Course Syllabus, Summer 2013
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 2114.290
CRN# 30654
This is an online class. Class dates are June 3 – July 26.
Your instructor isPatricia McCann.
Ms. McCann’s email address is
Division Office: Science, Mathematics & Engineering Technology Office #: NEC 1130
Associate Dean: Dave Sollars Office Phone #: (918) 595-7542
Academic and Campus Services:
Office # A151
Phone: 918-595-7471
Textbook: Thomas Calculus 12th ed. Packaged with MyMathLab
Authors: Wier, Hass, and Giordana Publishers: Addison Wesley
The book may be purchased through the bookstore or on line. If you purchase a used book, you will need to purchase a registration code either at the bookstore or online (with a credit card) when you register into course compass.
If difficulties with course compass arise, please email their tech support or call 1-800-677-6337. Also, notify your instructor of the problem and resolution.
Supplements: Scientific Calculator (Graphing Calculators cannot be used on the exams)
Course Prerequisite: MATH 1613 or MATH1715
Next Course in sequence: MATH 2124
Catalog Description: Introduction to analytic geometry, limits, derivatives, (including trigonometry), differentials, anti-derivatives, integrals, and applications of derivatives and integrals.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will have:
1. Explored limits both intuitively and formally
2. Known the uses of derivatives and have used derivatives to approximate complicated functions
3. used various techniques to calculate derivatives
4. Studied important application of derivatives and have used derivatives to find extrema
5. Studied the Mean Value Theorem
6. Explored the idea behind integration as well as its connection to the derivative
7. Used basic integration techniques to find definite and indefinite integrals
Grading Policies:
The student is responsible for logging into the website and accessing material.
There will be 4 chapter exams (chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5), each worth 60 points for a total of 240 points.
The online homework for each chapter is worth 40 points, for a total of 160 points.
Evaluation Summary:
Homework Assignments = 160 points
Chapter Exams = 240 points
Total Possible Points = 400 points
Grades are based on the following percentage scale:
90 -100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
0 - 59 F
The homework assignments from the textbook are all odd numbered problems. Note: These are an aid for you, but do not count towards your grade. All these odd numbered problems are worked out in detail in the solution manual (see button labeled Solution Manual). The course compass tutors can help you with any of these odd numbered problems. Course compass has videos, power points, etc. for most topics (see button labeled Multimedia Library).
The online practice exam has 20 problems that are similar to your chapter exam (It does NOT count towards your grade.).
Graded Homework Assignments
These homework assignments are to be done online. They will be automatically scored and the results sent to your instructor. They are found under the Graded Homework and Exams Button. There are 2 homework versions for each section of material assigned. These are Version A and Version B. You may do A and/orB.The highest score of the versions taken will be used to calculate your homework grade for the chapter.
Also note the button labeled Example Homework Solution Packets. These packets contain manually worked out (all steps shown) solutions to problems that are similar to the graded homework and practice exams.
Homework/Exam Deadlines: course compass uses east coast times EST (one hour earlier than our time zone CST)
Chapter 2 –
Section 2.1 Monday, June 1010:59 CST
Sections 2.2 – 2.3Wednesday, June 1210:59 CST
Sections 2.4 – 2.5Thursday, June 1310:59 CST
Section 2.6Friday, June 1410:59 CST
Practice Exam (Ungraded)Sunday, June 16 10:59 CST
Chapter 2 ExamMonday, June 17 10:59 CST
Chapter 3 –
Section 3.1 Wednesday, June 19 10:59 CST
Sections 3.2 – 3.3Saturday, June 2210:59 CST
Sections 3.4 – 3.5Tuesday, June 2510:59 CST
Sections 3.6 – 3.7Friday, June 2810:59 CST
Sections 3.8 – 3.9Monday, July 110:59 CST
Practice Exam (Ungraded)Tuesday, July 2 10:59 CST
Chapter 3 Exam*Wednesday, July 3see testing center hours
This exam will need to be taken at the NEC testing center.
Chapter 4 –
Sections 4.1 Friday, July 5 10:59 CST
Sections 4.2 – 4.3Tuesday, July 910:59 CST
Sections 4.4 -4.5Thursday, July 1110:59 CST
Sections 4.6 - 4.7Sunday, July 1410:59 CST
Practice Exam (Ungraded)Monday, July 15 10:59 CST
Chapter 4 Exam*Tuesday, July 1610:59 CST
This exam will need to be taken at the NEC testing center.
Chapter 5 –
Section 5.1 Wednesday, July 17 10:59 CST
Sections 5.2 – 5.3Friday, July 1910:59 CST
Sections 5.4 – 5.6Wednesday, July 2410:59 CST
Practice Exam (Ungraded)Thursday, July 25 10:59 CST
Chapter 5 Exam*Friday, July 26see testing center hours
This exam will need to be taken at the NEC testing center.
No work accepted after its stated deadline.
*Chapter exams for chapters 3, 4, and 5 will need to be taken at the NEC testing center. If you have questions or concerns regarding this, please email your instructor.
Do not wait until the last minute to do your homework or take your exam as internet/computer problems may occur. Deadlines posted will not be changed.
Attendance will be considered to be graded activity within course compass. The last date of attendance will be the last date that a graded (an assignment that contributes towards the grade) assignment has been submitted in course compass.
COURSE WITHDRAWAL: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed ¾ the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course(“W” grade) or to change from credit to audit. Check the TCC academic calendar for deadlines. For absences that exceed two (2) weeks (see attendance policy above), the student will be administratively withdrawn.
Email communications: All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: ). All email communications to you will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.
Inclement Weather: (does not apply to online students unless they loose electricity; if this is the case, contact the instructor as soon as possible) TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (
General Education Goals: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
Classroom Etiquette: (For classroom sections) Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor.
Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.
ADA Stetement:
Disability Resources: It is policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918)595-71158 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may test (918) 809-1864.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:
- require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test;
- Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
- Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class;
- Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester.
Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such request to the Dean of Student Services.
Institutional Statement: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website: