Short title of your work 1

Title of your paper which can have up to
four lines

Firstname1 Lastname1[1]Firstname2 Lastname2[2], use the same notation for additional authors.

Abstract:This abstract should give a short overview about your work and can have between 70 and 150 words. Use the font family ‘Times New Roman’ with the size 9. This justified paragraph always starts with the word ‘Abstract’ in bold style. You should add a spacing of 30pt above the paragraph and 6pt below. Use 1 line spacing.

Keywords: Add keywords here that describe your topic best. Use the same formatting as above.


The application of this guidelines is mandatory (Guidelines from 2015) for submissions for the ‘Lecture Notes Informatik (LNI)’ to ensure a consistent layout of all submissions.

Also this document can be used as a template for authors.

2General formatting

Type area: The printed volumes are23.5 x 15.5 cm in size, and the type area 19.2 x 12.6 cm; Please make use of all the available space.

Changes in spacing are not tolerated!


The font family of the title is ‘Times New Roman’ in size 14pt and bold. It is left-aligned and should not exceed 4 lines. Above the title a spacing of 23pt is needed.

You can use subtitles if you want to, but you have to set the spacing below to 16pt. Subtitles have a font size of 10pt and are formatted bold without spacing above and 23pt below.

2.2Author information

The Author information is written in‘Times New Roman’ with size 10pt. and left aligned.

All authors have to be mentioned in to following notation: Firstname Lastname. If there is more than one author separate the authors by comma except from the last two authors. Separate them by ‘and’.

The footnotes to every author contains contact information on the author. (Times New Roman, 8pt)

2.3Running text

It has to be written in ‘Times New Roman’, size 10 and formatted as justification with one-line-spacing. Do not add blank lines.

There is no indentation for new paragraphs.

You can only make use of special characters that can also be printed within .pdf and .eps files.


Chapter headings: Times New Roman, size 12bold. Spacing of 24pt above and 12pt below the heading.

Numbering starts with 1 (without following dot). If you use words numbering, add an extra indent of 0.76pt.


Subheadings: Times New Roman, size 10 bold. Spacing of 20pt above and 10pt below the heading.

Numbering starts with 1 (without following dot). If you use words numbering, add an extra indent of 1.02pt.

Only one layer of subheadings is allowed (e.g.: 1.1, 1.2, … but not 1.1.1, 1.1.2).


In running text, footnotes are added at the end of the page. The list of footnotes is initiated by a 5cm long line above the footnotes. They are numbered consecutively from 1 onwards, beginning with the authors in each article.

2.7Enumeration and bullet lists

  • Bullet list are formatted in the same way as running text. Each line of one single point has the same indent as the first one. If you do not use this template, you have to insert additional indentation of 0.88cm
  • The first level starts with ●. Each point is followed by a spacing of 6pt

−The second level starts with−. If you do not use this template, you have to insert additional indentation of 0.88cm and a tab stop of 1.76pt.

−You should not exceed the maximum of two levels.

  1. Enumerations are formatted like bullet lists

a)Also use the same spacing as above.


The The first page has its own already defined header and differs from the odd an even headers. You must not modify the header on the first page.

Even pages contain the page number followed by 4-5 spaces before the author names on the left. Too long lists of names will be shortened by the editors. More than 3 authors have to be abbreviated with the name of the first author followed by ‘at al.’.

Odd pages contain the title followed by 4-5 spaces before the page number, right aligned. Too long titles will be shortened.

Below the header there has to be a horizontal line with the size of ½ pt.

Additional templates can be found at


To prevent figures from being shifted, you have to set the alignment to ‘In line with text’ and begin a new paragraph where you have to center the figure horizontally.

The caption below the figures is also centered and written in ‘Times New Roman’, size 9pt and not bold. It begins with ‘Fig.’, followed by ongoing number and the description

Fig.1: Description of figure 1


Tables have to be horizontally centered and can have a maximum width of 12.6 cm. The table lines might have a maximum width of 1 pt.

Level of heading / Example / Size and formatting
Title (left aligned) / The title … / 14 pt, bold
Heading 1 / 1 Introduction / 12 pt, bold
Heading 2 / 2.1 Title / 10 pt, bold

Tab.1: Description of the table

The content is formatted like running text. It is left aligned within the cell and vertically centered.

The caption below the table is also centered and written in ‘Times New Roman’, size 9pt and not bold. It begins with ‘Tab.’, followed by ongoing number and the description


Use an indentation of 0.5cm.The text has to be formatted with one line spacing and the code block is followed by 8pt spacing.Make use of the font ‘Courier’ with a size of Text 10pt.

public class Hello {

public static void main (String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello World!");



Sources of program code have to be named within the bibliography.

7Formulas and equations

Use an indent of 0.5cm for equations. Numbering of equations is done right aligned within the same row. This can easily be archived by using a table without borders. Spacing above and below equations has to be 6pt.

X² = (a+b)² / (1)

8ReferencesRules for creation of bibliography

The bibliography is sorted alpha numerically by the reference and does not contain any substructure.


Use ‘Times New Roman’, with size 9pt. References are written as justified text with 6pt spacing below each paragraph.Additional indent and tab stop needs to be set to 1.5cm..

8.2Abbreviations for references

Create a combination of the first and second character of the last name of the first author and the year e.g. [Ez10].

For two or three authors use the first characters of their lastnames e.g. [AB00], [ABC01].

For more than three authors follow the first example.

If you refer to more multiple articles of the same authors use small characters to distinguish between them. E.g.[Wa14a], [Wa14b].

If the author is unknown use the first two letters of the book title. E.g. [An14] for ‘Anteil an Frauen…’or [GI14] for‘GI, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.’

For examples see the bibliography.

8.3Layout of bibliography

In the following you can see examples for different types or entries in the bibliography.

The angle brackets define optional fields.

Books with one author

Lastname, Firstname: Title. Subtitle, Edition, Publisher, > Locationand others.>,Year.

Books with multiple authors

Lastname, Firstname; Lastname, Firstname; Lastname, Firstname: Title. Subtitle, Edition, Publisher, >Locationand others.>, >Year.


Lastname, Firstname: Title. Description Journal andNumber/Year, Pages, Year.


Lastname, Firstname: Title. In (Editors): Title.Publisher, >Location and others>, > Pages, Year.


Page description, Link, Date of Access.

More than three authors can be shortened by


[AB00]Abel, K.; Bibel, U.: Formatierungsrichtlinien für Tagungsbände. Format-Verlag, Bonn, 2000.

[ABC01]Abraham, N.; Bibel, U.: Corleone, P.: Formatting Contributions for Proceedings. In (Glück, H.I. Hrsg.): Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Formatting of Workshop-Proceedings, New York 1999. Noah & Sons, San Francisco, S. 46-53, 2001.

[An14] Anteil an Frauen in der Informatik. Statistics Worldwide, 2014.

[Az09]Azubi, L. Die Fußnote in LNI-Bänden. In (Glück, H. I., Hrsg.): Formatierung 2009. LNI 999, Format-Verlag, Bonn, S. 135-162, 2009.

[Ez10]Ezgarani, O.: The Magic Format – Your Way to Pretty Books. Noah & Sons, 2010.

[GI14]GI, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Stand: 24.12.2014.

[Gl09]Glück, H.I.: Formatierung leicht gemacht. Formatierungsjournal 11/09, S. 23-27, 2009.

[Wa14a] Wasser, K.; Feuer, H.; Erde, R.; Licht, H.: Essenzen der Informatik. Verlag Formvoll, 2014.

[Wa14b] Wasser, K.; Feuer, H.; Erde, R.; Licht, H.: Ganz neue Essenzen der Informatik im selben Jahr. Format-Verlag, 2014.

[1]Faculty1, Department1, Address1, Place1, emailaddress1@author1

[2]Faculty2, Department2, Address2, Place2, emailaddress2@author2