Meet Me on Mars (MMoM)

Lesson Name: 6- ScratchEvents

Date to be taught:

“I Can” Skills:

Last Time / This Time / Next time
-Debugging programs and testing for errors. Being able to pause and continue the program. / -Add a rocket and its launch functionality / -Add simulation refinements and planet information

Before the Lesson:

Copies to Make / Materials to Bring / Visuals to Make
-Projector for laptop
-1 laptop for each student
-Internet connectivity for all laptops

Add Rocket Sprite and Launch Button (launch variable):

Add speed and launch the rocket

During the Lesson:

Section / Time
(min) / I Say / Do / They Say / Do
Outdoor activity / 15 / Do the outdoor activity with the rocket launching / -Describe ideas about fuel, launch button
-Describe the science of combustion with baking soda and vinegar
-Carbon Di oxide is the gas released
-Perhaps experiment hitting an object
What have we learnt so far – Know, Learn, Share / 10 / Remind students of:
  1. Creating variables and using buttons to set values for variables
/ Students will recap how variables are manipulated
Mini Lesson / 10 / Add the rocket sprite and its launch button
-Introduce the “go to Earth” motion command / Get the rocket to move with earth
Activity 1 / 10 / -Create the rocket sprite
Make it rotate with the earth / - Students can keep rocket moving with Earth.
Mini Lesson / 10 / Create a launch button and do a basic rocket launch
-Set different values on:
- Clicking the sprite
- Clicking the green flag
If launch == yes, move to Mars / Move rocket from Earth to Mars
Activity 2 / 10 / Create the launch button and launch the rocket to Mars / Students are able to demonstrate moving the rocket to Mars
Mini Lesson / 10 / Create a variable speed to control the rocket speed
Introduce sensing command:
If touching mars
-Go to Mars / Students are able to understand the exit criteria for the rocket to land and stop on Mars
Activity / 10 / -Add an if-then-else condition block for sensing
-Get rocket to launch
-Set a slider for the speed variable
-Set min, max for the slider / Students can get rocket to track Mars and land on it.
Wrap up / 10 / Remind students of our goals:
-We have the rocket moving with Earth
-We have basic controls
-Rocket Speed
-Rocket has been successfully launched to Mars / Students teach-backs

Thumbnails lesson timeline: