(Effective January 1st, 2015)


This is to confirm your request for Paid Duty officer(s). The terms of this agreement are as follows:

Peel Regional Police is under no obligation to provide Paid Duty officers. The applicant covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that it shall forever release, remise, and discharge the Region, the Police Services Board, the Chief of Police and the officers in question from any claims, costs, injuries, damages, renovation costs, business losses or any losses that may arise from the early termination of the paid duty arrangement, and shall not bring any action, suits, or proceedings against the Region, the Police Services Board, the Chief of Police and the officers in question arising from such termination.

Police Officers assigned to the Paid Duty are to perform police duties only and shall not be called upon to assist in any respect not ordinarily within the purview of an officer’s duties. During the duration of the paid duty, officers remain in the employ of and under the direction of the Peel Regional Police.

Paid duty services including Police vehicles are billed on an hourly basis (or any part thereof). The hourly rates for Paid Duty Police Officers are as follows: Constables - $71.00; Sergeants - $80.00; Staff Sergeants - $89.00; Communicators - $62.00; and Prisoner Escort Officers - $60.00. Sergeants will be assigned when five or more paid duty officers are required for a paid duty assignment. Officers will be paid for a minimum of three hours regardless of whether they are required for the entire period. This hourly rate is subject to an administration fee of 15%, Employers Health Tax of 1.95% and Workplace Safety Insurance Board (W.S.I.B.) fee of 0.39%. These fees are all subject to HST at 13%.

The hourly rate for a Police vehicle is $36.00 per hour and is subject to H.S.T. ($40.68 per hour including H.S.T.). Peel Regional Police will determine the number of vehicles required.

If a Paid Duty request is cancelled within twelve hours prior to the scheduled start time of the Paid Duty, the client agrees to make payment equivalent to three hours at the regular rates to each officer booked. This payment is to include the applicable 15% Administration fee, Employers Health Tax @1.95%, W.S.I.B. fee @0.39% and H.S.T. at 13% payable to Peel Regional Police.

An administrative fee of $15.00 will be charged on NSF cheques issued.