Minutes for the 78th Annual Gathering of the Jacob & Jorgena Peterson Reunion
Peterson family met Saturday, July 19, 2008 at the Clear Lake State Park Lodge.
Meeting was called to order by President, David Nelson, son of Elnor & Clifford Nelson, daughter of Gornelia & Elmer Olson, daughter of Jacob & Jorgena. David being the first of this fourth generation to be in charge.
A pork loin dinner was provided by We 3 Catering Service from Belmond at a cost of $10.00.
Musicians, John Peterson, guitar, Paul Peterson, violin, and their niece, Kristi Jacobson(Lyla’s daughter) also on violin entertained us several different times in the afternoon.
Orlin Mandsager led us in devotions from the 23rd Psalm. All families recited the psalm together then Orlin gave a very touching talk about “The Shepherd.”
David’s mother, Elnor, reminisced about Jacob & Jorgena and her relationship with them. She emphasized the importance of family. (She is also known as the “Kringla Lady” in St. Cloud, MN.
Registration provided the 50+ people a means to draw for many door prizes.
The featured family this year was the 13th child of Jacob & Jorgena, Lilly. Orpha, Luella, Geraldine, Orlin and Ruth presented wonderful memories of their experiences. Elaine was unable to come but her memories were read.
Ruth & Curt Bakken had just returned from Norway and had visited with many family members, close and distant. They gave a very interesting talk and had many pictures on display, especially of the Bakken farm. They recommended that all of us should make a trip to this area.
A current and antique Iowa Map was auctioned to help defray expenses of the reunion. $25 was received.
2009 will honor Jonas and Amy Hanson.
Darrel Larson, Kay Mitchell and Ruth Mandsager were elected chair persons for 2009. Our get together will still be the 3rd weekend in July but the meeting place will be determined by this committee.
Jim made a motion, 2nd by John Peterson, to have the Peterson Reunion every other year. It was voted on but was defeated. Most were thinking that we have met every year for 78 years, why change that now.
$25 was allowed for postage for mailing notices about the reunion. Sherwyn Thorson reported $437.85 in the treasury.
Many brought greeting from other families that were not able to attend.
A free will donation was collected to help pay expenses. Rent for the Lodge was $115. It proved to be a very pleasant place and it was a great day. David Nelson did a wonderful job of planning.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherwyn Thorson, Secretary