

Greater Manchester Youth Network is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes application from all sections of the community.

We request that all applicants return a completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form to help us check that our policy, with regard to recruitment, is working.

Please note:

  • Applications for secondment are welcomed.
  • The building where GMYN’s head office is located is not wheelchair accessible.
  • Do not send a CV or any other supporting information; it WILL NOT be looked at.
  • The maximum page limit for the How you meet the person specification section is two sides of A4.

Any queries call GMYN on 0161 274 3377 or email

Please type your answers; handwritten forms will not be accepted.

Please note: the information you provide on this page and the last page is NOT used for short listing.

Position Applied For:

Job title:
Where did you see this post advertised?

Personal details

Title: / Surname: / First name(s):
Date of birth:
Home address:

Telephone numbers

Email address:
Do you hold a full UK driving licence? / Yes / No
Do you have access to a vehicle? / Yes / No


We are using the word “disability” to include people with obvious disabilities and those with invisible disabilities or persistent health problems.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disability as: “a physical or mental impairment which has substantial and long-term (lasting more than 12 months) adverse effect on your day to day living.”

Do you have a disability which requires the provision of specific facilities at interview or for work? / Yes / No
If so, please give details here, of anything we can do to assist you:

Employment History

Please include any part-time or voluntary employment. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Current or most recent employment
Employer: / Job title:
Address: / Start date:
Notice required:
End date (if applicable):
Telephone number:
List main duties, responsibilities and achievements:
Previous employment
Date (mm/yyyy)
FromTo / Employer / Job title and main responsibilities / Reason for leaving

Education and Qualifications

Please give details of Secondary, Further Education, Higher Education and any other professional or vocational qualifications you hold. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Dates (mm/yyyy)
From To / School/College/University/other institution / Qualification(s) achieved
If there are any gaps in your employment or education history please explain them here

Other relevant training

Please give details of any other training you have undergone that is relevant to your application

Date(s) / Details of training

Reason(s) for applying

Please briefly explain why you are interested in the post

How you meet the person specification

This is one of the most important parts of the application form. Complete it carefully because it will be used to determine whether you are shortlisted or not.

Tips on how to complete this section:

Look at the essential and desirable criteria for the post. Think of examples from your previous experience that show how you meet the criteria - you can use relevant examples from leisure interests and voluntary work, as well as from your employment history. Add these examples clearly and concisely in the space provided below and on up to two additional pages.

A good way to organise your examples is to use the criteria as headings. For example:

Use Arial font size 10.


Criminal Record

This post is subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The position you are applying for involves contact with children and is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. For these positions you are not entitled to withhold information about any criminal convictions, including any that are considered ‘spent’.

Do you have any criminal convictions? / Yes / No
If you have answered yes, please record the date of conviction, court name, nature of offence and sentence imposed in a separate document and attach along with your application (if posting, enclose with your application in a separate sealed envelope).
Please note: this document will only be viewed if you are short listed


Please give the name and contact details of TWO referees. One should be your current/most recent employer (paid or voluntary). If you are applying for a job for the first time, one of your referees should be a teacher or tutor. Family members cannot be referees.

Referees / Referee One / Referee Two
Full Name:
Relationship to you:
In some circumstances we may wish to contact referees prior to interview. Is that ok? / Yes / No / Yes / No


The information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.I understand that any false declarations may lead to the withdrawal of a job offer or termination of employment.

Full Name: / Date:

Please note: if you email the form, and are short listed, you will be asked to sign it at interview.

Submitting your application

Your completed Application FormPLUS Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form and, where applicable, a record of any criminal convictions should be emailed to or posted to:

Job Applications, GMYN, 27 Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ

STRICT DEADLINE:Monday 20th June, 12 noon(applications received after this time will be marked as late and may not be included for short listing).

Interviews for this position will take place on Tuesday 8th July.

We will ring short listed applicants to confirm interviews; if you have not heard from us before 2nd Julyyou can assume that you have not been successful with your application on this occasion.


Greater Manchester Youth Network Limited – Job Application Form