Workers Compensation Commission
October 2012 No. 50
Welcome to E-bulletin No. 50 of the Workers Compensation Commission.
This bulletin outlines:
·  Increase in Commission lodgements and resulting delays
·  Post MAC teleconferences
·  Summary of Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
·  Christmas timetable reminder
·  Vale Jennifer David
Increase in Commission lodgements and resulting delays
Since the announcement of amendments to the Workers Compensation legislation in late June 2012, the Commission has experienced a large increase in the volume of lodgements. Prior to the legislative amendments the Commission received a long term average of approximately 780 applications per month. However, since late June 2012, the commission has received more than 5,000 applications.
Teleconference listing times prior to the legislative changes were at approximately 8 weeks. At present, the listing time for teleconferences are now well into 2013.
We thank you for your patience while we manage the increase in workload.
Post MAC teleconferences
As a result of the large increase in workload, the Commission is now listing post – Medical Assessment Certificate (MAC) teleconferences well into 2013. Prior to the post-MAC teleconference, parties are encouraged to liaise with each other, with a view to reaching agreement on section 67 compensation. This will allow the Commission to enter Consent Orders, including the finalisation of compensation entitlements and costs orders, in as timely a manner as possible. It will also free up additional listing times for first instance teleconferences.
To facilitate the issuing of consent orders, parties may simply email the Registry () the agreed values for s66 and s67 compensation. The Commission will then issue orders (Certificate of Determination – Consent Orders) for payment of the lump sum compensation and the usual costs order (as agreed or assessed).
Summary of Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
For your information, a summary of the Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 is available.
Christmas Timetable
Due to the large volume of applications registered over the past couple of months, the Commission is now listing teleconferences well into 2013. As is our usual practice, we are planning to have a brief shut-down over the Christmas/New Year period (Thursday, 20 December 2012 to Tuesday, 8 January 2013 inclusive) where no teleconferences will be listed. A revised timetable relating to applications lodged during this period will be issued towards the end of November.
Vale Jennifer David
The Commission recently received the sad news that one of our Mediators (and former Arbitrator), Jennifer David, passed away on 9 October 2012, some days after having suffered a sudden stroke.
Jennifer has been a part of the Commission since its inception. She was a skilled dispute resolution practitioner and will be remembered fondly by many members, practitioners and staff. She will be sadly missed.

Judge Greg Keating
