Children and Community Policy on Management and Administration of Prescribed Medication

May 2013



Section One: Policy Details*

Name of Policy / Policy on Management and Administration of Prescribed Medication
Lead Officer (Name/Position) / Zhan McIntyre, Coordinator
Housing Policy and Strategy, Community Care and Housing, Newton House.
 30 Green Street Lane, Ayr, KA8 8BH
 01292 612916

Policy Development Team (Names/Positions) / Zhan McIntyre,
Coordinator, Housing Policy and Strategy
Ann Jess
Review Coordinator
Critical friend (s) / Kevin Anderson, Coordinator
Housing Policy and Strategy, Community Care and Housing, Newton House
 30 Green Street Lane, Ayr, KA8 8BH
 01292 612982

What are the main aims of the policy? / The aims of this policy and associated service specific procedures are to:
  • promote the rights of the individuals to manage their prescribed medication
  • provide support and guidelines to assist individuals who experience difficulty in managing medication independently
  • ensure workers that are tasked to support individuals with management and administration of prescribed medication are appropriately trained to do so.

What are the intended outcomes of the policy / The outcomes of this policy and associated service specific procedures are:
  • Service-users are offered correct and appropriate assistance to administer medication
  • Employees are confident in their knowledge and ability to provide appropriate medication assistance when required

Section Two: What are the Likely Impacts of the Policy?

Will the policy impact upon the whole population of South Ayrshire or particular groups within the population (please specify / The policy will have a positive impact on particular groups within the population. In particular, it may impact on:
  • people who attend educational / day-care establishments such as schools, nurseries and childminding services
  • people who receive Home Care services
  • people who live in residential care homes
  • people who attend Day Care
  • people who attend Respite
  • employees who provide care

Considering the following Protected Characteristics and themes, what likely impacts or issues does the policy have for the group or community.

List any likely positive and/or negative impacts

Protected Characteristics / Positive and/or Negative Impacts
Issues relating to people of any racial group, ethnic or national origin, including gypsy travellers and migrant workers / No impacts anticipated as the policy relates equally to people of all racial groups, ethnic or national origins, including gypsy travellers and migrant workers.
Care must be taken to ensure that a copy of the policy is available in community languages upon request.
Issues specific to women or men / It is anticipated that this policy may have a positive impact on women – as Care Employees are disproportionately female.
The introduction of the policy will have a positive impact on care employees by introducing a standard process for ensuring staff have the knowledge and support required to safely carry out their duties
Issues relating to disabled people / It is anticipated that the policy will have a positive impact on people with disabilities who attend educational establishments, receive home care services, live in Care Homes, and attend Day Care or Respite services.
Officers and staff will have training and clear procedures to follow in relation to medication management and administration, safeguarding the safety of young service users.
Care must be taken to ensure that this policy is available in alternative formats upon request.
Issues relating to a particular age group e.g. older people or children and young people / It is anticipated that the policy will have a positive impact on young people who attend an educational establishment and require assistance to take medication.
Officers and staff will have training and clear procedures to follow in relation to medication management and administration, safeguarding the safety of young service users.
It is anticipated that the policy will have a positive impact on older people who may receive home care services or live in Care Homes, attend Day Care or Respite services who require assistance to take medication.
Officers and staff will have training and clear procedures to follow in relation to medication management and administration, safeguarding the safety of young service users.
Care must be taken to ensure large print and easy to read copies of this policy are available for service users with visual impairments.
Religion or Belief
Issues relating to a person’s religion or belief (including non-belief) / It is anticipated that the policy will have a positive impact on individuals with Religion or Belief as the Policy highlights the need for the spiritual and religious needs to be taken into account when provided with assistance
Sexual Orientation:
Issues relating to a person’s sexual orientation i.e. lesbian, gay , bi-sexual, heterosexual / No impacts anticipated as the policy relates equally to people of all sexual orientations.
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Issues relating to people who are married or are in a civil partnership. / No impacts anticipated as the policy relates equally to people who are not married or in a civil partnership as well as those that are.
Gender Reassignment
Issues relating to people who have proposed, started or completed a process to change his or her sex. / No impacts anticipated as the policy relates equally to people undertaking a gender re-assignment process as well as those who are not.
Pregnancy and Maternity
Issues relating to the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby and the period after the birth. / No impacts anticipated as the policy relates equally to people who may have issues relating to the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby and the period after the birth as well as those without these issues.
Multiple / Cross Cutting Equality Issues
Issues relating to multiple protected characteristics. / The policy may have cross cutting equality issues relating to age and disability.
Equality and Diversity Themes Particularly Relevant to South Ayrshire Council
Issues and impacts affecting people’s health / The policy may impact positively on health issues by:
  • Ensuring that all council employees and employees representing the Council have a clear understanding of the level of assistance they can provide an individual as well as the correct procedures and protocols associated with this assistance;
  • Ensuring that all council employees and employees representing the Council are aware of the correct procedures if an error occurs to ensure the health and well-being of the service-users.

Human Rights: Issues and impacts affecting people’s human rights such as being treated with dignity and respect, the right to education, the right to respect for private and family life, and the right to free elections. / The policy may impact positively on human rights by:
  • Ensuring that all service-users who require assistance to take medication are treated with dignity and respect.

Impacts relating to living and working in a rural community / The policy is unlikely to have any significant impacts or implication for people living in rural areas.
Issues relating to poverty and social exclusion, and the disadvantage that results from it. / The policy is unlikely to have any significant impacts on people experiencing poverty and social exclusion.

Section Three: Evidence Used in Developing the Policy

Type of Research / Explanation
Consultation / The consultation process started in August 2011, using a variety of methods:
  • Catherin Reynolds, Children’s Services Manager provided comments and information in a face to face interview on the 18.08.11;
  • Liz Sergeant and Frank McMenemy Manager of Adult Services were asked to comment by email on the 17.10.11;
  • David Burns, Strategic Performance Manager was asked to comment by email on the 17.10.11;
  • Senior Officer at Hillcrest Care Home provided comments and information in a face to face interview on the 25.11.11;
  • Lana Leese at HRM Home Care was contacted by telephone Feb 2013 and provided information on existing medication processes
  • Vicky Philips at Premier Home Care was visited at Premier Home Care premises and provided a copy of Medication Assistance Record (MAR) sheet and medication guidelines on the in Feb 13
  • Joanne Brown at Constance Care was visited at Constance Care premises and provided copies of existing medication policy and recording format on the Feb 2013
  • Greg Stevenson at South Ayrshire Council Respite Service was contacted by telephone provided a copy of existing medication policy on the Feb 2013
  • Marnie Watson at Momentum Care was contacted by telephon and provided a verbal explanation of existing procedures on the Feb 2013
  • Reenie Spencer and Maureen Hogg from South Ayrshire Council Home Care Services attending a meeting and expressed concerns about a need for a new policy and documentation used in service at present on the Feb 2013
  • Jim Goldie from South Ayrshire Council Older Peoples Service attend a meeting at their premises and provided current policy and documentation on the Feb 2013
  • Linda Conway of South Ayrshire Council Day Care service was contacted by email and provided current documentation
  • Connie Lobban, Anne Craig, Lisa McAlpine, Steven Kelly and Ann Jess attended a stakeholder meeting in Newton House on 13.05.13
  • Greig Stevenson, Shona Thomson, Nancy McNeill, Michelle Swan, Di Lamprell, Jim McCaffrey, Pauline Ritchie and Alison Durie attended a stakeholder meeting in Newton House on 21.05.13
  • Lynn Smith (HR) attended a face to face meeting in Newton House on 12.06.13
  • Lynda Burgess (Early Years) attended a face to face meeting in Newton House on 13.06.13
  • Greig Stevenson and Emmeline Murphy (Respite) attended a face to face meeting in Newton House on 14.06.13
  • Nancy McNeill, Michelle Swan and Susan Smith (Care Homes) attended a face to face meeting in Newton House on 18.06.13

Data and Research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been collected from research or other data. Please specify what research was carried out or data collected, when and how this was done. / Analysis of policies and strategies from other local authorities between August and October 2011 and again between January 2013 and February 2013.
Partners data and research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been provided by partners. Please specify partners / Examples of other Local Authorities approach to medication assistance was gathered and assessed.
Partner agencies who provide care services across South Ayrshire provided information about existing policies and procedures.
Gaps and Uncertainties
Have you identified any gaps or uncertainties in your understanding of the issues or impacts that need to be explored further? / Medication errors are currently recorded on Incident Report Forms at each and sent to Corporate Health and Safety. The new policy asks Service Managers to send copies of the Incident Report Forms to a dedicated email address, so that a learning log can be established.

Section Four: Detailed Action Plan to address identified gaps in:

a) evidence and

b) to mitigate negative impacts




/ Lead Officer(s) / Timescale
1 / Ensure that the policy is available in community languages upon request. /

Frank McMenemy


July 2013

2 / Ensure that the policy is available in alternative formats (eg Braille) upon request /

Frank McMenemy


July 2013

3 / Ensure large print and easy to read copies of this policy are available for service users with visual impairments and learning disabilities /

Zhan McIntyre


July 2013

4 / Prepare guidance on providing care to individuals with spiritual or religious beliefs /

Zhan McIntyre


July 2013

Section Five - Performance monitoring and reporting

Considering the policy as a whole, including its equality and diversity implications:

When is the policy intended to come into effect? / Autumn 2013
When will the policy be reviewed? / Autumn 2014
Which Scrutiny Panel will have oversight of the policy? / Leadership Panel

Section 6South Ayrshire Council Appendix ......

Summary Equality Impact Assessment Implications & Mitigating Actions

Name of Policy: Medication Assistance Policy

This policy will assist the Council’s ability to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations as follows:

Eliminate discrimination
Advance equality of opportunity
The policy will advance equality of opportunity for officers and support workers are given the best possible training and support to undertake their work in providing medication-assistance.
Foster good relations
The strategy will foster good relations by making sure all employees who provide medication assistance are fully trained and competent.

Summary of Action Plan to Mitigate Negative Impacts




Ensure that the policy is available in community languages upon request. /

July 2013 and Ongoing

Ensure that the policy is available in alternative formats (eg Braille) upon request /

July 2013 and Ongoing

Ensure large print and easy to read copies of this policy are available for service users with visual impairments /

July 2013

Prepare guidance on providing care to individuals with spiritual or religious beliefs /

July 2013

Signed: ...... Head of Service
Date: ......