“How to Save a Dog” Chapter 8 Lesson Plan

Subject: Reading

Grade: 4th

Date: 11/5/2010

Lesson Topic: “How to Steal a Dog” chapter book


-Given the novel “How to Steal a Dog”, the students in a whole class setting will read chapter eight.


The purpose of the lesson is for the students to read and comprehend the material provided in the novel “How to Steal a Dog”. Through reading and comprehending the book, the students will expand their critical thinking skills along with their reading skills including vocabulary, reading fluency, and comprehension.

Materials & Resources:

O’Conner, B. (2007). How to steal a dog. Canada: Douglas & McIntrye Ltd.

Sequence of Lesson

Focusing Activity: 5 -8 minutes

The teacher will ask the following questions from Chapter 7 to review and check to see if the student’s read by their responses. The following questions will be asked:

1. Who sat by Luanne and Georgina on the bus? –Liza Thomas

2. Who is Mr. White? Georgina’s teacher

3. What did Mr. White give to Georgina? –A letter for her parents.

4. What did Mr. White say would happened if Georgina’s parents did not respond to his letter? – He would have to tell the principal about the problem.

Instructional Procedures: 20-25 minutes

1. The teacher will begin reading the book “How to Steal a Dog” Chapter 8 and will read until the third page of the chapter has been reached.

2. Once the teacher has reached page 3 of Chapter 8, the teacher will ask the class the following comprehension questions:

1. Why were their cars honking at Georgina and her family? –Her mom was at a green light but not driving the car.

2. What happened to her mom’s job at the cleaners? She got fired and lost her job.

3. Once the student has finished reading Chapter 8, the teacher will ask the class the following questions. Students will raise their hands if they have an answer and the teacher will call on students to answer:

1. What does Georgina say at the end of the Chapter about stealing the dog? – That she definitely wants to steal a dog.

2. Why did Georgina and her family leave the house? They left because there was another sign on the door to keep out, so they went back to living in their car.

Closing Activity

1. The teacher will instruct the students to write in their journals what will occur in Chapter 9 of the book “How to Steal a Dog”.

2. The teacher will call on 4-5 students who would like to share their predictions with the class. After each student has shared their predictions, the teacher will ask the following question:

1. What information from the story led you to predict that?
