February 1, 2011
The Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Alpena met in regular session on the above date and the meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chairman, Neil MacArthur, at 3:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners MacArthur and Spragg.
Absent: Commissioner Foor.
Staff present: Larry Orcutt, Managing Director; Curt Gonyea, Superintendent; Julia Patterson, Finance Director; James Florip, Road Commission Attorney, and Susan Crowell, Board Secretary.
Others present: Marie Twite, Supervisor, Alpena Township; Lyle VanWormer, Commissioner, Alpena County Board.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 4, 2011. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Beaver Lake Road residents, letter dated January 1, 2011, expressing appreciation for road maintenance during the past year.
B. Lisa Brogan, Marquette County Road Commission, memorandum dated January 12, 2011, regarding the UP Road Builders Association winter meeting February 10-11, 2011, in Marquette.
C. David Widrig, North Region Maintenance Superintendent, Department of Transportation, letter dated January 24, 2011, notice of audit results of State Highway Maintenance Contract for the period 01/01/09 through 12/31/09.
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February 1, 2011
D. Larry Heussner, 5725 Heussner Road, Alpena, MI, letter dated January 27, 2011, regarding the spelling of Huessner/Heussner Road. Managing Director Larry Orcutt noted that the spelling of “Huessner” Road, as shown on county road maps and other road commission records, may have been obtained from an early edition of the Alpena County Plat Book which contained a misspelling of the family name of the property owners along the road. The correction of “Heussner” Road may be made to Road Commission records following further research.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, that the above communications become part of the minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Ken Dragiewicz, 8440 North Point Shores Drive, appeared before the Board regarding North Point Shores Drive, a private road in Alpena Township, becoming a public road. He reported that property owners recently voted 48-8 in favor the road becoming public. The property owners’ association has applied to the Department of Agriculture for funding to improve the road to meet road commission standards for a rural local road. However, their application will not be considered unless all three parties involved, including the Alpena County Road Commission, the Township of Alpena, and the property owners, agree that the road will become public should the funding be approved. Mr. Dragiewicz stated that the association is in the process of acquiring right-of-way from Lafarge Corporation and are addressing permitting, wetlands and endangered species issues.
Marie Twite, Supervisor, Alpena Township, commented that Alpena Township will support the efforts of the property owners to make North Point Shores Drive a public road providing there is no expense to the Township.
Managing Director Larry Orcutt remarked that the revenue received for the road during its anticipated 20-year pavement life would not be adequate to fund future resurfacing. He also recommended the Board consider revising the minimum design standards for asphalt thickness by increasing it from two inches to three inches to improve durability and extend the life of the pavement.
Moved by Commissioner Spragg, seconded by Commissioner MacArthur, to adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, a majority of the residents and property owners along North Point Shores Drive, a private road running south off Misery Bay Road a distance of approximately three miles, located in Town 31 North, Range 9 East, Alpena Township, have expressed their desire to have North Point Shores Drive become a public road under the jurisdiction of the Alpena County Road Commission; and
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February 1, 2011
WHEREAS, the property owners’ association has applied to the United States Department of Agriculture for funding to improve the private road to meet Alpena County Road Commission Design Guidelines for Rural Local Roads; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Alpena has expressed its approval for North Point Shores Drive to become a public road;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Road Commissioners for the County of Alpena agrees to accept North Point Shores Drive into the county local road system subsequent to the road being improved to meet Alpena County Road Commission Design Guidelines for Rural Local Roads.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the necessary improvements be performed at no cost to the Alpena County Road Commission.
Motion carried by a vote as follows:
Ayes: Commissioners MacArthur and Spragg.
Nays: None.
Absent: Commissioner Foor.
Managing Director Larry Orcutt presented a brief update on the following:
· Currently advertising for bids for annual material requirements. Bids will be opened February 21, 2011.
· Pursuing purchase of a new pickup truck approved in budget.
· Grade inspection meeting with Department of Transportation representatives was held January 24 to review the Long Rapids Road culvert replacement at Gaffney Creek. Project plans are being revised to incorporate DOT recommendations in preparation for a May bid letting.
· Region 9 Rural Task Force met January 14 and Alpena County Road Commission’s projects were approved as submitted.
· Preparation of a bid package for purchase of a new motor grader is in progress.
· An Alpena County Road Commission website is in development.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to receive and file the County Road Report for the period December 30, 2010, through January 23, 2011. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to accept the Cash/Cash Equivalents Financial Report for the month ended December 31, 2010, as presented by the Finance Director. Motion carried unanimously.
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February 1, 2011
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to approve the January 2011 bills in the amount of $203,575.73. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to approve the following purchases:
Item PO/Inv. Date Description Amount
1 PO21576 01/05/11 Karbowski Oil Co., 2874 gals. no-lead $ 7,053.68
gasoline @ $2.4545/gal.
2 20230 01/04/11 Specialty Claims Services, Inc., annual $ 6,591.67
premium for underground storage tank
insurance 1-1-11 thru 1-1-12.
3 WDN4683 01/17/11 CDW Government, (6) Microsoft Office $ 1,780.00
2010 software packages.
4 6535918 01/11/11 Weller Truck Parts, steering gear for $ 530.96
Truck No. 88.
5 228950 01/12/11 Flint New Holland, spindle and nuts $ 1,152.13
to rebuild arbor cutting end on Tiger
mower #325.
6 701523 01/14/11 Kamp Oil Inc., 172 gals. Citgo 15w40 $ 1,977.98
@ $7.49/gal. and 110 gals. premium
hydraulic AW46 @ $6.27/gal.
7 PO21569 01/24/11 Karbowski Oil Co., 12,000 gals. diesel $32,434.80
fuel, winter blend, @ $2.70290/gal.
8 GS70481 12/31/10 Triple M Tire Presque Isle, (2) $ 799.48
Bridgestone tires for Truck No. 89.
9 46743 01/25/11 Truck & Trailer Specialties, (6) wing $ 1,050.24
10 49141 01/19/11 Zaremba Equipment, replaced oil cooler $ 536.94
in Truck No. 63.
11 31095 01/31/11 Alpena Diesel Service, extended warranty $ 2,100.00
on Truck No. 92.
12 30567122 01/26/11 Michigan CAT, parts and labor to replace $ 630.32
fan motor in Wheel Loader No. 127.
13 PO21578 02/01/11 Blarney Castle Oil, 2900 gals. unleaded $ 7,404.74
gasoline @ $2.55336/gal. ______
Total Purchases: $64,042.94
Motion carried unanimously.
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February 1, 2011
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to approve the following contract payments:
Item PO/Inv. Date Description Amount
1 332433 01/12/11 Michigan Department of Transportation, $ 3,163.55
Local progress billing No. 3 for Leer
Road from Mellon Road to Carr Road.
2 332512 01/13/11 Michigan Department of Transportation, $ 3,256.28
local progress billing No. 3 for Leer
Road from M-65 to Mellon Road.
3 74009 01/21/11 Wilcox Professional Services, LLC, $ 603.75
County Highway Engineer services. ______
Total Contract Payments: $ 7,023.58
Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Commissioner Spragg, supported by Commissioner MacArthur, to adopt the following resolution:
In accordance with the provisions of Act 51, Public Acts of 1951, as amended, the Board of County Road Commissioners of Alpena County, Michigan, does hereby certify to the Michigan Department of Transportation that, as of December 31, 2010, the Alpena County Road System included 209.52 miles in the CountyWide Primary Road System, of which 9.24 miles are Urban Primary Roads, and included 450.83 miles in the CountyWide Local Road System, of which 38.10 miles are Urban Local Roads; and does further certify that said CountyWide Primary and Local Road Systems are under the jurisdiction of the Alpena County Road Commission and are normally open to automobile traffic during the months of May through October.
Motion carried by a vote as follows:
Ayes: Commissioners MacArthur and Spragg.
Nays: None.
Absent: Commissioner Foor.
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, to authorize Larry Orcutt, Managing Director, to sign an audit engagement letter authorizing Stewart, Beauvis & Whipple to perform the annual audit of the Alpena County Road Commission financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, for a fee not to exceed $7,100. Motion carried unanimously.
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February 1, 2011
Moved by Spragg, seconded by MacArthur, that there being no further business to come before the Board, to declare the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Neil MacArthur, Vice Chairman
Susan D. Crowell,
Board Secretary