8th Grade Pre-Algebra


Sabrina Hayes

Materials Needed:

Students must bring all required materials to class every day. The materials required for this class are the following:

·  Binder with loose leaf paper or notebook

·  Pencils (No pens)

·  Graph Paper

·  Index Cards

·  Scientific or Graphing Calculator (TI-84)

·  Workbook

·  Headphones


·  Students will take a midterm exam in December and a final exam in May. As per the Chilton County Student Handbook, exams will count 20% of the student’s final grade in the class.


·  Students will not have a textbook assigned to them for the semester. We have a classroom set of textbooks that will be used in class. Students may sign out a textbook if they need to take one home. If the textbook is lost or damaged, the student must pay for the textbook.

·  The $10 classroom donation covers a student workbook that the students can write in and take home. If the workbook is lost, students may purchase another copy for home use.

Classroom Rules:

·  Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn every day.

·  Respect the teacher, other students, and yourself.

·  Be responsible for your own learning.

·  Complete every assignment to the best of your ability.

·  Clean up after yourself and your peers.

·  Use the restroom before class.


·  For minor offenses, students will be given 3 strikes before being referred to the office for discipline. Offenses resulting in a strike include, but are not limited to: not having homework completed on time, being unprepared for class, not participating in class, misuse of technology, etc.

·  Strike 1- Warning. Strike 2- Written motivator (to be signed by parent/guardian). Strike 3- Discipline referral.

·  Major offenses may result in immediate write up.

·  Other consequences include verbal warning, last out of the classroom, silent lunch/break, or written assignment.

Classroom Procedures:

·  When the tardy bell rings, students should be in their seats working on the opening activity.

·  Students should remain in their seats and engaged in the lesson until the teacher dismisses the class.

·  Class time is not bathroom time. If a student has an emergency and needs to use the restroom during class, he/she must make up the time missed during break.

·  Homework is crucial to learning and understanding math. Homework will sometimes be graded for accuracy, while other times it will be checked for completion. Homework that is not turned in or turned in incomplete will result in a strike.

·  Students must write their first and last name on all assignments. Any paper turned in without a name will not be graded.

Make-up Work Procedures:

·  All homework and classwork assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.

·  It is the responsibility of the student to get any notes or assignments from days they are absent. It is also the student’s responsibility to ask for help if needed.

·  As per the Chilton County Student Handbook, students have 2 days to arrange to make-up assignments with an excused absence. Students will receive zeros for assignments if they have an unexcused absence or are suspended from school.

·  If you need to make up work from the textbook, it is the responsibility of the student to arrange to either copy the problems at break or during activity or to check out a textbook.

Chromebook/Google Accounts Procedures:

·  Students are responsible for knowing their Google email address, account password, and state ID number

·  Chromebooks and Google accounts (Gmail, Google Classroom, etc.) are for academic use only and will not be used for personal use.

·  Students must follow directions and stay on task while using the Chromebooks.

·  Misuse of the Chromebooks/Google accounts will result in disciplinary action.

·  Headphones are required and will be used for academic videos and online lessons. Headphones are not for listening to music.


·  The teacher will use the Class Dojo website as a reward system for the class. Specifics on how students gain or lose points on Class Dojo will be covered with the class at the beginning of the year. Students earn rewards both individually and as a class.

·  Homework passes will be given when students make a 100 on a unit test. Homework passes can be used to “get out of homework free” or used as 5 points bonus on another unit test.

How to be Successful in Pre-Algebra:

·  Complete all homework and classwork to the best of your ability! Do not make excuses! “I don’t understand” is not a reason not to do your homework!

·  If you are struggling: use notes and examples from lesson, ask the teacher, ask another student for help, use online resources, or check out a textbook.

·  Study for tests and quizzes! Math is like a sport, you will not get better unless you practice! Work extra problems, rework homework problems, memorize formulas and procedures, study vocabulary, etc.