Mrs. Roberts – CTHS Pre-AP Biology Summer Assignment
NAME: ______ID: ______
You have been given a summer assignment for Pre-AP biology. You will be expected to know the information covered in the summer assignment when you enter my class this upcoming school year. The summer assignment includes the scientific method, biomolecules, enzymes, and prefixes and suffixes you should know for biology. The summer assignment will count as your first grade in biology. You may use any resources available to you to complete the assignment including booksand the internet. I strongly suggest not leaving this assignment until the first week of school to complete as many of your teachers will give you homework.
Part One
Directions: Answer the following questions. You may use any resource available to you including the internet to help you answer the following questions and fill in charts.
1.)What are the four types of biomolecules (macromolecules)?
2.)What is an enzyme? What role do enzymes play in our bodies?
3.)Draw out an enzyme substrate complex and label the enzyme, the substrate, and the active site.
4.)What type of biomolecule is an enzyme?
5.)What factors affect the action of an enzyme?
6.)What is a peptide bond?
7.)What is starch and where is it found?
8.)What is a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide?
9.)What is a monomer?
10.)What is a polymer?
11.)List three differences between RNA and DNA?
12.)What is ATP?
13.)What is a lipid?
14.)What is the difference between a saturated fat and an unsaturated fat?
15.)Describe the phospholipid bilayer include the following words in your description: hydrophobic, hydrophilic, head, tail, polar, nonpolar.
Directions: Fill out the following tables for each of the four main types of biomolecules
Carbohydrates / Place your answers in this column:Name of monomer(s) / List names below:
Draw the structure of a monomer including elements present / Draw Structure here
What elements make up this biomolecule and what ratio are they in? / List elements and ratio below:
Give examples of the biomolecule (what type of foods is it found in, or where is it found) / Examples are:
What is the role of this biomolecule? / List roles here:
List where the following polysaccharides are found / Starch:
Proteins / Place your answers in this column:
Name of monomer(s) / List names below:
Draw the structure of a monomer including elements present / Draw Structure here
What elements make up this biomolecule and what ratio are they in? / List elements and ratio below:
Give examples of the biomolecule (what type of foods is it found in, or where is it found) / Examples are:
What is the role of this biomolecule? / List roles here:
List the importance of these proteins. / Enzymes:
Lipids / Place your answers in this column:
Name of monomer(s) / List names below:
Draw the structure of a monomer including elements present / Draw Structure here
What elements make up this biomolecule and what ratio are they in? / List elements and ratio below:
Give examples of the biomolecule (what type of foods is it found in, or where is it found) / Examples are:
What is the role of this biomolecule? / List roles here:
Explain the difference between these fats / Saturated:
Nucleic acids / Place your answers in this column:
Name of monomer(s) / List names below:
Draw the structure of a monomer including elements present / Draw Structure here
What elements make up this biomolecule and what ratio are they in? / List elements and ratio below:
Give examples of the biomolecule (where inside the cell do you find them?) / Examples are:
What is the role of this biomolecule? / List roles here:
Compare and contrast these nucleic acids. / DNA:
Part 2: Biology Prefixes and Suffixes
Directions: Review and study the following prefixes and suffixes that are used in biology. Choose ten prefixes and five suffixes and create a sentence using each. You should have 15 sentences!
Prefix / Meaning / Example and definition of exampleA- / Without, negative, not / Asexual (without sex)
Aer- / Aerobic / (with oxygen)
Amyl- / Starch / Amylase (starch enzyme)
Anti- / Against / Antibodies (proteins that work against invaders)
Auto- / Self / Autotroph (self nourishing)
Bi- / Two / Biennial (two year life span plant)
Bio- / Life / Biology (the study of life)
Cardi- / Heart / Cardiovascular
Cata- / Down, lower, under / Catabolic
Cephal- / Head / Cephalization
Chlor- / Green / Chlorophyll
Con- / With, together / Conjugation
Crani- / Skull / Craniometer (instrument used to measure the skull)
Cyto- / Cell / Cytosol
Dactyl- / Finger, toe, digit / Dactylogram
Derm- / Skin / dermis
di- / Two / disaccharide
Diplo- / Double / Diploid cell
Un- / Not / Unsaturated (not saturated; capable of dissolving more of a substance)
Uni- / One / Unicellular (having a single cell)
Vas- / vessel / vasodilation (dilation of a blood vessel
Zyg- / Yoke, union / Zygote (a fertilized cell)
Macro- / Large / Macroeudution
Mal- / Bad, Abnormal / Malformation
Meta- / After, behind / Metastasis
Micro- / Small / Microscopic
Mill- / Thousand / Milliliter
Flagell- / Whip / Flagella (whiplike structures)
Re- / Back again / Regeneration (Re-growth of a body part)
Ecto- / Outer, external / Ectotherm (An organism that uses external heat to regulate it’s body temperature)
En- / In / Endothelium (Innermost layer of cells lining blood vessels)
End-, Endo- / within / Endotherm (Organism that generates heat internally to maintain a constant body temperature)
Erythro- / red / Erythrocyte (red blood cell)
Eu- / Good, well, true / Eukaryote (Organism whose cells contains a “true” membrane bound nucleus)
Ex- / Out of, outer / Exoskeleton (hard outer surface that provides support or protection for an organism)
Extra- / Outside, beyond / Extracellular (locating or occurring outside a cell)
Gam- / United, jointed, sexual / Gametes (egg or sperm that unite during sexual reproduction)
Gastr / Stomach, Belly / Gastric juice (Acidic fluid secretes by the stomach)
Glyco- / Sugar, sweet / Glycolysis (metabolic pathway that involves the splitting of sugars (glucose) into pyruvic acid)
/ Single / haploid (having a single set of chromosomesHem- / Blood / hemoglobin (iron containing protein in red blood cells)
Hepat- / Liver / hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
Hetero- / Other, different / heterozygous (having two different alleles for a given trait)
Homo- / Same / homozygous (having two alleles for a given trait that are the same)
Hydro- / Water / hydrophilic (having an affinity for water; water loving)
Hyper- / Above, excessive / hyperthyroidism (condition resulting from the excessive production of thyroid hormones)
Hypo- / Under, beneath, lacking / hypodermic (of or pertaining to the parts under the skin)
Im- / Not / Immobile (not moving)
Inter- / Between / interstitial fluid (fluid filling space between cells)
Intra- / Within / intraocular (occurring within the eyeball)
Iso- / Equal / isogamy (fusion of male and female gametes that are the same size and structure)
Lact- / Milk / lactose (milk sugar)
Leuk- / White / leukocytes (white blood cells)
Neo- / New / neonatal (of or relating to newborn infants)
Neph- / Kidney / Nephrons (structure of kidneys and urinary system)
Neuro- / Nerve / neuroblast (embryonic cell that develops into a nerve cell)
Oste- / Bone / osteoporosis (abnormal reduction in the amount of bone mass resulting in fragile porous bones)
Ov- / Egg / Ovum (female gamete, egg)
Para- / Around, near, beside / parathyroid (near or within the thyroid gland)
Path- / Disease / pathogen (disease causing agent)
Phago- / Eating / phagocyte (a cell that engulfs and digests waste materials and microorganisms)
Phil- / Love / philoprogenitive (relating to the love of children)
Phob- / Fear / phobia (abnormal irrational fear of a specific thing)
Phyto- / Plant / phytochrome (pigment involved in many plant responses to light)
Pneum- / Lung / pneumococcus (microorganism that causes a disease of the lungs called bacterial pneumonia)
Pod- / Foot, foot-like / podia (structures that resemble or function as feet)
Poly- / Many / polysome (many ribosomes attached to a messenger RNA)
Post- / After / postmortem (occurring after death)
Pre- / Before, prior / prepuce (foreskin covering the human penis)
Pro- / Before, primary / protoderm (outer most primary meristem that forms the epidermis of roots and shoots)
Pseudo- / False / pseudoscience (practice that resembles science but is considered to be without scientific foundation)
Psych- / Soul, mind / psychology (science that deals with mental processes and behavior)
Sacchar- / Sugar / disaccharide (double sugar, example: sucrose - composed of glucose and fructose)
Suffix / Meaning / Example and definition of example
-asis / Affected with, with / Homeostasis (with a steady state)
-emia / blood / Leukemia (form of cancer characterized by an abnormal increase In the number of white blood cells in the body)
-itis / Inflammation / appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
-kinesis / Movement, motion / cytokinesis (cell motion; division of the cytoplasm)
-logy / Science of, study of / biology (science of life and living organisms)
-lysis / Decomposition,
dissolving, destruction / chemolysis (decomposition of organic substances through the use of chemical agents)
-oma / Tumor / adenoma (a benign glandular epithelial tumor)
-osis / Affected with, condition, abnormal process / cirrhosis (chronic disease affecting the liver)
-otomy / Act of cutting, incision / gastrotomy (incision in the stomach)
-ous / Characterized by, full of / homozygous (union characterized by the joining of identical alleles for a single trait)
-pathy / Disease / neuropathy (disease of the nervous system)
-philic / Love / thermophilic (relating to the love of heat or hot environments)
-phyll / Leaf / sporophyll (leaf that contains spores)
-plasm / Material forming cells / cytoplasm (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus)