CADI Systems of Care Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2013

Attendance by phone:Rose Flinchem, Greg Poe, and Scott Setzepfandt
Attendance in person:Hannah Kelly,Danielle Patterson, Ruth Rench, TJ Smithey, Teasa Thompson, and Bonnie Webster
Staff: Temi Ekiran and Caitlin Neal

  1. Introduction
  2. Minutes approval
  3. Hanna motioned to approve the minutes and Danielle seconded.
  4. Recruiting more members
  5. Temi gave her report on recruitment activities; the list of organizations she has contacted and the individuals that have responded to her e-mail. Temi will keep working on this.
  6. T.J also gave his report on recruitment activities.
  7. Hanna shared with the group that she spoke with the stroke team at Ball Memorial Hospital;they seemed interested but will like to get more information about CADI. Temi will follow up on this.
  8. Bonnie informed the group of her meeting Dr Miller as a potential member to CADI, Dr Miller said she will like to be part of the coalition but will like to know more about CADI. Temi will follow up with this.
  9. Black expo- Temi called to ask for a table during the black expo event, she left a message no response,Teasa suggested askingAntoniettefrom Indiana Minority Health Coalition if CADI can share their table.
  10. EMT community
  11. The group discussed the different people and their organizations that touch a patient. They recommended reaching out to EMS organizations, ENA and ACEM, and alumni associations.
  12. Temi gave an update of Bob’s intension to help get the EMT community involve in CADI, he volunteered to be an intermediary between CADI and EMT services.
  13. Group discuss specialties that the group should recruit
  14. Indiana EMS Association
  15. Association of ophthalmologist
  16. Emergency nurses association
  1. Upcoming planning meeting – June 26 10am-3pm at ADA
  2. Danielle suggested a facilitator to guide the discussion. During the meeting, we hope to discuss goals and objectives for the coalition and well has how to create an identity for the coalition. The immediate focus is to get the goals on paper, so workgroup can start working. This meeting will take the place of the quarterly meeting scheduled for June. The quarterly meeting business will be discussed at a different time. Danielle asked that everyone forward the invitation widely but ask that everyone RSVP so that we have an accurate head count for lunch.
  3. Upcoming events
  4. Ruth mentioned that she has been accepted to give a presentation on stroke at an upcoming EMS meeting August 24, she will send more information about the event to Temi.
  5. Data Requests
  6. The group also discussed the different ways of collecting data across the state, as we have 10 EMS districts, and many EMS providers are voluntary.
  7. TJ recommended working with that data committee to collect response time information from the 10 EMS districts in Indiana. We are not yet aware what data is available from them. ADA already has information addressing diabetes. Bonita will reach out to her EMS contact in Zionsville.
  8. The group asked if we can collect data on the cost of EMS services for Medicare and Medicaid. Bonita believes that she can collect the ICD 9 and 10 codes for cardiovascular care and diabetes. They discussed the kind of data they would like to collect, including type I and II diabetics.
  9. Danielle asked that they come and present to our work group.
  10. Regular Meeting Dates
  11. Every second Tuesday from 9am to 10:30am
  12. 2013 Meeting Schedule:
  13. July 9, August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10
  14. Danielle adjourned the meeting to July and Ruth seconded.