Saturday November 19, 2016

9:00 am. to 1:30 p.m. /

John B. Davis Center

1250 W. Broadway; RoomS1-433; Minneapolis, MN 55411
Convener: Office of Student, Family, and Community Engagement (OSFCE)
Facilitator: Co-Chair David Weingartner and Margret Richardson
Let us know what you need. Interpreters, childcare and transportation are available.Call 612-668-0198


Meet District goals of community partnership in the District’s mission and to satisfy the requirements of Minnesota Statutes § 120B.11 Subd. 3: “School District Process for Reviewing Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement; Striving for the World’s Best Workforce”

Agenda Item: Timing/Breakdown / Item and Presenters
Review changes to the report to date and finalize process for the day. / 2020 Advisory Committee
Turning around Achievement
Presentations from:
  • Teaching and Learning and Advance Learners (Gifted and Talented)
  • Human Resources– Chief of HR Maggie Sullivan and Daniel Glass.
Discussion with:Macarre Traynham, Ex. Dir. Of Teaching and Learning (Ex. Dir. T&L) and Eric Moore, Chief of Accountability, Innovation, and Research (C.O.A.I.R.)
Group Actions:
  1. Group asked questions and used answers to develop recommendations for the Board of Education and District Leaders for each area.
  2. Questions and Ideas shared are attached to these notes.
  3. Additional questions for data were sent to Human resources and are not documented in the attached list.
/ Presenters, Guests, &
2020 Advisory Committee
Draft suggestions for 2020 Report to Leadership Regarding Achievement and Advance Learners
Group Actions:
  1. Group reviewed all questions and ideas and started to work on elements of the letter to the district leaders.
  2. Group asked the Co-chairs to finish drafting the letter and to submit it to staff for the purpose of informing the district plan and MDE report.
  3. Final drafts of letter can be made and submitted to the Board of Education and District Leaders in January.
/ 2020 Advisory Committee
Future meeting topics:
  • Science Technology Engineering Math /Career and Technical Education
  • Homeless and Highly Mobile
  • Office of Family, Student, and Community Engagement
  • Office of Black Male Student Achievement
  • Summer Differentials and Programing for Academic Achievement
Notes for Future Presenters:
  • Be proactive about considering issues of equity, inequity, bias (conscious and unconscious) and related impactson under-served populations prior to coming to present or participate in community and parent groups.
  • Come in prepared to get respectful, thoughtful, and deep probing questions.
  • Bring key metrics and data like: trends, disaggregated data, and resources needed.

11/19/2016 2020 Advisory Ideas and Questions (Note: the ideas and questions do not correlate with each other)

Topic / Questions / Ideas
Advance Learners / Are there Observations to see how Advance Learning certified teachers perform with diverse student populations? / Equity and Representation
Advance Learners / How is it funded is it an unfunded mandate? / More support recommendation across schools for level 4. Example UMTYYMP - Northside schools need to have context, understanding, referral and Southside is more represented.
Advance Learners / How are you ensuring Equity? / Are we looking to Harvest Prep for best practice and what is working?
Advance Learners / How do you make sure all kids opt in? / Innovation distinctive learning and flipping the classroom
Advance Learners / How do you make sure all parents know about? / Teacher Training and Retention
Advance Learners / How do your account for unconscious bias of teachers?
Advance Learners / Will there be a gifted school?
Advance Learners / There are gifted students and then we have genius students what are we doing to support them?
Advance Learners / Should there be programing for genius students?
Advance Learners / How successful is the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®)?
Advance Learners / Why only focus on Math and Reading what about learners with excellent verbal skills?
Advance Learners / Can we get district wide program and demographic data including: Spread of teachers who are certified through schools; Level of service plan and if it is part of each schools School Improvement Plans; Metrics of site talent development plans; trends on students staying on trajectory; overall #’ by demographics; status of buildings with a site lead (if it is a dedicated or shared role); Is there time for differentiation; how do sites share best practices; what resources are made available to parents and how do they differ from school to school; How are parents informed of resources and program; how and how many school positions are funded (include where the budget comes from) and what is the practice and level of compliance with all schools participating and offering Advance Learning options k-12.
Advance Learners / Does an Advance learner stay an Advance Learner regardless of what school they are at and age or what if they change schools mid-year?
Advance Learners / Who owns accountability and pulling in partnerships?
Teaching and Learning / Our students are experiential learners and we are building systems that don’t honor their learning styles this is particularly for American Indian students and communities of color but this is also true for most learners. How is this reflected in the practices and plans? / Can we provide community partners information to make a difference with our families and students?
Teaching and Learning- Turning Around Achievement
Teaching and Learning / How holds teachers accountable for their growth in practice and differentiating for different learning styles and learners? / MOU with Hennepin County in partnership with Little Earth and other similar communities.
Teaching and Learning / Are we giving teachers times to collaborate, share best practices, and build positive climate for promoting teachers using great practices? / Core Curriculum
Teaching and Learning / Writing is important and we have under supported with k-5, focus, correcting, and presenting; what are we doing around this? / Focus on oral presentation ability. Flip the Classroom.
Teaching and Learning / We see in “walk-throughs” is teachers who follow great practices with classrooms that are thriving and those without great practices in differentiation whose classrooms that are a mess and often impacting more students of color; how will we address these issues for teacher practice?
Teaching and Learning / Why do you think the outcomes of tests are so different for students? / Standards should be the floor the goal should be the ceiling for all learners. The floor is the minimal structure kids need to scale up their learning.
Teaching and Learning / Are there professional developments for principals around coaching? / Writing and presentation skills are lacking especially critical writing skills improvement
Teaching and Learning / When you are talking about specialists what are schools doing for specialists and how are they funded?
Teaching and Learning / How do parents fit into the work of T&L and achievement?
Teaching and Learning / If the curriculum doesn’t seem relevant to students how can they be better engaged?
Teaching and Learning / Where are the parents in supporting Teaching and Learning’s goals for their students?
Teaching and Learning / Who is considered a specialist and how are they allocated for?
Teaching and Learning / When you talk about kids of color are you meaning African American or does it include Native Americans too?
Teaching and Learning / Early release and late start impact families and particularly students of color how can this be mitigated?
Teaching and Learning / As for Principals as “instructional Leaders” MPS has had a tradition of Principals not dealing with teachers and they end up in multiple schools, what can be done?
Accountability, Innovation, and Research / How do we improve when every three years or so we have new leadership (Supe./BOE), new staff, and new people how can we improve with this lack of consistency? This isn’t just a district staff issue but a community issue the community should own this too what are your thoughts? / Provide resources needed and provided for the key staff for each element of the strategic plan. This is done in state budget and statute.
Teacher Efficacy / How will grow your own staff protected from reduction? / Use Flex Early Childhood Model to build diverse workforce.
Teacher Efficacy / How can we work with early childhood providers to meet the school readiness goals; is it possible to leverage pre-school teachers in the community that could feed the into a Grow your Own and reduce the capital needed for early childhood.
Teacher Efficacy / How are non-teaching schools staff supported and leveraged to address academic achievement?
Teacher Efficacy / What do the Instructional Specialists, PAR Mentors, and Inter-rater demographic and how are they selected?
Teacher Efficacy / How are Higher Ed. partners Amending Teacher Ed: their staffing, pipeline, development, and content?
Teacher Efficacy / Has an HR audit been done?
Teacher Efficacy / Analysis of Retention? Like: Why do people leave, What would make them leave especially teachers of color, what is happening to adjust contracts to address this issues and to retrain effective staff of color in times of downsizing or school building reductions? Why is this not a key strategy of Acceleration 2020?
Teacher Efficacy / How do you extend the grown your own into our schools and our own students through partnerships and pipeline from our students to Step-up to urban scholars to Grow your own or Teacher Ed. programs at higher education partners.
Teacher Efficacy / Standards of Effective Teaching (SOEI) is one tool what are other tools we use to assess teacher efficacy?
Teacher Efficacy / Are we creating a more equitable system of distribution of effective and experienced teachers across district?
Teacher Efficacy / Wat are potential pathways to retain teachers and ESP’s if they want additional leadership roles but not necessarily principal path?
Teacher Efficacy / Effective leaders (principals) what does intervention look like when data indicates issue with mismatch at a school?
Teacher Efficacy / How is MPS partnering with various early development of those with an interest in teaching like Step-up or Urban Scholars are there scholarships or grants? Could this be a partnership with the office of Black Male Student Achievement and an opportunity for Innovation?