Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality

Social Science Theories Explaining Sexuality

Evolutionary Perspectives

? Sociobiology

– sexual behaviors are result of natural selection in evolution

– gender differences result from sexual selection

? Evolutionary Psychology

– sexual strategies (behaviors) are result of psychological mechanisms and environmental influences

? Criticisms

– By assuming behavioral patterns are genetically controlled, this perspective ignores the importance of culture and learning.

– This perspective assumes that the central function of sex is reproduction, which is false at this point in history.

Psychological Theories

? Psychoanalytic theory

– concepts

? id, ego, superego

? libido, erogenous zones

? psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital stages)

– limitations & criticisms

? assume females are inferior and female sexuality is inherently passive

? data based on patients seeking therapy

? overemphasize biological determinants of behavior and instincts

? Learning theory

– classical conditioning (US, UR, CS, CR)

– operant conditioning (operant, reward/punishment, immediate/delayed reinforcement)

– behavior modification (aversion therapy)

– social learning (identification, imitation, self-efficacy)

? Social Exchange theory

- reinforcement explains stability and change in relationships

? rewards, costs, comparison level for alternatives, equity

? Cognitive theory

– cognition (perception, labeling, evaluating)

– gender schema (consistent & inconsistent behavior, stereotypes slow to change)

Sociological Perspectives

? 3 basic assumptions

– all societies regulate sexuality

– social institutions affect sexual norms

– “appropriate’ behavior depends on the culture

? levels of analysis

– macro, subcultural, interpersonal, individual

– social institutions: religion, family, education, media

? Symbolic Interaction theory

- meaning or definition of situation, role taking

? sexual scripts

– sexual behavior is the result of elaborate prior learning that teaches us an etiquette of sexual behavior

? widespread acceptance and agreement within and between sexes on meaning and sequence of sexual acts

? Reiss’s theory

– accounts for cross-cultural variations & cross-cultural universals

– sexuality associated w/physical pleasure & self-disclosure

– sexuality linked to kinship system, power structure, & ideology of society