"Preparing students to serve as effective, reflective and caring teachers."
EEX 4094
Nature and Diagnostic Assessment of Autism
This syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances.
Course Prefix: / EEX 4094Section #: / 1629
Credit Hours: / Three Credits
Co-requisites: / None FLDOE may require practicum; check w them
Pre-requisites: / Admission to AUTISM-NO or COE student w permission
Day, Time and Campus: / Online / Enter Time / Choose an item.
Modality: / Online - Weekly participation is required for attendance. Participation in this course is defined as posting to the discussion board or submitting an assignment.
Professor: / Dr. Susan Blanchard
Office Hours: / Online / Within 24-48 hours
Office Location: / Tarpon Springs / BB 114
Office Phone: / 727.712-5879
Email Address: / , MyCourses email preferred
ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of Education
Dean: / Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D.Office Location & Number: / Tarpon Springs / BB 101
This course is an introduction to the nature of autism which surveys the history of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and gives an overview of the characteristics of children on the autism spectrum. Students will study the assessment and diagnosis of autism and examine research-based best practices for children on the autism spectrum. 47 contact hours.II. MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES
1. The student will survey the diagnostic criteria of autism by:a. comparing and contrasting the development of a child with ASD versus a child of typical development.
b. reviewing historical perspectives and analyzing their impact on diagnosis of autism.
c. identifying the five dimensions of ASD (social, communication, cognitive, special interests, and sensory).
2. The student will examine the characteristics of disorders on the autism spectrum by:
a. comparing and contrasting the differences of disorders on the autism spectrum.
b. analyzing the impact of autism on socialization, academic learning, and emotional development.
3. The student will review an individualized diagnostic assessment by:
a. surveying assessments used for diagnosis of autism.
b. comparing and contrasting purposes of different diagnostic assessments.
c. evaluating a child already diagnosed on an autism-identification rating scale.
4. The student will develop appropriate learning goals for children on the autism spectrum by:
a. constructing academic goals for a child with autism.
b. creating social goals for a child with autism.
c. designing communication goals for a child with autism.
5. The student will analyze effective classroom practices for children with disorders on the autism spectrum by:
a. differentiating the key elements of effective programs for children with ASD.
b. reacting to responses from teachers and parents regarding effective classroom practices for children with ASD.
c. analyzing uses of structured teaching methodology.
A. Required Textbooks
Textbook(s) / Required :· Buron, K.D., & Wolfberg, P. (Eds.) (2014) Learners on the Autism Spectrum: Preparing Highly Qualified Educators and Related Practitioners, 2nd ed. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Co. (ISBN 978-1-937473-95-2)
Recommended :
Students using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions.
B. Supplemental Material
Resources· Brewer, R., & Mueller, T. (2008) Strategies at Hand: Quick and Handy Strategies for Working With Students on the Autism Spectrum. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Co.
(ISBN 1934-57518-6) Optional
Library: /
C. Technology
Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference MyCourses continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods.The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students.
All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf)
D. Supplies
A. School Based Hours Course Requirements
This course requires no hours of observation/participation in an appropriate classroom setting as approved by the Office of School Partnerships.
However, this course does coordinate with a practicum, EEX 4941, that does require 30 hours. FLDOE sometimes waives hours for practicing teachers. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what is required by their District or FLDOE.B. ALL Course Assignments
1. Syllabus Quiz (5 points)
Quiz covering syllabus content and course expectations. Due by Wednesday of the first week of class. This is the “check in” for the course attendance confirmation. Failure to complete in the first two weeks will result in being dropped from the course.
2. Introduction Discussion Posting (5 points)
Students will introduce themselves following a prompt in a discussion posting during the first week of class and will also respond to the posting of a classmate.
3. Chapter Quizzes (10 points each, 90 points total)
Quizzes on readings from required text. There will no opportunity to make up missed quizzes.
4. Module Tasks (20 points each, 180 points total)
Tasks within lessons, drop box assignments or discussion posting demonstrating knowledge gained within module content. Each module contains 20 points worth of one or more tasks. Review each module for expectations.
5. Book Summary (50 points) Choose a book written by a person with autism/ASD from the reading list (or have one approved by instructor) and fill in the summary template. Details are available in the Start Here folder or in the Module 1 lesson. Due in discussion forum by the end of Module 8.
6. Jigsaw Presentation (85 points)
Part A: Each student will do a literature review tosee what current research says about topicsfound in the text. Each student needs to creatively present currentresearch in the field regardingthe assigned topic individually or with assigned partner. Topic selection will take place during Module 2. Virtual library searcheson topics related to the content of Modules 3-9 will be provided by theinstructor in the module folders and the student will identify the most pertinent articles within the results. After getting a sense of the literature inthe chosen area, the student will share common themes, interesting directions in the field, conflicting or supporting views, interactions between subjects, etc. Students may choose to present their jigsaws via: PowerPoint (perhaps narrated?), video presentation, Camtasia, etc. This assignment is due by Sunday at midnight of that week’s module so that classmates have the opportunityto respond by the Wednesday due date..- 50 points
Part B: Each student will learn from their classmate’s presentation and post at least one thoughtful response of at least 50 words within that week’s discussion folder. These responses are due by the end of the module (Wednesday at 11:55pm).
35 points (five for each week that you are not presenting).
7. Final Examination (60 points)
Final examination will be completed independently online and will ask questions covering content from required texts, lesson presentations, jigsaw information and assignment objectives. Questions are selected and open-response items.
B. SPC Syllabus Statements
Each student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links. If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor.
If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum.
Calendar on next page.
CALENDAR AND TOPICAL OUTLINE I suggest printing this out and checking off as you complete!
For each module, the student will:
-Read the Module Directions each week. Check off each step as you complete them.
-Read the assigned text(s), watch ALL videos and engage in module materials.
-Complete the designated assignments & quiz(zes)
-All readings, content, assignments for that week are due on Wednesday at 11:55pm except for Jigsaw presentations which are due on the Sunday before.
Note: Working ahead is both welcomed and encouraged!
Date / Topics & Module Map / Readings Due / Assignments Due
Mod 1
Date Due
May 18
(NOTE: short “week” / What does autism look like?
I. Take Syllabus Quiz
II. Exploring our connections to ASD (intro discussion forum)
III. Begin study (which looks like: thorough reading, highlighting as appropriate, taking notes in the margins, etc.) of Chapter 2
IV. Looking ahead: Teams will be assigned for Team Comparison of ASD and Neurotypical Students Project – go ahead and start your research! / Syllabus
Read , take notes, highlight Begin Ch. 2 / · Syllabus Quiz
· Introduction Discussion Posting
Mod 2
May 25
/ Autism Diagnostic Criteria
The Autism Umbrella: What’s on the spectrum & Autistic Childhood Development
I. Complete Module 1 Online Lesson
II. Take Ch 2 Quiz – no late quizzes accepted
III. Study Chapter 4
IV. Complete Module 2 Online Lesson
V. Take Ch 4 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
IV. Choose book from the list to read and summarize using the
template. Put title in dropbox subject line.
Summary is due Module 8 / Ch. 2
Ch. 4 / · Ch. 2 Reading Quiz
· Chap. 4 Reading Quiz
· Choose book and post its title in dropbox
Mod 3
June 1
/ Communication: Can you hear ME now?
I. Read, Study, Breathe Chapter 5
II. Complete Module 3 Online Lesson
III. Complete discussion posting
IV. Take Ch 5 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
VI. Work on graphic organizer showing differences between ASD & neurotypical development with partner
V. First jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday / Ch.5 / · Symbolic Communication and Students with ASD
· Chap. 5 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod3
· Graphic organizer: Compare ASD to neurotypical
Mod 4
June 8 / Structured Teaching: The perfect recipe
I. Study Chapter 11
II. Complete Module 4 Online Lesson
III. Finish & Submit Team Comparison Project
IV. Complete discussion posting
V. Take Ch 11 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
VI. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday
VII. Looking ahead: Work ahead on your assigned jigsaw chapter / Ch. 11 / · Discussion posting: What works?
· Chap. 11 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod4
Mod 5
June 15
/ Sensory Processing: Stop the World, I Need to Get Off
I. Study Chapter 6
II. Complete Module 5 Online Lesson
III. Complete discussion posting
IV. Take Ch 6 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
V. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday / Ch. 6 / · Discussion posting: Sensory Patterns
· Chap. 6 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod5
Mod 6
June 22 / Behavior Management: No more nailing JELLO to a tree
I. Study Chapter 7
II. Complete Module 6 Online Lesson
III. Complete Module Task – Top Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew
IV. Take Ch 7 Quiz – no late quizzes accepted
V. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday.
VI. Looking ahead: Book summary is due in Mod 8 / Ch. 7 / · Module Task –Top Ten reaction
· Chap. 7 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod6
Mod 7
June 29
/ Socialization: Come to the party
I. Study Chapters 8 & 10
II. Complete Module 7 Online Lesson
III. Complete discussion posting
IV. Take Ch 8&10 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
V. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday. / Ch. 8 & 10 / · Discussion posting: Social Thinking Curriculum
· Chapters 8&10 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod7
Mod 8
July 6
/ Social Thinking: Rubber Chicken Moments
I. Study Chapter 9
II. Complete Module 8 Online Lesson
III. Take Ch 9 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
IV. Complete book summary template.
V. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday. / Ch. 9 / · Chap. 9 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod8
· Book summary template due
· Respond to SSI (top of CONTENT tab)
Mod 9
July 13 / Transition: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope
I. Study Chapter 14
II. Complete Module 9 Online Lesson
III. Take Chap 14 Quiz - no late quizzes accepted
IV. Jigsaw: presenters post by Sunday, everyone else responds by Wednesday. / Ch. 14 / · Chap. 14 Reading Quiz
· Jigsaw Mod 9
· Review for final
Mod 10
July 20 / It’s about PEOPLE.
I. Study Chapters 16 & 17
II. Complete Module 10 Online Lesson
III.Complete Discussion Forum
IV Take the FINAL EXAM – No late submissions!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer…. / Chapters 16 & 17 / Discussion Board
Living with ASD
· Final Exam will include questions from Chapters 16 & 17- no Reading Quiz this week
There are no UCC assessment points/assignments in this course.
Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. Susan Blanchard Summer 2016
0515 - 1629 7