CPC E-test

Info about process:

E-tests will be available from June 2012. This is a new system for all centres, so we recommend that, whilst you get used to it, you only use it for resits. We recommend signing up your candidates for the paper-based June tests and using e-tests as your resit method.

Remember that e-testing is an optional system that you can choose to use if it suits your centre and candidates.

How does it work?

You will need a software program, through which candidates take their tests. Your centre administration will be done through a web-based system, which you do not need to download.

Once you have installed the software, you need to complete the ‘Sign up for e-testing form’ which will register your centre so you can register candidates (please note, you must already be an OCR-approved centre to sign up).

Once you have registered candidates, you create ‘tokens’. One token allows one candidate to sit one test.

Testing is organised into weekly cycles, from Friday midnight to Friday midnight. When you create a token, this token is valid until the following Friday midnight. The candidate can sit a test, using this token, at any time until that point. You do not need to create tokens days before a test; you can create them immediately before a test too.

If the candidate fails the test, you can create another token and the candidate can take another test. Candidates can take as many tests as they need until they pass. Tokens are paid for by periodic, post-assessment invoice.

Results are available immediately following a test. Centres can print out an informal statement of results for candidates from the system.

After a test, you can download information on question-specific candidate performance. You can see the syllabus areas where candidates performed well and badly, allowing you to target their learning before a resit. You can also see how long candidates spent on each topic/question, how many times they visited each question and whether or not they attempted it.

The testing software program will be available for download from week commencing Monday 18 June 2012. The specific CPC e-testing User Guide and the specific CPC e-test webpage will be available from week commencing Monday 11 June 2012. We will also be making CPC Sample e-tests available around the same time on the new webpage. You will be able to try out these tests before you download the testing software.