KAMP Intern Checklist
Intern Name:______Show Host: ______
Here are some things that all interns should know how to do before leaving the sagely grasp of your wise and knowing DJ hands. Each part of this list must be initialed by the veteran DJ and the intern. At the end of this list, there are spaces where the DJ and the intern must sign and swear, on hallowed KAMP ground, that they have taught and learned all the skills presented. The intern should know and be taught the following:
Board Operation:
______Understand all of the operation on the board (how to increase the volume, what levels to watch for, ______how to “cue” a song or pre-listen to it using the board, etc.)
______Understand how to take a call (i.e. how to control the volumes, how to patch someonethrough, what ______to tell the person on the phone about language on air, etc.)
______How to attach an auxiliary device (such as a laptop or cellular device) to the board and how to use it.
______How to manage different fade-ins and cuts for songs (such as cueing the board to the desired sound ______level and turning that part of the board on, how to fade in and out of a song, etc.)
______How to play music in the background of your drops.
______How to use headphones with the board.
Musical Machinery Operation:
______Understand how to cue a song that you want to play.
______Understand the basic operations of the CD player (fast forward, change format of the timer—______counting down or up, etc.)
______How to play a record (without damaging the record payer or the records).
______*only required for those who plan on playing records on their show.
______How to play something off of the computer (including PSAs, paid spots, promos, news
______bumps, YouTube).
______Demonstrate how to avoid dead-air, what to say every time there is a break (i.e. station ID, show ______drops, etc.) in general show intern how to make show flow welltogether with general DJ etiquette.
______How to log show on Radioactivity correctly
______How to create a show page on the KAMP website.
______How to access/use the online archives
______Remind intern of the seven A/B CDs required to play on their show (excludesspecialty shows, ______talk/news shows, and sports shows).
______How to check the number of active listeners.
______Show your intern how to properly review a CD (explain CD review process).
______Inform intern ofthe basics of how to plan for and organize upcoming shows.
______Remind intern of the next steps after completing the 2-week internship process (fill out
______programming sheet and turn in the $20 dues to the generalmanager, re-take examif necessary, etc.)
Final Intern Test:
______Before your intern leaves your all-knowing DJ hands, they should be able to do a half-hour
______segment of your show, keeping in mind and utilizing all applicable things that they have learned above.
Time/Date of On-Air Test:
“I have witnessed this intern’s skills above and feel confident that they are ready for a show of their own:”
______DJ Signature, Date
“I have been taught all the above information and feel confident to move on to my own show:”
AtKAMP Student Radio, we pride ourselves on being a medium of expression that is inclusive to all people; we are a place for people to feel comfortable, accepted, and respected. I understand that noKAMP Student Radiomember has any guarantee of a position or a job, and any member who displays behavior that is deemed offensive, inappropriate, or harassing may have their membership revoked at any time.
______Intern Signature, Date
*** To be scheduled, please return this form and your programming sheet to the Programming Director ***
Updated January 2016