Remediation Plan


January 24, 2006

Present at yesterday’s meeting: Leslie Barnette, Connie Rufty, Debra Harwell-Braun, Dion Stocks, Holly Jones. Notes from the Remediation Committee meeting:

 The group recommended holding remediation groups during the 2:15-3:00 time.

 The group recommended holding enrichment sessions after school

 The remediation sessions will be taught by specialty teachers who are available during the 2:15-3:00 time, Tuesday through Thursday with each grade level, 3-6, meeting one day a week. Study Island will be the focus for remediation groups.

 The enrichment sessions will be taught by hired tutors after school from 3:00-5:00. Curriculum Associates, Inc.’s “End of Grade Reading Practice and Mastery” will be ordered to use with enrichment groups in grades 3-5; CARS will be used with 6th grade enrichment

 Some remediation/enrichment at 4th, 5th, and 6th grades will be done through Academies and “Boys’ Club”. These teachers will be paid as tutors.

 The group is identifying which students at each grade level need remediation – lists due to Leslie

 The group is identifying which students at each grade level would be invited to enrichment – lists due to Leslie

 The target for beginning enrichment and remediation groups is February 1.

 The committee’s next meeting will be announced.