Chinese Level I Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Lin Room: 418
Contact information: email: ; phone: 912-395-6400 ext. 730418
Welcome to Chinese I Class! I am your teacher- Lin Laoshi (林老师). Learning Chinese is going to be a challenging, yet rewarding journey that we are going to be on together. I know without a doubt that if you work hard and do your best in this class you will be successful.
Textbook: Ni Hao (你好!), Chinese Language Course Introductory Level I, by Shumang Fredlein & Paul Fredlein
Supplementary Materials:
· Reading passages adopted from Chinese web sites and/or newspaper
· Cultural assimilators or activities with appropriate themes
· Movies that convey the language and culture messages learned in this course
Tutorial: Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00 or by appointment
You are encouraged to take advantage of tutorial hours for help with coursework or anything else connected with the course and your progress. Tutorial time is not for you to make up missing work because of sleeping, refusal to complete/do assignment, excessive disturbing class, or skipping.
About the Class:
This course focuses on the development of communicative competence in the Chinese language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have minimal or no prior knowledge of the language and culture. The major means of communication between students and instructor will be in the Chinese language. An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. By the end of Level I, students will exhibit Novice-Mid level proficiency in speaking and writing and Novice-High level proficiency in listening, and reading (ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 1999).
Class Requirements:
Materials Needed: 1 clothes hanger, 1" binder, 1 composition book, 1 pad of post-it notes, #2pencils with erasers, ink pens, glue sticks, 300 index cards (3x5 size), zippered pencil pouch for index cards, markers and/or colored pencils, safety scissors, highlighters, USB Flash Drive (labeled with name), wide ruled-leaf notebook paper, English-Chinese dictionary (simplified version)
Absences and tardiness will be handled with according to Johnson High School’s policy.
Assignments & Exams:
· Always turn in assignments on the due dates. Every effort should be made to take in-class quizzes and exams at the specified times. A quiz may be given atanytime during any class period -- immediately after a lecture, at the beginning or end of a class, and by weekly or bi-weekly as well. There will be end of chapter tests, end of quarter comprehensive exams, and Student Learning Objectives assessment (SLO). Grades are kept on Power Teacher and updated as work is graded. Cheating on assignments or violation of test rules will be documented, will result in a 0 grade for that assignment or test, and parent will be contacted.
Result in a 0 grade for quiz/test: (will be documented)
· Cheating
· Disturbing test-- after 2 verbal warning given
· Refusal to take test
· Using or refusal to put away electronic devices
Make-up work/test after absences:
· You have to complete missed work/tests within 5 school days after you return to school.
· It is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to make-up and complete missed work and/or tests.
· Any assignments and/ or projects given prior to days of absence are due immediately upon the first day you return to school.
· The maximum score for late make-up work/test is 70.
Make-up zeroes: (exceptions: sleeping, refusal to complete/do assignment, skipping, or violation of test rules)
· You must complete within 10 days of missing the assignment.
· The maximum recovery grade is 70.
Computation of Grades:
1. 40% of the grade: homework, seat work, notebook, flash cards, participation (i.e., engage in group or individual work, read along/aloud, Chinese dialogue…etc. )
2. 60% of the grade: research paper, term paper, project, presentation, oral/written test: (quiz, weekly test, chapter test, 9-week test)
Grading Scale: 90-100=A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, <70=F
Classroom Rules:
· All SCCPSS and JHS handbook rules apply
· Be on time to class with ALL supplies, in uniform and wearing visible ID
· Be in your assigned seat and working on warm-up activity when the tardy bell rings
· Treat each person in the room with dignity and respect
· Drinks, food and electronic devices are not allowed in class
· Follow directions the FIRST time they are given
Dress Code:
Dress code will be dealt with according to Johnson High School student handbook and SCCPSS Student/Parent Handbook for Success.
Special Guideline:
This classroom is a "NO WHINING ZONE" and “NO DISTUBING ZONE.” That means there will be no whining or disturbing for any reason. Everything I do is in your best interest, so please respect the "No Whining Zone" and “No Disturbing Zone.”
Consequences for not following guidelines:
1st- Verbal warning and documentation
2nd- Parental contact
3rd- Parental conference
4th- After school detention
5th- Referral to the administrator
Severe Clause:
Any student who fights, maliciously damages the school property (this includes property of the teacher and other students), or is consistently disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be referred to administration.
Classroom Procedure:
Entering the Classroom:
· Enter quietly
· Take assigned seat
· Turning in work
· Getting supplies
· Reviewing the agenda on the board
· Begin working on bell ringers
End of the Period:
· Clean up: 2 minutes
· Closing: 8 minutes
Bathroom Pass:
· will not be given the 1st 15 and last 15 minutes of class
· one student one at the time and limited to 4 minutes each time
When You Are Tardy:
· Directly report to room 401 get a pass
· Enter classroom quietly
· Place passes in "pass slip" box
· Sign-in on "tardy sign-in sheet"
Getting Your Attention:
I will...
· stand in front of the class
· raise my hand
· get your attention- follow me by touching and saying facial part in Chinese “ 大头大头大头,肩膀肩膀肩膀,耳朵耳朵耳朵, 眉毛眉毛眉毛,眼睛眼睛眼睛,鼻子鼻子鼻子, 嘴巴嘴巴嘴巴, 不说话!“
dà tóu dà tóu dà tóu ,jiān băng jiān băng jiān băng ,ěr duo ěr duo ěr duo , méi máo méi máo méi máo ,yăn jīng yăn jīng yăn jīng ,bí zi bí zi bí zi , zuěi bā zuěi bā zuěi bā , bù shuō huà !“
What to Do if You Finish Your Work Early:
What do you do next...?
· work on unfinished assignments,
· review over notes/vocabulary,
· read a Chinese book or Chinese newspaper from the bookshelf,
· or practice Chinese characters or sentences on small white board.
If you don’t choose the options from above, I will give you assignment and I will grade it.
Turning in Papers:
Place your completed assignment on your desk, I send one student to collect everyone's work.
Classroom Discussions:
· participating is required
· I want to hear what you have to say
· make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion
· if your question is off topic write it down and ask later
Be Organized:
· staying organized is key for success
· keep your notebook, work and binder organized
Electronic Devices:
Your electronic devices (i.e., cell phone, I-pods, I-Pads, MP3, laptop...etc.) must always remain on silent/off during class and should not be visible. You are only permitted to use personal electronic devices within our classroom for instructional use as approved by me.
No one shall possess (even if turned off) an electronic device during tests. Under no circumstance should the noise from these devices disturb the learning of others. If you refuse to follow this rule, a referral will be sent to administrator.
You are not allowed to charge your electronic devices in this classroom.
I am not responsible for your electronic devices disappearing in this class.
Class Dismissal:
· I dismiss you, not the bell.
· You should wait until I officially dismiss you with "Have a nice day!"
I truly believe in your potential
I want you to believe in it, too!
This is what you need to have your parents sign. You need to sign it as well, that show you both have read this Chinese level I course syllabus packet and understand it.
I have received and read the course syllabus for Chinese I class. I understand that the packet contains information listing the materials needed, classroom procedures, classroom guidelines, and student behavior expectations.
Parent Name (printed): ______Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Name (printed): ______Student Signature: ______Date: ______