“Releasing God’s Dream in Me”

Sermon by Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller

Accompanying scriptures: Jeremiah 29:10-14 & Ephesians 4:11-16

Following worship, join us for coffee, tea, etc., in Cokesbury Hall

(enter through the double doors to the right of the Chancel area).


“Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Requesting Ongoing Prayers:

Mary Bohannon, Lee Cefaratti, Charles Clark, Laurie Coligan, Conrad family, Trey Cromwell, Culp/Wease family, June Dawson, William Dawson, Greg Deutsch, Lisa Dickinson, Norma Dodson, Peggy Fields, Lee Fletcher’s family, Tom Francis, Adiatu Fullah, Tito Funez, Patty Garland, Erin Gelhaus, Bill Hampton, Virginia Harrison, Emmanuelle Hileman, Ann Hostetter, Rose DumLea-Ireland, Christopher M. Kamara and family, Kaufax family, family of Rev. Keary Kincannon, Lee Komich, Kathy Kozleuchar, Judy Kunec, Cindy Lamgary, Laurie, Julia Lee, Shawn McNulty’s niece, Ronald Machalek, Carolina Marquez, Rafael Marquez, Victoria Martin, Pam, Fabienne Michel, Fred Mullins, Nature & Nurture Committee, Mike Nicholson, Tom Opalak, Paniagua family, Jonathon Parrish, Edwin Peña, Family of Robert Penick, Elva Posey, Mary and Billy Powers, Ruth Romeo, Henry Sam’s family, Sally, Ramona Schaan, Larry Simms, Rev. Michael Siuthland-Vess, Marie Stravlo’s father, Susan Stuart, Jack T., Jill & Sylvia Taylor, Jody Tebar, Arlene Tibodeau, Ora Titus, Virginia, Don Walker’s family and friends, Don Waits, Linwood Welch, Mark Wilson, Bob Winter and all caregivers.

Prayers for those serving – Military and Civilian:

Heather Anderson, David Blau, Leigha Groves, Mark Friermood, Emily Guest, Seth Gregory, Jonathan Guffey, Nicolas Jenkins, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Zach LaHue, Karl Maier, Nick Neuroth, Adrian & Breck Perry, Andrew Robinson, Craig Romeo, Nate Seymour, Ryan Shaffer, Carol Stahl, John Waller, Bernadette Watson, Charles Wells, and Will Watson.

Please complete green ‘Prayer/Praise Request” form to add a loved one to our Prayer Circle. Prayer recipients are added/removed to this list by notifying the church . Ask an usher for assistance if needed. FUMC also maintains an e-prayer ministry. Email the church office for more information and to join.


Financial Update

This year we will be reporting on the Finances on a monthly basis instead of weekly. We have chosen to do this because we receive offerings and other money such as rent electronically now and these are not reflected in the weekly deposit amounts. We will continue to focus on the Church budget amounts and exclude the revenue and expenses from All God’s Children (AGC) our Preschool program because it has its own revenue stream. In addition, we support AGC by paying all building related expenses for it, such as heat, a/c and extra cleaning requirements. We are including the actual offerings and expenditures for the month, so you can compare them to the average budgeted expenditures (annual budget/ 12). Keep in mind that offerings and expenditure are cyclical in nature and will vary from month to month.

As of June 30, 2017

Budgeted offerings for the month were $31,941, slightly above the monthly average of $31,500. Expenditures of $37,164 were under the monthly budgeted average of $39,000. As of June 30, 2017, we have a deficit of $7,227, not including AGC. Part of the deficit was due to the Insurance payment for the entire year made in May.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support of our programs.

YTD as of June 30, 2017:

Offerings$221,248Capital Fund Balance $31,370

Expenditures$228,475Reserve Fund Balance $64,855

Deficit ($ 7,227)Avg. Monthly Budget Exp. $39,000

Offering Envelopes, Just a Reminder…

Please clearly write your name/names on offering envelope so we may include it in your giving statement. If you are a new member, please also include your address. This will insure that you receive a statement for your tax purposes.

The Franconia UMC Phoenix Rising Food Ministry, began in 2001, joining 4 other churches, supporting homeless along Route One, making deliveries each Friday. We prepare 200 mealsacks on the Thursday before the 4th Friday. Mealsack items are single-serving applesauce, juice, pudding, granola, chocolate bar, chips, and cookies. For each mealsack we make 200 PBJs and bag 2 bread slices. During mealsack delivery we offer Personal hygiene items, like shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, hand/shower soap/gel; toothpaste, toothbrushes, comb, brush, hand/body lotion, razors, and nail files. We also offer Bibles and religious literature. Unused hotel hospitality personal hygiene items make great donations! When buying a personal hygiene item(s) for your use, you're welcome to buy more for someone less fortunate. Your bagged items may be placed under the table to the left as you descend the steps into Cokesbury Hall.

And the King (Jesus) will tell them, "I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me!" (Matthew 25:40)

He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)


Scripture of the Week

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong

and courageous. Do not be afraid; do

notbe discouraged,for theLordyour

God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your prayers and support for the mission trip.

It was a huge success! We had 9 youth and 3 adult volunteers.

We served several communities within Eastern Shore, VA. Wewere

blessed to serve a diverse group of kids which made us feel right at

home. We served youth struggling educationally, physically because

of brain trauma, and children who were living below the poverty level.

We were so blessed by them and our time of service. Again, Thank you!!!

FLY CHILDREN & YOUTH “Focused on God, Loving God, Yielded to God”

Looking for a way to be of service? God has an plenty of opportunities for you to serve in The Children and Youth ministry. The children, youths and all of us working in this ministry would love your support. As we continue to grow the more volunteers we will need to make this an amazing ministry. Please come grow with us! Please send me an email at .


Our Week in a Glance…

Sunday, July 30th

8:15am – 12:30pm – Nursery Open (infants/toddlers)

8:30am – Communion Worship (S)

9:45am – Christian Education (all ages)

9:45am – Contemporary Service (S)

11:00am – Upper Room Scripture Discussion (PR)

11:00am – Worship & Children’s Church (S)

7:00pm – NA Meeting (SR)

Monday, July 31st

Tuesday, August 1st

6:00pm – WWP NoVA PSG (SR)

7:00pm – Praise Band rehearsal (S)

Wednesday, August 2nd

10:00am – Manchester Lakes Bible Study(ML)

7:30pm – AA Meeting (S)

7:30pm – Choir Practice

Thursday, August 3rd

7:30pm – SPPRC Meeting (SK)


(events, calendar, newsletter, sermon archives, etc.)

Facebook users, search for “Franconia United Methodist Church”

Youth Group Facebook: Franconia Fly

Youth Group Instagram: fumc_yg


Cool stuff coming up this summer…