Story of Statue of Liberty
Skim & Scan
Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer1. 290, 2 / Write the proper noun. / New York Harbor
2. 290, 3 & 4 / Write 3 words that tell how millions of visitors get out to the island. / ride the ferry
3. 290, 8 / Write the possessive proper noun. / Bedloe’s
4. 290, 10 & 11 / Write 5 words that tell what Bartholdi had created. / many other statues and monuments
5. 291, 1 & 2 / Write 6 words that tell when he made sketches and some small models. / When he got back to Paris
6. 291, 3 / What was the statue’s name? / Liberty
7. 291, 5 / Write 2 words that tell what she would hold in her raised hand. / a lamp
8. 292, 4 / Write 4 words that describe the statue. / very large, very strong
9. 292, 5-7 / Write 7 words that tell who gave him ideas about how to build the statue. / many well-known artists, engineers, and craftsmen
10. 292, last 2 / Write 3 words that tell what was signed on July 4, 1776. / Declaration of Independence
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 293, first / Write the word that has a suffix. / holding
2. 293, 3 & 4 / Write 7 words that show where it stood after 1876. / in Madison Square in New York City
3. 293, 5 / Write words that show what was shown at the World’s Fair in Paris. / Liberty’s head
4. 293, 6 / Who was able to climb inside and look around? / visitors
5. 294, 1 & 2 / Write 4 words that tell what was put onto the skeleton. / skin of gleaming copper
6. 294, 2 / Write 2 words that tell what held the copper in place. / iron straps
7. 295, 2 / Write the verb. / came
8. 295, 4 / How many steps were there? / 168
9. 295, 5 & 6 / Write 8 words that tell why Liberty was taken apart. / for the long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean
10. 295, last 2 / What 2 kinds of transportation was used to carry Liberty to America. / train, ship
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 296, first 2 / Write 4 words that tell what people in America had lost interest in. / the Statue of Liberty
2. 296, 2 & 3 / Write 4words that tell why work on Bedloe’s Island had stopped. / money had run out
3. 296, 7 / Write 3 words that tell how the ship was greeted in New York. / with new excitement
4. 296, 9 / Write the word that has a suffix. / completed
5. 296, 9 &10 / Write words that tell how the skeleton was raised. / piece by piece
6. 297, first / Write the action verb and its helping verb. / was standing
7. 297, 3 / Write the 4 nouns. / ships, harbor, speeches, songs
8. 297, 3 / Write the word that is the opposite of emptied. / filled
9. 297, 5 / Write the possessive pronoun. / her
10. 297, last / Write the name of a president. / Grover Cleveland
Happy Birthday Mr. Kang
Skim & Scan
Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer1. 311, first / Write the hyphenated compound word. / forty-three
2. 311, 3 / Write the two verbs. / chopped, wrapped
3. 311, 5 & 6 / Write 2 words that tell who ate at the Golden Dragon Restaurant. / hungry people
4. 311, 10 / Write 6 words that tell what Mr. Kang blew out. / all the candles on his cake
5. 311, 15 / What does “hau mei” mean? / bird
6. 312, first / Write 4 words that tell where Mr. Kang sits. / at the kitchen table
7. 312, 4 & 5 / Write one word that tells when he paints a poem twice. / sometimes
8. 312, 7 / Write the word with a suffix. / making
9. 312, 9 / Write the adverb. / softly
10. 312, 13 / Write the two adjectives that describe water. / cool, clear
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 313, 4 / Write the word that is the opposite of cool. / warm
2. 313, 6 / Write the 2 words with a long a sound. / stay, safe
3. 313, 7 / Write the plural noun. / arms
4. 313, 8-10 / Write 4 words that tell what they see when they look out their narrow windows. / their own kitchen gardens
5. 313, 10 / Write the two words that are homophones. / see, own
6. 314, 4 / Write the two prepositional phrases. / at each other, without blinking
7. 314, 6 / Write the compound word. / airplane
8. 315, 1& 2 / Write 7 words that tell the two things Mr. Kang does when he gets up. / washes his face, puts on his clothes
9. 315, 3 & 4 / Write 2 adjectives that describe cover. / freshly ironed
10. 315, 10 / Write the adverb that tells how. / gingerly
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 320, 2 / Write 4 words that tell where Mr. Lum puts a hand. / on his friend’s arm
2. 320, 3 / Write the shape word. / circle
3. 320, 5 & 6 / Write the prepositional phrase. / about your three birthday wishes
4. 320, 11 / What is the land of the free? / America
5. 320, 14 / Write the contraction. / it’s
6. 321, first / Write the adverb. / Suddenly
7. 321, 12 / Write 6 words that tell where Mr. Kang’s hua mei perches. / on the threshold of his cage
8. 321, 13 / Write the 2 verbs. / thinks, steps
9. 322,last / Write 3 words that tell where the bird flies. / onto Sam’s head
10. 324, 3 / Write 3 words that tell what Mr. Kanag does. / paints his poem
Talking Walls: Art for the People
Skim & Scan
Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer1. 338, 1 & 2 / Write 4 words that tell where immigrants travel to America from. / all over the world
2. 338, 2& 3 / Write 3 words that tell what they leave behind in their native countries. / homes and villages
3. 338, 5 & 6 / Write 4words that tell who enjoys many different kinds of freedom. / the people in America
4. 338, 8 / Write the word that is the opposite of expensive. / free
5. 388, 10 & 11 / What are the painted walls called? / murals
6. 340, 1& 2 / How many prepositional phrases are in the first sentence? / 5
7. 340, 4 & 5 / Write 4 words that tell what landmark the mural titled “Immigrant” shows. / the Statue of Liberty
8. 340, 8 / Write the word that means a woman who sews. / seamstress
9. 340, 10 / Which country did Hector Ponce come from? / El Salvador
10. 340, last 2 / Write 3 words that tell what the people came to this country looking for. / a better life
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 342, 2 / Write the plural noun. / people
2. 342, 3 / Write the word noun that is a place. / neighborhood
3. 342, 4 / Write the word that means a drawing. / sketch
4. 342, 6 & 7 / Write 5 words that tell what Sarantitis has created. / many public murals across America
5. 342, 10 / Write the proper noun. / Philadelphia
6. 344,first 2 / Write 7 words that tell what Paul Botello began when he was 8 years old. / helping his older brother, David, paint murals
7. 344, 3 / Write the linking verb. / was
8. 344, 6 / Write 2 words with r-controlled vowels. / art, murals
9. 344, 10 & 11 / Write 4 words that tell who most of the students at Esperanza School are. / immigrants from Central America
10. 344, last / What is the key to success? / education
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 345, first / Write the pronoun. / her
2. 345, 2 / Write the noun that names people. / students
3. 345, 3 / Write 3 words that have a suffix. / standing, painting, holding
4. 345, 3 & 4 / Write 5 words that tell what students are holding. / objects that symbolize their futures
5. 345, 4 & 5 / Write 5 words that tell what the parents stand behind to do. / help guide and support them
6. 346, first / Write the comparative adjective. / older
7. 346, first 2 / Write 2 words that tell what David Botello dreamed of becoming. / an artist
8. 346, 6 / Write the prepositional phrases. / of many murals, with Wayne
9. 346, 13 / Write the contraction. / I’ve
10. 346, last 2 / Write 2 words that tell what can come true. / your dreams
Two Bad Ants
Skim & Scan
Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer1. 358, / What is the genre? / Animal fantasy
2. 360, 1 / Write the verb and adverb. What tense is this verb. / Traveled swiftly, past
3. 360 / Why were the ants eager to gather more crystals for the queen? / The mother’s happiness made the whole ant nest a happy place.
4. 361, 1&2 / Write 2 words that tell what stretched over the entrance / Long shadows
5. 361, 3 / Write 3 words that tell how the ants climb out. / One by one
6. 362, 1 / Write the past tense action verb. / Marched
7. 362, 2 / Touch the comma, write the 4 words before the comma. / Dusk turned to twilight
8. 363, 2 / Write the adverb. / Anxiously
9. 363, 7 / Write 2 compound words. / Firefly, overhead
10. 364, 1 / Write 6 words that tell where the mountain stood. / At the edge of the forest
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 364 / Touch the comma. Write the 3 words after the comma. / Higher and higher
2. 364, 6 / Write the word that shows possession. / Mountain’s
3. 365, 1&2 / Write the 3 words that tell where the ants found themselves. / A strange world
4. 365, 2nd paragraph / Write the word that means something desired. / Goal
5. 366, 1 / Write the word with a suffix. / Quickly
6. 366, / Write the sentence that is a question. / Why go back? one asked the other.
7. 367, 1 / Write the word with the prefix. / Unaware
8. 367, 2-4 / Write 3 words that tell what plunged deep into the crystals / Giant silver scoop
9. 368, 1 / Touch the word stirred. What word describes stirred. / Violently
10. 369, / Where are the ants? / In a cup of coffee
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 370, 2 / Write the adjective. / Frightened
2. 371, 1-3 / Write 4 verbs that tell what happened to their hiding place. / Was Lifted, tilted, lowered
3. 371, 7-9 / Why does this sentence have a comma? / It is a compound sentence
4. 372, 3-4 / Write the 4 adjectives in this sentence. / Both, powerful, feverish, refreshing
5. 373, 3 / Write the adjective that describes fruit. / Half-eaten
6. 373, / Where are the ants? / In a drain/garbage disposal
7. 374, 9 / Touch the word with a suffix. Write the base word / Sense
8. 374, / What happened to the ants? / They got shocked
9. 375, 1 / Write the word with the schwa sound. / awoke
10. 375, 11 / Touch the contraction. Write the two words that make up this contraction. / They had
Elena’s Serenade
Skim & Scan
Directions: Tell students the page and line number they are to look on to find the answer. Read the question. Give them time to find the answer and write it down. Then discuss the answer. Only do one section per day.
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer1. 384 / What is fantasy? / A made-up story that could never happen
2. 386, / What is the setting? / Mexico
3. 386, / What occupation does Elena’s papa have? / Glassblowing
4. 386, / Why does Papa tell Elena she cannot be a glassblower? / Because she is a girl
5. 387, / Who are the characters so far? / Elena, Papa, and Pedro
6. 387, / Where is Elena headed? / Monterrey
7. 387, 11&12 / What is Elena going to do since girls are not supposed to be glassblowers? / Pretend she is a boy
8. 388 / What does el sol mean? / The sun
9. 388, 2 / Touch the commas. Write the words between the commas. / At last
10. 388, / What is the name of the song Elena started playing? / “Burro Serenade”
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 389 / How do you know this story is fantasy? / The donkey talks
2. 389, 4 / Write the proper noun. / Monterrey
3. 389, last line / What does Que pasa? mean? / What happened?
4. 390, 2 / Write 6 words that tell what is wrong with the roadrunner. / One of my legs forgets how
5. 390, 4 / Write the adverb. What does the adverb describe? / Slowly, blow
6. 391, 1 / Write the sequencing word. / Suddenly
7. 391, 10&11 / Write the 4 words that tell what Elena dreams of when she drifts of to sleep. / I dream of home
8. 392, 1 / Is this sentence a question, statement, or command. / Command
9. 392, 10 / Write 3 nouns. / Owl, boats, lizard
10. 393 / Write the word that means a building where people and machines make things. / factory
Page # & Line # / Question / Answer
1. 394, 1 / Write the simile. / Stiff as soldiers
2. 394. last paragraph / What has Elena made from blowing the song into the pipe? / A star
3. 395 / Write 4 words that tell who wants to buy the stars that Elena blows? / The children in Monterrey
4. 396,1 / Write 2 words that tell when. / One night
5. 396, 4 / What is a swallow? / A bird
6. 397, 6 / Touch the word hundreds. Divide it into two syllables. / Hun-dreds
7. 398, 2 / Write the word that show possession. / Pedro’s
8. 399, 3&4 / How do you know this story is fantasy? / A glass butterfly cannot flutter its wings
9. 399, / Write the word that means to answer someone in words. / Reply
10. 400, / On Saturdays what do tourist come to do. / Dance and catch glass butterflies.