EEE 3396 – Solid State Devices

Catalog Description: (3cr) Introduction to the principles of semiconductor electron device operation.

Prerequisites: Circuits I

Textbook: Solid State Electronic Devices by Streetman and Banerjee, seventh edition, Pearson, 2014.

Course Objective: To provide the background on semiconductor physics of semiconductors, develop the fundamental semiconductor equations at equilibrium and nonequilibrium, and to apply these fundamental concepts to basic semiconductor devices in order to explain the device operation, electrical characteristics, and design semiconductor devices with specified operating parameters.

Professional Component: 3 credits of Engineering Science

Relationship to Outcomes:

·  EE1 - knowledge of probability and statistics, including applications: Fermi-Dirac, Boltzmann statistics with applications in terms of band occupancy are covered and tested.

·  EE2 - knowledge of mathematics, basic and engineering sciences necessary to analyze and design complex systems: Differential equations and solid state physics are used to design semiconductor devices meeting certain specifications.

·  a - an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering: Charge transport equation and carrier continuity equations are covered and tested.

·  c - an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability: Students were asked to design transistors for meeting specific targets.

·  e - an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems: For example, students were asked to optimize photo-diodes and solar cells.

·  k - an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice: Graphs, calculators, and the literature are used to address the engineering of semiconductor devices.

Instructor: Prof. Ant Ural

NEB 555


Teaching Assistant: Paymon Abtahi

Class Schedule:

3 classes per week of 50 minutes each

Meeting Times: MWF period 6

Meeting Location: NEB 202

Grading: Homework: 10%, Midterm 1: 22.5%, Midterm 2: 22.5%, Final: 45%

Course outline:

·  Semiconductor Materials; Crystal lattices and periodic structures, Wave motion of electrons in materials, Fermi energy level

·  Carrier Transport; Drift and electron and hole mobilities, Diffusion in a concentration gradient, Generation, recombination, and trapping

·  PN Junctions; Energy band diagram, Physics of the Shockley diode equation, Space-charge-layer current

·  MOS Capacitor; Characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor, Charge control model

·  Characteristics MOS field-effect transistor, Conductivity modulation model, Switching

·  Characteristics of bipolar junction transistor, Derivation of the Shockley equations, Switching properties