The International Work Act of 2017
Section 1. After this bill is put into effect the United States of America will be prohibited from issuing more than 150,000 Temporary Work Visas Per year by the year 2050.
- In the year of 2018 the US government will be limited to the issuing of 500,000 work visas.
- The amount of Work Visas issued will be lowered annually by equal increments per year until the limit is set at 150,000 Visas in 2050.
- The limit on the amount of work visas issued per year would be lowered by approximately 10606 Work Visas per year.
- After 2050 the limit will be set at 150,000 indefinitely until a change is specified by another piece of legislation.
Section 2.
- Work Visa is defined as the H-2A visa.
Section 3. The US Department of State will enforce this piece of legislation.
Section 4. The first part of this legislation specified in subsection a of Section 1 on January 1st, 2018. The rest of the bill will take place over the years 2018-2050.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this piece legislation will be declared null and void.
Submitted by Dowling Catholic High School
Bill to Ban Glitter
Section 1. All glitter shall be banned from use and production.
Section 2. “Glitter” shall be defined as a shimmery, plastic material often used in parties, cosmetics, and art.
Section 3. The US Department of Homeland Environmental security shall be created and tasked with enforcing environmental legislation.
Section 4. This legislation shall go into effect Exactly 2 months after passage. Funding shall be allocated in that timeframe.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Submitted by Dowling Catholic High School
A Bill to Legalize Physician Assisted Suicide to
Allow Dying with Dignity
SECTION 1. A terminally ill or crippled person will be able to request an aid-in-dying
medication from said person’s physician.
SECTION 2. Physician will be defined as a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of
Osteopathy (D.O.) who is properly licensed to practice medicine in the state of Iowa.
SECTION 3. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will enforce and
supervise the implementation of this bill and perform a review of each hospital in Iowa once a month in review of this law.
A. The patient in question must make two oral and written requests, at least 15 days apart, directly to the attending physician.
B. All participation in this physician assisted suicide must be voluntary, and must never be without the patient’s direct consent.
C. The attending physician will decide whether the patient is eligable for the aid-in-dying medication, but his or her decision can be bypassed with congressional authority.
SECTION 4. This bill will be enacted ninety days after the adjournment of this assembly.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Humbly Submitted by Muscatine High School
Be it enacted by the congress here assembled that:
Section 1: The Electoral College will be disabled and the General Population will decide the leaders of the United States.
Section 2: The General Population will be defined as all citizens of the United States eligible to vote. The General Population will be defined as a person eighteen years of age.
Section 3:
A. This bill will disable the Electoral College. It would require a constitutional amendment.
B. Thirty-eight out of the fifty states would need to approve this for it to be set in place.
C. In the next election, the general population vote will be widely broadcasted, similar as to how the Electoral College was broadcasted in the 2016 election.
Section 4: When this bill passes it will be put into motion on January 1, 2018.
Section 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Humbly submitted by Muscatine High School
Section 1: All fetuses with a heartbeat will by law not be aloud to be aborted no matter how young or old.
Section 2: A fetus will be defined as a human embryo
Section 3:
A. The money from federal tax payers, that is currently going to abortion, will be reverted into a new organization called, “New Mothers Help Foundation” (N.M.H.P) that will help fund needs of new mothers.
B. N.M.H.P will fund for the food of the new mother and child along with clothing, shelter, education, and other necessities.
Section 4- This law will be enacted on january 2018
Section 5- All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void
Humbly Submitted by Muscatine High School