About this tool:This questionnaire is to be used as part of a qualitative study that interviews drivers that are currently or have been active in an emergency transport scheme.The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the emergency transport scheme and determine its strengths and challenges. This questionnaire was originally used in Nigeria so some references may be specific to Nigeria only, feel free to change and adapt.

G1 / Local Government Area
G2 / Ward/s
G3 / Motor-park/s
G4 / Urban/Rural area
G5 / Date
G6 / Time
G7 / Interviewer
  • Gather between 5 and 15 drivers in the motor-park/community. All drivers must be Emergency Transport Scheme (ETS) drivers (or ex-ETS drivers)
  • Briefly introduce yourself and the programme, including the purpose of your interview
  • Assure the participants of confidentiality on all information volunteered. No reference will be made to any names, if the findings of the study are published. They may refuse to answer any question. However, emphasises thattheir open and candid answer to the questions will be highly appreciated and will remain confidential.
  • INFORMED CONSENT: Participation in the study is voluntary and participants can withdraw at any time. The interview will be recorded but only for the purpose of analysis. Participants’ personal information will be de-identified to maintain anonymity. Ensure that verbal consent to participate are obtained.
  • Inform the interviewees that you may need to follow up on some of their answers via telephone later on in the week. Agree on the person who should be contacted for follow up.
  • Ask for permission to take pictures (of vehicles, motor-parks) and also if they have material (especially records of women transported)
  • Ask if anyone has any questions before starting and ask for their patience as theinterview will take some time to complete (45 minutes – 1 hour)

General (for drivers only)
DR1 / Total number of drivers taking part in the focus group discussion
DR2 / Number of drivers who are currently part of ETS
DR3 / Number of “ex” ETS drivers
DR3a / Why are you not part of the scheme any longer?
General knowledge of ETS
DR4 / What is your role in the ETS scheme?
DR5 / Please tell me what is ETS doing in your community?
Probe for 1) target beneficiaries, 2) service provided, 3) duration of the project, 4) project sites
DR6 / Do you have any story to illustrate this?
Length of service and selection process
DR7 / How long have you been volunteering as an ETS driver?
DR8 / How were you selected to take part in the scheme?
DR9 / What areas/wards does the scheme cover in your LGA?
DR10 / Do you knowhow many other drivers participate in the scheme together with you in your area?
DR11 / Do you have contact details of any/some other drivers operating in your area?
DR12 / Is there an official or spontaneous mechanism that brings you and your fellow ETS drivers together on a regular basis?
DR12a / How regularly do you meet?
Motivation to join the scheme
DR13 / Why did you decide to join the scheme?
Probe for volunteering nature
DR14 / Is there an incentive system to motivate you in your role?
Probe for awareness of priority loading and motivational items
DR15 / What do you think about the incentive system?
DR16 / Could it be improved?
DR17 / Thank you for your suggestions. Can you please reflect on how your suggestions can be sustainable (economically viable) in the long run?
DR18 / Thank you for your suggestions. Can you please reflect on how your suggestions could have a negative effect on the volunteering nature of ETS?
Service Uptake and Reporting
DR19 / How are you contacted in the majority of cases for an ETS service?
DR20 / Who (most often) contacts you for an ETS service?
DR21 / Do you have a mobile phone?
DR22 / How useful is your mobile phone in the implementation of ETS activities?
Probe for use of the phone to contact Traditional Birth Attendants or health facilities
DR22a / If not useful, why not?
DR23 / How many women/newborn did you transport to a health facility last quarter?
DR24 / How many women/newborn on average do you transport to the health facility each quarter?
DR25 / Are you ever called by a health worker for a referral service (eg. from PHC to SHC)?
DR25a / If yes, how often in a quarter?
DR26 / Roughly, what are the proportions of transfers from community to health facility and the proportions from health facility to a referral facility in a month?
DR27 / Do you have a logbook?
Do you have the logbook with you?
Probe how many volunteers have the logbook with them at the time of the interview
DR28 / What is the function of the logbook?
DR29 / Do you always report transported cases into the logbook?
DR29a / If yes, why?
DR29b / If not, why?
DR29b1 / If not, can you estimate how many cases did you miss to report last quarter?
DR29b2 / If not, can you estimate how many cases per quarter on average do you miss to report?
DR30 / What happens once the logbook is completed?
Probe for full description of data flow process on transfers made
DR31 / Have you ever run out of logbooks?
DR31a / If yes, how often?
DR32 / What do you do when you run out of logbooks?
Changes attributable to the project
DR33 / What is your opinion about how ETS has helped in improving access for women and newborn to health facilities?
DR34 / How has this changed over time? What has been the experience before and after the project started?
DR35 / What do you think is responsible for this change?
DR36 / How is the current insurgency affecting you in your ETS driver role?
DR37 / What would you say are the successes of the programme? How has the programme helped the community?
Probe for access to services, community mobilisation, etc
DR38 / What are the challenges of the programme?
Probe forinfrastructural challenges (topographic) network problems, acceptability by the community, etc
DR39 / What factors do you think have influenced the programme positively?
DR40 / What factors have influenced the programme negatively and why?
Research down-take
DR41 / How do you think this study will help the ETS scheme achieve its objectives?
DR42 / Would you be interested in knowing what the results of this research are?
DR42a / Why?
DR43 / How do you think we could communicate the results of this research to you?

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