November 15, 2010

The Board will meet in the HAYWOOD COUNTY COURTROOM

of the HISTORICCOURTHOUSE at 215 N. Main Street, Waynesville

beginning at5:30 p.m.

Citizens must sign up for public comment prior to 5:20p.m. and are limited

to three (3) minutes. Audience members may not address the Board at any time

during deliberations unless recognized by the Chairman.

I.Call to Order –Chairman J.W. “Kirk” Kirkpatrick, III

II.Pledge of Allegiance

III.Call to Public Hearing

Public Health and Solid Waste Awareness and Compliance Ordinance – Kris Boyd, Planning Director – ATTACHMENT 1

IV.Public Comment Session

V.Constituent Concerns

VI.Discussion / Adjustment / Approval of Consent Agenda

VII.Consent Agenda

  1. Approve November 1st, 2010Regular MeetingMinutes
  2. Declaration of Surplus Property for Sale by Mountain Projects, Inc. – Julie Davis, Finance Director– ATTACHMENT 2
  3. Budget Amendments – Julie Davis
  1. Social Services - $2,570 – Domestic Violence Funds – ATTACHMENT 3
  2. Capital Project Ordinance – Wal-Mart Building Purchase – ATTACHMENT 4
  1. October 2010 Refunds, Releases, Amendments and Discoveries – David Francis, Tax Administrator –ATTACHMENT5
  2. Property Tax Commission (PTC) Appeal – David Francis – ATTACHMENT 6

VIII.Administrative / Agency Reports

  1. Senior Tar Heel Legislature – Ernestine Upchurch – ATTACHMENT 7
  2. Dixon Hughes PLLC – Certified Public Accountants – presentation of June 30th, 2010 audit report – David Kerestes, Dixon Hughes – ATTACHMENT8

Agenda for Board of County Commissioners’ Meeting

November 15th, 2010

Page 2

  1. Francis Farm Compliance Audit Report – Stephen King, Solid Waste Director ATTACHMENT9
  2. Smoky Mountain Center – Shelly Foreman, Planning and Public Affairs Director

and Doug Trantham, Appalachian Community Services Director – ATTACHMENT 10

IX. Old Business

  1. North Carolina Veterans ParkUpdate – Ron Putnam, Veterans Service Office


  1. Food Safety Act Update – SB510 Resolution – Bill Holbrook – ATTACHMENT 12

X.New Business

  1. Development Approval Extension Extended, 2010 “opt-out” Option update

Kris Boyd, Planning Director – ATTACHMENT 13

  1. Next Generation 911 Service Agreement – Kristy Lanning, Information Technology and

Communications Director – ATTACHMENT 14

  1. Spay / Neuter Subsidizing Memorandum of Understanding – Jean Hazzard, Animal Services Director – ATTACHMENT 15
  2. National Rifle Association (NRA) Friends of the NRA Grant Proposal – Dr. Bill Skelton, Extension Service Director ATTACHMENT 16
  3. North Canton Fire District Six-Mile Insurance District Approval – Johnny Glance, Fire

Marshal – ATTACHMENT 17

  1. Center Pigeon Six-Mile Insurance District Modification – Johnny Glance


  1. Buyout Property Lease Request / Annual Renewals – Marty Stamey – Interim County


  1. Moore – ATTACHMENT 19
  2. Morgan – Amendment – ATTACHMENT 20
  1. Tourism Development Authority Board – Marty Stamey – ATTACHMENT21
  2. Appointment of Clerk to the Board – Chairman Kirkpatrick

XI.Closed Session

  1. Closed Session Minutes – Approval and / or Release Minutes – G.S. §143-318.11(a)(1)
  2. Attorney / Client Privilege – G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3)
  3. Potential Litigation – G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3)
  4. Personnel – G.S. §143-318.11(a)(6)

XII. Adjournment