1.Meeting Opened 4.05 pm
2.Attendance : Alex Jakimoff (Chair) Noreen Swan, Rana Baguley, Kerrii Cronin, RussellHeinecke, Kate Heffernan (Taking minutes)
Apologies Catherine Simpson Unable to attend : Richard Phillipps
3. Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the committee held December 12th 2016 were presented by the Chair and confirmed as a true and correct record of the proceedings at that meeting,Motion Moved Alex; Seconded Noreen; Carried
4. Business Arising
Previous correspondence presented to January meeting had not been approved. Motion to accept correspondence Moved Alex; Seconded Kate; Carried
4.1Memorandum of Understanding update:Carried forward until update from council
4.2 Nursery Development – Kerrii referred to Nursery report and confirmed on site meeting 13th Jan Wendy L, Liz C, Alex & Kerrii
Points addressed –
- Kerrii proposed entry to extension from Rosser property as alternative to disputed plan. Not accepted by LC
- Previous proposal put forward by Alan D & Harry in 2015 accepted
- Discussion around why a plan needs to be drafted when previous nursery work done under site supervision of Kate and Wendy with SQW trainees
- Decision on siting of material scraped out to be made
- Council has approx $2000 available from Cr Taylor to finish earth works
- Next steps – site supervision – Kerrii proposed Harry, Alan and herself on site if possible
- Start date according to availability of machinery and
Motion – MC accept proposal as described in Nursery report and by Kerrii at meeting; Moved Alex; Seconded Noreen; Carried
4.3/4.4 General Meeting Planning
Meeting intent decided as a review of membership expectation and invitation to make suggestions and proposes ideas Saturday 11th March agreed; 2-4pm Venue Carrara Community Centre ACTION –Alex to confirm
4.5 Butterfly Garden Signs
Rana proposed that the Bushwalkers be advised and invited to view the Butterfly Gardens sign they funded. Kate explained request for same made to MC secretary Sept 2016 without response or reply. ACTION: Rana to contact Megan Skehan. ACTION: Noreen to contact the photographers Barney Enders and Kaye Schiller. ACTION: Wendy to be contacted to ensure maintenance of Butterfly Garden is attended to.
5. Treasury Report
Harry E referred to his report on Friends Financials. (refer report)
- Auditors have not completed 2016 Financials – date for AGM not set
- Gift fund sponsors need to be advised of 2017 endorsement and provided some advice as to spending on Gift Fund. ACTION: Harry and Alex.
- Rose seat had been agreed as Friends contribution to Gardens. Previous committee agreed seat suitable gift. Discussion ensued Kate suggested the previously identified Rose Arbour might be more suitable if the seat was not customised and different to generic bench seats. ACTION: Friends reps to raise again at Adv Group.
Further discussion and motions
- Lengthy discussion re IT requirements and how to disperse grant monies across suitable projects. Friends commitment to contribute equal grant fund sum from own account discussed. MOTION: Harry to contact Brett Daniels re cost of reviewing Friends immediate and future needs Hans (MC 2016) proposal.Moved Alex; Seconded Kate.
- Rana identified Friends member Sarah Dyson as possibility to review the web site for updating with members login and make user friendly.ACTION: Rana to contact Sarah
- Weather station link up potential should be addressed also but cost should be to council.
- Harry outlined some of C a G concerns and Friends concerns re the coffee kiosk. Matter to be discussed at special Management Committee meeting 30 January. ACTION Mary W be invited to discuss Friends Centre Information to visitors view point and David Baguley to discuss initial contract.
- MOTION: Alex to again extend deadline for Stronger Communities Grant; Seconded RanaACTION Alex to contact Stronger Communities
- MOTION: To get quote for replacement of door damaged in break in. Moved Alex;Seconded Russell.
- Harry advised that until Treasurer is elected all payments will need to ratified by MC prior to be being paid. MOTION: To accept Financial report.Moved Alex; Seconded Kate; Carried
6. Correspondence register – Kate provided a brief summary of incoming mail. Refer register attached. ACTION - Kate has forwarded Association Insurance Renewal to Harry and Alex 15 Jan; ACTION – Active and Healthy Registration called – Rana has registered Friends ACTION Letter from Friends member Katherine Page to be discussed and addressed in General Business
MOTION: To accept Correspondence Register. Moved Kate; Seconded Noreen;Carried.
7.00 PM Meeting now over time due to non-agenda items taking up extra time; President and minute taker discussed amending agenda to expedite completion by 8pm. Items minuted in order addressed. Items
7. BGANZ Open Day Alex advised Sally Anne had accepted role of BGANZ Open Day co-ordination of groups.ACTION: Alex - Sally Anne will be invited attend February Meeting to discuss Management Committee and Coordinators requirements
8. Conference assistance – Harry raised item re Friends attending various conferences and suggested substantial contribution by Friends for some Guides to attend Guide Conference in Canberra 2017. Kate and Rana advised number of conferences which are relevant to BG’s and GCRBG inlcuding state, national and international. Friends have long history of attending and presenting at many conferences to further their knowledge and to promote GCRBG ACTION: Protocol to be developed for financial assistance by Management Committee
9.Bookings for Rotary Education Centre Pavilion Rana raised discussions with Liz C re booking protocol for R.E.P. be changed to be undertaken by Council Booking officers. This will require a change to MOU. MOTION: MOU reference to bookings to outline bookings protocol which reflects philosophy of GCRBG for environmental, horticultural, botanical, natural sciences and landscape education. Moved Alex; Seconded Rana; Carried
9.1 Increasing Council StaffRana raised discussions had with Liz re Friends composing a letter to Mayor (and councillors?) putting forward a case for activation of public education and horticultural maintenance with additional staff. Budget is in May so letter should be composed soon. ACTION: Rana to compose a draft letter in dot point form for MC discussion and contributions to be sent to Mayor, Councillors, CEO and Alison Ewers.
10. HRG report Flowers by Friends garden – who will provide Maintenance? ACTION: Alex to discuss with relevant parties and advise MC
11. Letter from Member Katherine Page – discussion about why and how the concerns expressed have taken so long to address. Alex and Harry provided some background as other MC members were only aware of hearsay and not facts.Kerrii provided a verbal statement explaining she was engaged in a phone conversation with Katherine at time of alleged abusive manner towards Gardens Supervisor and had heard the conversation which did not include any abusive or bad language. Alex explained that a formal complaint had not been made against Katherine by Garden Officers. ACTION: Kate to draft reply letter based on comments made and forward to MC before sending out.Ensure letter includes Friends commitment to greater communication with members and development of grievance protocols.ACTION: Alex to advise Garden Curator of Kerrii’s statementto the MC.
12 Management Committee
Kate advised MC that she regretted not being able to continue in Secretarial role as per email letter sent to MC in December. See correspondence
MOTION: Kate resignation as secretary be accepted and that she fill a current vacancy on the MC. Moved Russell; Seconded Rana carried.
MOTION: That Catherine Simpson fill the casual vacancy of Secretary Moved Alex; seconded Rana; Carried. (Alex advised Catherine was willing to tackle role and Kate has agreed to provide advice and assistance as necessary as experienced MC member)
Meeting finished 7.45pm
- Coordinators reports other than Nursery not discussed due to time constraints.
- Business item from Noreen relating to seeking funds for a People mover were postponed.
- New members were not noted and accepted. Postponed until meeting of 30 January.
Next meeting 30th January