Harrell Gill-King
- Personal
A. Birth 01-22-47 Dallas, TX
B. Marital Joan Elizabeth Jenkins, Ph.D.
C. Children : Adrienne F. King 02-04-76; Stepson / Zachary D. Perez 10-29-83
- Education
- Carlsbad, NM Public Schools, Dallas Public Schools, St. Mark’s School of Texas
- BA Southern Methodist Univ, Dec.1967 (Maffet Scholar, Dallas Civitan Scholar,
Superior Studies)
- MA Southern Methodist Univ. May 1971 Anthropology
- Ph.D. Southern Methodist Univ. Dec 1974 Anthropology (“Biochemical Assessment
of Phylogenetic Relationships among the Catarrhini”)
- Postdoctorate- Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences 1975-76
(Human Skeletal Pathology with Charles S. Petty, M.D. Director)
- Postdoctorate- Delta Regional Federal Primate Center, Covington, LA 1976-77 (Diurnal Variation in 17 OH ketosteroid Levels in Papio ssp. with A.J. Riopelle, PhD)
- Fellowships:
-Teaching Fellow Department of Anthropology, SMU 1971-73
-NSF Summer Fellow Dept.of Biostatistics Cornell Univ, Ithaca, NY ‘72
-NSF Summer Fellow Delta Regional Primate Center, Covington, LA ‘73
-Prosector, Human Gross Anatomy, Univ. North Texas Health Science
Center /TCOM ’71 (summer)
- Professional Experience
- Teaching Posts
Southern Methodist Univ. / University College 1974
Texas Christian Univ. 1972-73 Anthropology
Baylor College of Dentistry / 1971 (Orofacial Genetics—Pedodontics Program)
Univ. of Texas (Dallas) Adjunct Assoc. Prof. Anthropology 1979-83
Gartner Honor Lecturer, Southern Methodist Univ. 2000
Visiting Professor, Forensic Anthropology, Southern Methodist Univ. 2001
Univ. of Texas (Dallas) Adj. Professor, Biology 2001-present
- Univ. North Texas / Inst.of Applied Sciences 1983-88 / Bioanthropology
- Univ. North Texas / Dept.of Biological Sciences / Assoc. Prof. 1988-present
Currently Director of the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Human Identi-
fication, Department of Biological Sciences.
Concurrent appointments in
The Institute for Applied Anthropology, Univ. of North Texas
Dept. of Pathology and Anatomy, UNT Health Science Center, FW, Texas
Adjunct Curator of Anthropology- Dallas Museum of Natural History 1980-88
Adjunct Curator of Anthropology- Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History 1991-
Program Design Consultant- The Science Place, Dallas Fair Park 1993-95
- Administrative/ Private
Director of Professional Training, Dallas Memorial Hospital and Metropolitan East
Hospitals (Training Affiliates of Univ. of North Texas Health Science Center)1977-81
Supervisor, Special Chemistry Diagnostics, Department of Pathology, Metropolitan East Hospital 1977-81
Owner/Operator Chemlab Diagnostics, PC, 1978-1991
Co-Owner/Operator (with M. H. Sorg, D. France, L. Eisenberg) Forensic Solutions, PC 2000-present
Director, Institute for Studies in Identification Technology (A 501c3 Corporation)
Associated with the University of North Texas
Board of Directors, American Board of Forensic Anthropology, Inc. 1998-2004
Vice President – American Board of Forensic Anthropology 2001-04 (Sponsored
by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences)
Forensic Science Oversight Committee, National Disaster Medical Affairs (NDMS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2001 - present, Washington, DC
Deputy Medical Examiner of El Paso County, 2002- present
Panelist, Dynamic Health, Inc. Instituional Review Board, Waco, TX, Robert Allison, PhD., Director 1998-present
Texas Committee on Identification of Missing Persons, Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse, Sponsored by U.S. Department of Justice
F. Board Certifications
Diplomate-American Board of Forensic Anthropology (Sponsor: American Academy
of Forensic Sciences, by examination) Certificate #46
G. Professional Organizations / Societies
American Academy of Forensic Sciences / Fellow
Society of the Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honorary
International Association of Forensic Sciences /Fellow
International Association for Identification
Southwestern Association of Forensic Sciences
American Society of Microbiologists
Texas Society of Electron Microscopists
Texas Academy of Sciences
Mountain, Desert, and Coastal Forensic Anthropology Society
American Federation of Clinical Chemists
Homicide Investigators of Texas, Inc. (past Vice President)
- Television Productions
Writer-Coordinator Man and Environment PBS/KERA 1974
Writer-Coordinator People andCultures PBS/KERA 1976-78
Writer McNeil-Lehrer Productions Ancient Man in Texas 1983 PBS/WGBH
Writer Bioethics Series KXTX/CBS 1984
Writer Bones of Contention (History Lab Series, BBC) YAP Productions, London Spring 2001
Cold Case Files / Chad Choice Case 2004
Court TV / 2005 “Murder in the Desert” (Univision – Huesos en el Desierto)
PBS Television “History Detectives” 2005
- Grants and Contracts
- Principal Inv. USPHS (DPE 150-5-1978) $155,000 (Program development, Family
Medicine Residency, UNTHSC Dallas Training Campuses). 1978
- Principal Inv. Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, Division
of Medical Affairs , $136,000 Implementation of Family Practice Training of
Clinical Clerks on the Univ.of North Texas Health Science Center Dallas
Campuses, 1979
- Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, Division of Medical
Affairs $121,000 (continuation of above) 1980
- USPHS (extension of DPE 150-5 1978 above) $96,500 1980
- Intramural Arts and Sciences Developmental Award, Univ.of North Texas
$40,000 1990 (Program development and capital equipment forensic sciences
program 1990).
- Intra-mural Arts and Sciences Developmental Award, 1996 $59,000 (Program
development and space refurbishment, forensic sciences programs)
- Co-principle Inv with W. Hathaway, Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History
National Science Foundation Program Development Award, (In cooperation with
the National Consortium of Museums of Science and Technology) 1992 $650,000
- Servicio Periciale, (National Forensic Science Service, Mexico City, DF Mexico)
Periodic consultation in mass disasters, paramilitary deaths, and deaths during
- Oklahoma Indigent Defense Fund (Contracts for review of ongoing cases
in behalf of indigent clients).
- Judicio Federal Districto de Chihuahua (Bimonthly casework for the
Procurador General – State Medical Examiner, Juarez, Chih.)*
- Texas Legislative funding FY 2002-04 biennium $1,200,000 (Co-PI with Arthur
Eisenberg UNTHSC) for laboratory development CODIS Missing Persons
mtDNA Database, Renewable biannually
- Intramural Funding FY 2002-03 $66,000 , Graduate Dean of Arts and Sciences,
Univ. of North Texas Biological Sciences, for laboratory expansion and equipment
in the Laboratory for Human Identification, Biol. Sci., Univ. of North Texas
H.Editorial / Review
- Advisory Board, Annual Editions in Anthropology, Dushkin Co. 1982-88
- Advisory Board, Annual Editions in Physical Anthropology, Dushkin Co
- Reviewer, International Journal of Forensic Sciences, M.Y. Iscan, ed. (1993-
-Reviewer, Journal of Forensic Sciences, R.Gaensslen, ed. (1997-present)
-Reviewer, Forensic Science Communications (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
- University Honor Professor (Outstanding Service to Students) 1994
- Mortar Board Society Top Prof Award 1994, 96, 97, 99
- Texas Monthly Annual Review of Colleges and Universities Most Popular
Classes in the University, Sept 2004
L. Current Graduate Committees Currently Chaired
- Mark L. Ingraham (MS) Histomorphology and Skeletal Age from the Proximal
- Amy Lynn Smuts (PhD) Quantitation and Sequencing of mtDNA and Short
Tandem Repeats by PCR in Burned Human Bone
- Mark Lee (MS, Problem in lieu of Thesis) Gunshot Residue Analysis by
X-ray Fluorescence
- Kelley Belcher (MS) Atomic Absorption Spectra of External Trace Chemical
Transfer from Condoms
- Dawn Jacobsen (MS) Metal Striations on Zipper Tooth Components as
Individualizing Evidence by Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Laura Czepiel (MS) Degradation of Ballistic Impressions by Oxidative Processes as
a Function of Body Compartment in Buried Cadavera
- Dax Malone PCR-Driven DNA Recovery from Burned Human Bone and Dental
- Courtney Wenke (MS) Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence of Burned
Bone- A Short Reference Series for Determination of Burn Temperatures
M. Professional Consultancies
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- United States Secret Service (Cybercrimes Unit)
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Dept. of Justice
- U.S. Public Health Service DMORT Region VI (National Disaster Mortuary
Response Team)
- Office of Naval Research
- United States Department of Defense
- United States Drug Enforcement Administration
- Criminal Investigation Division, U.S. Army
- Attorney General of Texas, Division of Criminal Prosecution- Cold Case Unit
- Attorney General of California
- Judicial Federal Police, Chihuahua, Front. Mexico
- Oklahoma Indigent Defense Fund
- Texas Department of Public Safety
- Texas Rangers- Cold Case Unit
- Medical Examiners, Coroners, District and County Attorneys, police and sheriff’s
agencies throughout Texas and the Southwest, (listings by case number or alpha)
- Legislative Consultancies (Texas)
-Senate Criminal Justice Committee (1990-present)
-House Public Safety Committee (1990-present)
-Texas Association of District and County Attorneys
-Texas Sheriffs’ Association
-Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
-Texas Funeral Directors Association
- Publications / Book Chapters / Presentations / Symposia / Workshops
A.Texts / Technical Manuals
1978 J.B. Aceves and H. Gill King CulturalAnthropology, Scott Foresman Co
Morristown, NJ 446 pp
1980 J.B. Aceves and H. Gill King Introduction to Anthropology,Silver Burdett Co.
Morristown, NJ 560 pp
1990 H.Gill-King and John E.B. Stewart Laboratory Exercises in Physical
Anthropology University of North Texas 166 pp
1984 H. Gill-King What to Do About Bones: Retrieval and Processing of Human
Skeletal Remains – A Field Manual for Crime Scene Professionals
Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences
96 pp + ref.
1977 H.Gill-King Agarose Gel Lipoprotein Electrophoresis with the Millipore MB 700
Scanner System, Millipore BiomedicaProduct Series 24 pp
1977 H.Gill-King Rapid Determination of Fredrickson Phenotypes from Total
Triglyceride, Cholesterol, , and pre- Lipoproteins with the Millipore
RapidRuleTM Millipore Biomedica Product Series 16 pp
1973 H. Gill King The Biological Foundations of Human Behavior in Aceves, J.B.
Identity, Survival, and Change- Exploring Social/Cultural Anthropology, General
Learning Press, Morristown, NJ (Ch 2)
1973 H.Gill King Toward the Future: Whither Homo Sapiens ? in Aceves, J.B.
Identity, Survival, and Change- Exploring Social/Cultural Anthropology,
General Learning Press, Morristown, NJ (Ch 14)
1991 Gill-King and Charles Odom Canons of Digital Videosuperimposition
in Problems in Human Identification, National Association of Medical
Examiners, Honolulu, HI.
1997 H.Gill-King Chemical and Ultrastructural Aspects of Decomposition in
Haglund, W. and Sorg, M. eds Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human
Remains CRC Press (Ch 6)
2001 H.Gill-King Factores de Identificacion: Calculo de edad; Sexamiento; y
Caracteristicas Etnicas en Identificacion Forense Estomatologica, 1a Edicion
de Dra. Irma Rodriguez-Galarza, Procuradora, Judicio Federal, Chih. pp 77-89
2003 Incidental findings at Autopsy: Ethics vs. Human Needs in The Hard
Evidence, D.W. Steadman, ed Prentice Hall, Ch 17
C.Articles, Abstracts, Proceedings
1971 H.Gill King and J.V. Cornish Penicillin Anaphylaxis; The Case for Gene
Mediation in Texas Journal of Science 23:1: 151-63
1973 H.Gill King Trace Mineral Evidence for Diet in a Late Prehistoric Female
from the Sam Kaufman Reservoir X41RR1 in SMU Contributions to
Anthropology, Ft. Burgwin Papers No. 3 S.A. Skinner, ed. SMU Press
1987 H.Gill-King The Skeletal Biology of Lake Ray Roberts in Archeological
Investigations at Lake Ray Roberts Reservoir C.R. Ferring, ed. U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
1989 H.Gill-King Nutrition, Infectious Disease, and Trauma at Hurricane Hill
in Archeological Investigations at Hurricane Hill 41HP106 C.R. Ferring, ed
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1989 Kathleen Gilmore and H. Gill-King Murder She Wrote: A Suspicious Death on
the LaSalle Retreat in Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 60:303-25
1992 H. Gill-King and M.A. Krouse Paleodiet of the Archaic Sinagua by Stable
Isotopes of 13C and 15N in Papers of the Museum of Northern Arizona, Fall
’92 Steven Pilis, ed Univ. Northern Arizona Press
1992 H. Gill-King A Japanese Trophy Skull from the Battle of Saipan in Proc.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 44:36 New Orleans, LA
1992 H. Gill-King Traumatic Erb-Duchenne Palsy in an
Unidentified Skeleton Given: American Academy of Forensic Sciences
1993 H.Gill-King The Forensic Anthropologist’s Bookshelf: A Guide to Silent
Consultants in The Connective Tissue, May-June
1993 H.Gill-King Taphonomy in Texas: The Challenge of Six Biotic Provinces
Given: American Academy of Forensic Sciences
1994 H.Gill-King Esqueletos Quemados despues de Descomposicion: Dos Ejemplos
Traumatismos in Boletin deAsuntos Forenses, Irma Rodriguez de Galarza
y David Trejo, eds, Facultad de Medicina Legal , Universidad Autonoma de
Nueva Leon
1994 H.Gill-King Race: Denial and Biological Reality in the 1990’s
Given: American Academy of Forensic Sciences
1997 H.Gill-King Obituary: Michael Charney- Forty Years in Forensic Anthropology
in The Connective Tissue, Sept-Oct
1998 H.Gill-King and M. Ingraham Skeletal Steroid Facies in a Young Male
Decedent in Proc.American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 50:42
1998 H.Gill-King Common Scientific Knowledge and the Edges of Expertise
in Proc. American Academy of Forensic Sciences 50:41
1999 H.Gill-King Review: Occupational Markers in Human Remains,
Kenneth A.R. Kennedy, Turin, in The Connective Tissue May-June
1999 H.Gill-King Human Skeletal and Dental Materials from Hackberry Creek
41DL383 in The Hackberry Creek Archeological Site S.A.Skinner and
C.R. Ferring eds. Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District
1970 H.Gill King A Cybernetic Approach to Evolutionary Field Theory
Given 69th Annual Conf. American Anthropological Assn. New Orleans, LA
1970 H.Gill King Cultural Barriers to Acceptance of Tuberculosis Prophylaxis in
Spanish-Speaking Dallas, Texas Medical Assn. 61st Annual Conf. Houston, TX
1971 H.Gill King and W.L. Leap A Hypothetical Look at the Origins of
Language Given 70th Annual Conf. American Anthropological Assn.
San Diego, CA
1971 H.Gill King Diabetes Mellitus: An Adaptation in Subsistence Societies- A
Critical Review of the Evidence Given Texas Academy of Sciences,
Annual Conf. Nacogdoches, TX
1973 H.Gill King An Alternate Method of Biochemical Assessment of the
Phylogenetic Status of the Catarrhines Given American Assoc.of Physical
Anthropology 33rd Annual Conf. Dallas, TX (Juan Comas Prize Nomination)
1976 H. Gill King The Curious History of Spontaneous Human Combustion
from 1560-1976 Given Texas Academy of Sciences, Annual Conf
Dallas, TX
1977 H. Gill King Reconciliation of Paleontological, Biochemical, and Immuno-
logical Models for Primate Evolution- The Twenty Year Perspective
Given American Association for the Advancement of Science, SWARM
Section, Denver, CO
1988 H. Gill-King The “Poor Man’s” Infrared Survey: Reverse FLIR for
Location of Clandestine Graves Given 8th Annual Conf. Mountain,
Desert and Coastal Forensic Anthropologists, Lake Mead, NV
1991 H.Gill-King Digital Superimposition with Preadolescent Crania- Criteria and
Cautionary Remarks Given National Association of Medical Examiners
40th Annual Conf. Honolulu, HI
1991 H. Gill-King and M.A. Krouse* Identification from Burned Bone: A Review of
Chemical and Microscopic Techniques Given Annual Conf. Texas Medical
Assoc./ Pathology Section, Dallas, TX
1991 H. Gill-King DNA Determinations from Human Bone: Current Status, Future
Prospects Given International Association for Identification Annual Conf.
Ft. Worth, TX
1993 H.Gill-King Monte Carlo Analysis of Hard Tissue
Blade Injuries in 1100 Fatal Stabbings; Part 1: A Predictive Model
Given, National Association of Medical Examiners Annual Conf. Seattle, WA
1993 H. Gill-King Monte Carlo Analysis of Hard Tissue
Blade Injuries in 1100 Fatal Stabbings; Part 2: Results and Discussion
Given, National Association of Medical Examiners Annual Conf. Seattle, WA
1993 H. Gill-King, Problems in the Initial Investigation
of the Branch Davidian Diaster- A Dissenting View Given, Southwestern Assoc.
of Forensic Sciences Annual Conf. Padre Island, TX
1994 H.Gill-King Collection of Entomological Evidence from
Decomposed, Burned, Buried, and Submerged Human Remains Given,
American Entomological Society Annual Conf. Dallas, TX
1995 H. Gill-King and Kathleen Gilmore* Sieur de Marle Revisited: FORDISC II
Analysis of Individual 571-A from E.H. Moore’s Farm- A Final Answer to
Critics. Given 15th Annual Conf. Mountain, Desert, and Coastal Forensic
Anthropologists Lake Mead, NV
1996 H. Gill-King y Dra. Irma Rodriguez -Galarza Marques de Dientes en Dos
Victimas de las Homicidas en Serie Maquiladoras Given, IX Congreso
Internacional de Ciencias Forenses y Medicina Legal, Presentada de Instituto de
Servicios Periciales, Ciudad Mexico
1997 H. Gill-King and Elizabeth Peacock Precocious Calcification of the Thyroid,
Arytenoid, and Cricoid Cartilages in Insulin-Dependent Diabetics-Preliminary
Results from Eight Subjects Given, 17th Annual Conf. Mountain, Desert and
Coastal Forensic Anthropologists, Lake Mead, NV
1998 H. Gill-King Ethics and the Exhumation of Historic Personages: A Shameful
Trend in ‘Popular’ Forensic Science Given 18th Annual Conf. Mountain,
Desert, and Coastal Forensic Anthropologists, Lake Mead, NV
1999 H. Gill-King The Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building Bombing: The
Multiple Roles of the Forensic Anthropologist in Incendiary Mass Fatalities
2nd Conference on Identification in Mass Disasters, Smithsonian Institution
and the U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Honolulu, HI
2000 Gill-King and Mark Ingraham SEM-EDAX in the Interpretation of an Atypical
Gunshot Injury Given Texas Society of Electron Microscopy Annual Conf.
Houston, TX
2000 H. Gill-King Protocol-Driven Investigations of Questioned Livestock Deaths
At the invitation of the Institute for Discovery Science, Inc, (Annual meetiing of
the Scientific Advisory Board) Las Vegas, NV
2005 H. Gill-King Advances in the Attribution of Skeletal Age and Ancestry, American
Assoc. of Anatomists, 35th Congress of Physiological Sciences, San Diego, CA.
April, 2005
2005 H. Gill-King U.S. Attorney General / Department of Justice Conference on
America’s Missing Philadelphia, PA May (Invited Pesentation) Forensic
Anthropology and DNA Biology: Tandem Laboratory Operations Identify Texas’
E.Workshops, Symposia, Short Courses
(All programs listed are accredited by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Officer Standards and Education-‘TCLEOSE’)
--- Mass Disaster Simulation Field Exercises (NDMS Region VI)
(Uvalde, TX April 1996; Houston, TX April 1997; Arlington, TX March 1998;
Albuquerque, NM April 1999)
--- Short Course on Mass Disaster Identifications (Oklahoma Medical Examiner
System through the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, September
--- Location, Recovery and Analysis of Human Remains (Three Day Workshop
Sponsored by the Texas District and County Attorneys’ Assoc., 1994, ’95, ’98
Participants are Texas DPS, Texas Rangers, District Attorneys’ Investigators)
--- Forensic Osteology Review (A four week short course conducted for forensic
scientists, pathology board candidates, Dallas police physical evidence specialists,
each December/January 1986-1990) Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences
--- Crime Scene Investigation (Three-day workshop for North Texas Council
of Governments to benefit Sheriffs’ agencies in north Texas and panhandle area,
Wichita Falls, summer 1996, 1998)
--- National Death Investigation Seminar 1991 (A one week comprehensive course
for crime scene analysts, medical examiner investigators, and first-responders
Spomsored by the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification
University of North Texas, (Denton, TX March, 1991)
--- National Death Investigation Seminar 1995 (A one week comprehensive course in