NAME OF TRAINING / Basic Safeguarding Awareness – A workshop for all practitioners
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Child protection
Legal requirement / ‘Providers must train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedures, and ensure that all staff have upto date knowledge of safeguarding issues.Training made available by the provider must enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and to respond in a timely and appropriate way’
COURSE OUTLINE / The training will meet the following key outcomes:
  • Enable staff to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect, as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Safeguarding and welfare requirements.
  • Be familiar with both national guidance and local LSCB procedures
  • Understand own role and responsibilities and those of others in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

TARGET AUDIENCE / All staff working in a childcare setting
TRAINER / CSAFIS(This course is approved by the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board.)
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course:19th August 2015 9.30-12.30
Venue: Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £35.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Basic Safeguarding Awareness (IN HOUSE) – A workshop for all practitioners
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Child protection
Legal requirement / ‘Providers must train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedures, and ensure that all staff have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues.Training made available by the provider must enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and to respond in a timely and appropriate way’
COURSE OUTLINE / The training will meet the following key outcomes:
  • Enable staff to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect, as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Safeguarding and welfare requirements.
  • Be familiar with both national guidance and local LSCB procedures
  • Understand own role and responsibilities and those of others in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

TARGET AUDIENCE / All staff working in a childcare setting
TRAINER / CSAFIS (This course is approved by the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board.)
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / This course can be delivered in house to all your staff at a time convenient for the settings.
COST OF COURSE / £280.00 plus VAT at 20% (1Trainer up to 15 staff)
NAME OF TRAINING / Safeguarding up-date – A Workshop for Childminders
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Child protection
Legal requirement / ‘The lead responsibility for safeguarding rests with the childminder…..this includes up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues’
COURSE OUTLINE / This training
  • Supports Childminders in identifying, understanding and responding appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect.
  • Includes advice and information from Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board
  • Covers the statutory guidance and the role of the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board
  • Includes interactive exercises to explore the dilemmas and challenges faced by Designated Safeguarding Officers

TARGET AUDIENCE / Childminders
TRAINER / CSAFIS (This course is approved by the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board.)
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1:3rd October 2015 9.30am-12.30pm
Venue:Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £60.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Forest School Taster
LINKS to EYFS PSED, Physical, Communication and Language & Being
COURSE OUTLINE / The course will cover:
  • The ethos of Forest School
  • Practitioners will gain a deeper understanding of the skills needed to become Forest School trained.
  • How the outdoor environment covers the EYFS and the characteristics of effective learning
  • How to use the outdoor environment more imaginatively
  • Cost effective ideas that can be taken back to settings and replicated
  • An understanding of how the outdoors supports not only children’s wellbeing but also practitioners.
  • The benefits that the outdoor environment has on children’s development.

TARGET AUDIENCE / All Practitioners
TRAINER / Julie White – Nature to Nurture ltd
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1: 19th September 2015 9.30-12.30 Childminders only
Course 2: 24th September 2015 9.30-12.30 Early Years Practitioners only
Venue: Croxteth Country Park, Croxteth Hall Lane L12 0HB
COST OF COURSE / £35.00 plus vat at 20 %
NAME OF TRAINING / Level 2 Food Safety
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Food and Drink
Legal requirement / ‘Providers must be confident that those responsible for preparing and handling food are competent to do so. In group provision, all staff involved in preparing and handling food must receive training in food hygiene.’
COURSE OUTLINE / The course covers the following subjects;
  • Introduction to Food Safety and ‘The Risk Rating Scheme’
  • Food Safety Hazards
  • Principals of Safe Food Storage
  • Food poisoning:
  • Bacteriology;
  • Prevention of contamination and food poisoning;
  • Premises, equipment and pest control;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Cleaning and disinfection;
  • The Law including Legislation. PLUS Safer Food Better Business

TARGET AUDIENCE / All staff involved in food preparation, cooking and serving food or drink.
TRAINER / Coates Training
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1:25th July 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 2:5th September 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 3:5thDecember 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 4: 6th February 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Venue:To be confirmed
COST OF COURSE / £55.00 per person per person plus VAT at 20%
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements - Safety
ESSENTIAL / ‘Providers must keep premises and equipment clean, and be aware of, and comply with, requirements of health and safety legislation.
  • Introduction to Health & Safety
  • Health & Safety Law
  • Health & Safety issues in Childcare Setting – case studies.
  • The Risk Assessment process for Child minders / Nurseries / After School
  • The Workplace, Work Equipment and Toy Safety
  • Electrical / Fire safety
  • Stress and violence
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Manual handling & ergonomics
  • First Aid
  • Manual Handling
  • Safety on outings

TARGET AUDIENCE / All Childcare practitioners including childminders
TRAINER / Coates Training
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course:1st August 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Venue: Croxteth Gems
COST OF COURSE / £50.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Observation, Assessment and Planning for Childminders
LINKS to EYFS / Safeguarding and welfare requirements
Learning and Development requirements
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED / Practitioners must observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles and plan to meet their individual needs.
  • Explore the impact of activities and experiences we can provide to help children develop and learn and how can we help children learn?
  • Discover the purpose and value of observation, assessment and planning on children’s development and learning
  • Discuss the different methods of observation

TARGET AUDIENCE / Ofsted Registered Childminders
TRAINER / Dot Harrison – Liverpool Childcare Business Support Team
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Date : Wednesday the 14th October 2015 6.30pm -9.00pm
Venue: Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £35.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Suitable people
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED / ‘Providers must ensure that people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles’
  • Legislation and the Law
  • How to write a job description and person specification
  • Importance of advertising effectively
  • Interview skills & techniques
  • Selection process
  • CRB checks and references
  • Retaining staff

TARGET AUDIENCE / Managers/Owners
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1:5th August 2015 10.00am-2.00pm
Course 2: 2nd December 201510.00am-2.00pm
Venue:Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £65.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Safeguarding up-date - Designated Safeguarding Officers/Deputies
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Child protection
Legal requirement / ‘All staff should have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues. The lead practitioner should provide support, advice and guidance to other staff on an ongoing basis and on any specific safeguarding issue as required.’
COURSE OUTLINE / This training
  • Supports Designated Safeguarding Officers in identifying, understanding and responding appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect.
  • Includes advice and information from Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board
  • Covers the statutory guidance and the role of the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board
  • Includes interactive exercises to explore the dilemmas and challenges faced by Designated Safeguarding Officers

TARGET AUDIENCE / Designated Safeguarding Coordinators, Managers and Deputies.(This course is approved by the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board.)
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course: 12th August 2015 10am-1.00pm
Venue: Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £60.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Helping children’s speech and language development
LINKS to EYFS Learning and Development requirements –
Communication, Language and Literacy
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Practitioners must support children’scommunication and language development giving them opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves: and to speak and listen in a range of situations
COURSE OUTLINE / To improve participant’s knowledge of normal language development and early identification of speech and language difficulties.
Participants will be given top tips to encourage language development with children they work with.
This course is a taster of Building Blocks
TARGET AUDIENCE / Childminders and Childcare Practitioners (Do not need to attend if you have attended Building Blocks)
TRAINER / Rebecca Sarker and Claire McIlroy - Speech and Language Therapist.
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1:17th November 2015 6:30-8:30pm
Course 2: 17th February 2016 6:30-8:30pm
Venue:Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £35.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
NAME OF TRAINING / Understanding the role of the Designated Safeguarding Officer
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements – Child protection
LEGAL REQUIREMENT / ‘A practitioner must be designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding children in every setting. The lead practitioner must attend a child protection training course.’
COURSE OUTLINE / This training
  • Ensuring written safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and are in line with both national and local guidance
  • Supporting the lead practitioner in identifying, understanding and responding appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect
  • Outlining the role of the lead practitioner in providing support, adviceand guidance to other staff
  • Statutory guidance and the role of LSCB
  • Local Procedures and Early Help

TARGET AUDIENCE / New designated Safeguarding Officers and Deputies (You must of attended basic Safeguarding Training before booking onto this course)
TRAINER / CSAFIS (This course is approved by the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board.)
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1: 8th July 2014 10am-1pm
Venue: Ellergreen Early Childhood and Community Centre
Ellergreen Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 2RY
COST OF COURSE / £60.00 per person plus VAT at 20%
LINKS to EYFS Safeguarding and welfare requirements –
Staff qualifications, training, support and skills
Legal Requirement / ‘At least one person who has a current paediatric first certificate must be on the premises at all times when children are present, and must accompany children on outings’
COURSE OUTLINE / Responsibilities and reportingShock
Bites & stingsResuscitation
Minor injuries Anaphylaxis
Current regulationsChoking; baby/ child/ adult
Record keeping of incidents & equipmentHead and neck injuries; fractures
Assessing the situationPoisoning
Dealing with an unresponsive casualtyEye injuries & foreign bodies
CPR- baby/ child/ adultWounds and bleeding
Medical emergencies and managing incidentsChildhood illnesses:
Burns, Scalds, & HypothermiaEpilepsy / asthma / diabetes
Administering medication Meningitis / sickle cell
Bites & stings
TARGET AUDIENCE / Practitioners working with Children 0-16 yearsand Pre-registration Childminders. This course fulfils the requirements of OFSTED and the Early Years Foundation Stage.
TRAINER / Coates Training
DATES / TIMES / VENUES / Course 1: 11th & 18th July 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 2:1st & 8th September 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 3:7th & 14th November 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 4: 12th & 19th January 2016 9.30am-4.30pm
Course 5: 5th & 12th March 2016 9.30 am-4.30pm
This training will be delivered over 2 days
COST OF COURSE / £75.00 per person plus VAT at 20%