Year 1-2 / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
This is me / The Fair / On the move / Down at the Farm / Going on Safari / This is me/Where I live / People who help us / Long, Long Ago / Down at the seaside/Down at the bottom of the garden.
Understanding English, communication and languages / Non-fiction focus / Poetry Focus / Non-fiction focus / Non-fiction focus / Poetry focus / Poetry Focus
- Core Text: Listening and attending to stories with familiar settings and creative writing in response.
- Non-fiction: reading and writing a range of labels, lists, Diagrams and captions.
- Core Text: Listening to stories about realistic fiction and creative writing in response
- Poetry: Reading and writing different types of poem written about a theme including vehicles and movement (poems that don’t rhyme)
- World Book Day
- Core Text: Stories from range of cultures and environments and creative writing in response
- Non-fiction: reading and writing a range of explanations
- Core Text: Stories with familiar settings and creative writing in response
- Non-fiction: reading and writing a range of Reports
- Core Text: Traditional tales and creative writing in response
- Poetry: Reading and writing poems to perform
- World Book Day
- Core Text:Stories with predicable/patterned language and creative writing in response
- Poetry:Reading and writing in response to poetry that has pattern and rhyme
Daily Jolly phonics and phase 1 letters and sounds phonics learning- Listening skills, identifying, writing and reading letters and the sounds they make and Common exception words.
Children to use their phonic understanding in all areas of their writing.
Early Number
P Level / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling
NC L1+ / Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Multiplication and Division
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Multiplication and Division
Measurement and Geometry / Measurement
Size /Mass / Time / Geometry
2d/3d shape
position and direction / Measurement
Capacity and Money
Pattern / Measurement
Size /Mass / Time / Geometry
2-d and 3-d shape
position and direction / Measurement
Capacity and Money
Scientific and technological understanding / Living Process Humans- Ourselves
Physical Processes-
Sound (non stat),Light (non stat) and Electricity (non stat) / Materials
Physical Processes-
Forces (non stat) and Movement / Living Process Plants
Living Process Animals and habitats / Living Process Humans- Ourselves
Physical Processes-
Sound (non stat),Light (non stat) and Electricity (non stat) / Materials
Physical Processes-
Forces (non stat) and Movement / Living Process Plants
Living Process Animals and habitats
2 week focus each term on Seasonal change
- Food Technology:
Healthy foods: trying new foods, preparing healthy food- what do I like to eat?
- Textiles: Designing and creating and evaluating a range of fabrics to create party wear and costumes from the fair.
- Design and Construction
Explore the strength and stability of our boats in water
Using computing to design our boats /
- Food Technology:
Healthy foods: trying new foods, preparing healthy food- what do I like to eat?
Use IT to plan, communicate and develop recipes and menus /
- Design and Construction
Experimenting and evaluating, moving mechanisms.
Using ICT to design and investigate different buildings.
Using tools to cut, join, shape and finish our models.
Select appropriate materials to use to build our models /
- Design and Construction
Building simple castle structures exploring strength and stability.
- TextilesHomes and fabrics. Designing purposeful products for the home and castles. Evaluating and exploring existing products and using existing products- Liberties of London, Cath Kidston and Emma Bridgewater to inform our designs
- Design and Construction
Using a range of materials and tools to cut, join, shape and join materials to make a mini-beast
Generating ideas as a group, evaluating and testing before creating.
Computing key skills focus / 2 weeks focus each term in Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science
Computing /
- Digital Literacy
Choosing applications on a device
- IT
- Digital Literacy
- Computer Science
- Digital Literacy
- Computer Science
Communicating changes on a device /
- Digital Literacy
- IT
- Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Digital Literacy
- IT
- Computer Science
Exploring how to make devices go/stop. /
- Digital Literacy
- IT
Following digital cues
- Computer Science
Historical, geographical and social understanding /
- Historical Understanding Remembering
-How have I grown and changed?
-Anniversaries and Celebrations
History of the fair
- Geographical Understanding
Observation skills to look at school grounds, using geographical language to describe features, exploring human and physical features.
- Social Understanding
Black History Month /
- Geographical Understanding
-Field work skills to observe human and physical features in the community.
-Journeys, using directional language to plot journey and describe routes on maps. Story journey and journey sticks. /
- Historical Understanding
What happens now
-Changes in living memory, What happens in the winter, summer, autumn and spring
- Geographical understanding
Exploring and contrasting the differing seasonal weather in the two countries
Journey of chocolate /
- Historical Understanding Remembering
-How have I grown and changed?
-Anniversaries and Celebrations
Changes beyond living memory: The lives of significant historical figures: Mary Seacole, Soldiers from the world wars, Mother Theresa and Thomas Edison
- Geographical Understanding
- Social Understanding
Black History Month /
- Historical Understanding Remembering
Castles/Homes and significant historical figures Kings and Queens of Britain.
Events in living memory: Chronology /
- Geographical Understanding
Place knowledge: Comparing and contrasting the environments of the seaside and the garden.
Identifying and exploring the seasonal changes in the UK
Simple field work to study the geographical features of the seaside and the garden,
Religious education /
- Celebrations
Taking part in small ceremonial routines
Listening to celebration stories
Taking part in celebration assemblies.
Nativity story /
- Celebrations
Taking part in small ceremonial routines and investigating ways of life, beliefs and teachings
Listening to celebration stories
Taking part in celebration assemblies.
- Miracles
- Buddhism-Experience and exploring meaningfulness
- Special Stories:
- Experience and develop own reflection
- Trips to our local church to experience and explore religious teachings, beliefs and artefacts.
- Celebrations
Taking part in small ceremonial routines
Listening to celebration stories
Taking part in celebration assemblies.
Nativity story /
- Lent and Easter:
- Special Stories:
Understanding the arts/Artists /
- Colour: Jackson Pollock, Andy Rothko, Andy Warhol
Develop technique in using colour, line shape and form
Textiles and Fabric
Sketchbook work /
- Transport: Jermery Harnell, Andy Warhol, Monet, George Birrek, Louise Cunningham and Christopher Corr
Exploring shape and space in art
Making and creating a range of vehicles. /
- Food, Printing vegetables and fruit:Archimbaldo and Van Gough
Exploring patterns
Using our sketchbook to sketch and record photos of our sculptures /
- Ourselves: Picasso and Victoria Perkins
Making portraits and collages exploring painting, sketching and different media. /
- Textures and Materials: Goldsworthy, Constable and Hockney
Painting and drawing on different materials
Exploring using movement in our art and design /
- Seaside and boats:
Exploring the effects of water and form to create water based landscapes of the seaside and drawings, painting of boats.
- Music: Colour
Using colour to conduct and play instruments
Using voices to sing along to colour inspire songs
Interactive music /
- Music: Transport
Using tuned and untuned musical instruments to create, select and combine sounds to perform
Interactive music /
- Music: Food
Playing instruments both tuned and untuned musically to create and combine sound to create music
Interactive music /
- Music: Ourselves
Using our voices to expressively sing, create, select and combine sounds to perform
Interactive music /
- Music: Materials
Using materials to, create, select and combine sounds to perform and evaluate
Interactive music /
- Music: Seaside and Mini Beasts
Using instruments to, create, select and combine sounds to create sounds of the sea
Interactive music
Drama: Mime, Hot Seating, Performing and appraising, costumes, captions, improvisation, story-board, speech and thought bubbles, setting the scene, Eco-circle, frozen images.
Extended learning opportunities / SMSC /
- Fireworks and Guy Fawkes
- Trips: Steam Fairground, Farm visits for harvest. Supermarkets and shops to explore and buy foods
Garden centres for light and dark /
- Chinese New Year
- Shrove Tuesday
- Holi
- Comic/Sports relief
- Trips: Bluebell Railway, Transport Museum, steam engine trains, trips to harbours and marinas. Horsham Museum, trips using the bus and train. Trips to Gatwick
- May Day
- Eco/Fairtrade
- Trips: Holmbush, Godstone and Fisher’s Farm, Ladyland Farm, allotment, Druisillas Zoo, Rainforest Café.
- Fireworks and Guy Fawkes
- Trips: Church, Ambulance Station, local shops, Crawley Town, local park, Fire Station.
- Chinese New Year
- Shrove Tuesday
- Trips: Wing Yip
- Hever/Lewes/Arundel Castles
- May Day
- Fairtrade / Eco
- Trips: Seaside (Brighton, Goring, Shoreham) Tully’s Farm, Buchan Park, Tilgate Park, Portsmouth HMS Boats
Understanding Physical development, health and wellbeing.
Assembly themes / Health & wellbeing / Relationships / Living in the wider world / Health & wellbeing / Relationships / Living in the wider world
Looking after ourselves
-Body awareness
-Healthy lifestyles- physical activity, diet, hygiene
-Safety in the home / Respect
-Caring for each other &the environment
-Feelings & emotions (Including bullying)
-Special people, what makes them special / All around us
-Safety out and about
-Understanding rules
-That people and living things have needs
-Sense of belonging- groups & communities / Out and about
-Safety- stranger danger
-People who help us
-Keeping themselves and others safe
-Asking for help / Getting on & falling out
-Relationships, feelings & emotions (including bullying)
-Fair/ unfair, kind/ unkind, right/ wrong / Staying safe
-Safety- water
- road
- stranger danger
-Understanding rules
-That people and living things have needs
Small Team Games and Skills- attacking and defending (Basketball, Football, Netball and Hockey) , Athletics (Mastering basic skills), Gymnastics (Big and small apparatus, linking movements, mastering basic movements), Dance and Yoga (Performance, movement and small routines, Balance and simple patterns), Outdoors and Adventurous (working together as a team), Swimming (basic water safety and competencies)