The Rev. Roger Hungerford, Rector

Email address:

Phone numbers: 309-797-2515 and cell 1-757-639-5610

Church Website:

Birthdays – Dec.19-Eric Sheidler

Dec.23-Mark Meyers

Anniversaries - Dec.21-Rev. Lawrence Larson-Ordination (1964)

Dec. 22- Rev. James Allemeier-Ordination (1969)

Crucifer-Stephanie Sullivan

Acolyte-Barbara Primm

Chalice Bearers-Stephanie Blevins and Norma Bumann

Readers- Kathy Holmgren, Jerry Primm, Jim Sullivan, Bob Hand

Events are held at the Church unless otherwise noted):

Every Wednesday-Holy Eucharist service at 7:00am

12/20-Blue Advent Service at 4:00 pm

12/23-Christmas Gathering at Hildreth’s Home at 7:00 pm

12/24-Christmas Eve Service at 5:30 the Sanctuary

12/24-Party at Eddy’s Home after the 5:30 pm Service

12/25-Christmas Day (Sunday) Service at 9:00 am in the Sanctuary

1/1/2017-Holy Name (Sunday) Service at 9:00 am in the Sanctuary

1/8- Epiphany Sunday-Kathy Hand to Preach

1/9-Vestry Meeting at 6:15 pm

1/19-Serve Meal at Christian Care

2/12-Bishop Lee’s Visit

3/16-Serve Meal at Christian Care

HELP -CHRISTMAS EVE SET UP WILL BE AT 4:30 p.m. The service begins at 5:30 pm.


NEW YEAR’S DAY - Since New Year's Day falls on a Sunday, our service will be at 9:00 a.m.

OUTREACH UPDATE – In addition to the food items we donated last week, this week we will be giving the Christian Friendliness Food Pantry a check for $500. This is the accumulation of monies you have put in the offering plate and marked for the food pantry. The Food Pantry will use this generous donation to round out complete meals for the holidays to their clients here in Moline. This means perishable items can be bought and added to the non-perishables. Thank you!

BLUE ADVENT SERVICE - Advent, Christmas, New Years, and just beyond can be a poignant and trying time for some of us who have lost loved ones or had some other tragedy occur in our lives. I will be leading a special service so people can reflect upon and offer these feelings to the care of our Lord. This is a service meant to let you know you are not alone, a safe place where you can give your trapped feelings expression. This Tuesday, December 20th at 4 p.m. All Saints will host aBlue Advent Service.All are welcome to attend this special service, so if you are having a hard time with all the festivities and feeling blue, come join us as we seek comfort in our Lord.

ANNUAL MEETING - OurAnnual Congregational meetingwill be held just after services onSunday, January 22nd. This is the meeting where we will elect new vestry members, celebrate the ways we served God over the past year, and review finances and have a budget presentation. This is an important day and meeting in the life of our parish so please plan to attend. To be considered for Vestry you must be a communicant in good standing (in other words you should have attended church and taken communion on a regular basis - at the very minimum three times in the past 6 months), should be a confirmed or received Episcopalian, be 16 or older, have financially pledged or given significantly of your time and talent to the church.

END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS–God has blessed all of us mightily, and our giving is wonderful, but we live in a world where we have to consider taxes and accounting. We need to be exemplars and do the right thing right, as well as make the life of our treasurer, Marsha Robison, as easy as possible.Marsha has done an outstanding job on our behalf. She is extremely organized and very dedicated. The light of Christ shines brightly through her as our treasurer.We need to be considerate of our end of the year giving. Per the Diocese of Chicago (DoC) Treasurer, all contributions need to be in hand no later than 12/31, and any stock transactions need to be dated no later than 12/31. Our last Sunday service for 2016 is 12/25. Our treasurer makes deposits on Monday (unless it is a holiday; then on Tuesday).If you wish to give us a check or cash and have it show to your 2016 contribution statement and you forget to get bring it on 12/25, PLEASE have it in the office by no later than 10 a.m. on 12/27. You may mail it to us, but please get it in the mail by 12/27.We will be closing the books for 2016 at the end of the first week in January, 2016. Thank you so very much for all your contributions. Your contributions help as we share the good news and are a way we bring God's healing hope-filled spirit into the world.

CHRISTMAS GATHERING – Please come and join the holiday fun on Fri., Dec. 23rd at the Hildreth’s home starting at 7:00 pm. Bring a dish or just bring yourself. Everyone is welcome!

COME JOIN US – For a Christmas Eve Soup and Sandwich Party at the Eddy’s home at 5322-28th Ave., Moline. Time: After the 5:30 p.m. service on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th. Please mark your calendars now! RSVP appreciated: 309-797-9424.

COMMUNION CAN BE GLUTEN FREE - We have gluten free hosts in a separate container held by the celebrant. When you walk forward to receive communion, if you prefer a gluten free host, please say so. The container will be offered, and you will need to take a host yourself.

EVENING BIBLE STUDY- We are currently taking a break over the holidays and will reconvene on Wed., Jan 4th, 2017. At that time, we will continue our study of the Book of Hebrews. Everyone is welcome to join us!

CHOIR PRACTICE-There will be a practice this Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the church office. We start warming up on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. Come join the fun!


Celebrant: In the name of this congregation I send you forth bearing the sacrament so that those to whom you go may share Holy Communion with us.

Response: We who are many are one body, because we all share one bread.

COFFEE HOUR – Welcome to our coffee hour after the service this morning in the Fellowship Hall. The Hostess for this week is Marge Allemeier.