Conneaut Area City Schools

Lesson Plan Template: K-8

Teacher: Emily Petrick & Jessica Kennedy / Week of: September 15 - 19 / Unit: Fiction/Nonfiction Introduction / Subject and Grade Level: 7th grade ELA
Content Statement/s: RL 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, RI 7.1, 7.4, L 7.1a / I Can/I Will Learning Target
Resources and Materials: / Do Now:
Reading Hook: / TBT Focus
Fiction & Nonfiction
No School for Students / Differentiation
(Intervention and Enrichment)
Inclusion students will receive:
-  typed copies of all notes
-  extra time
-  items read
-  testing in small groups
-  shortened assignments (if needed)
-  certain items scribed
- exit slip - “got it, kind of, no way”
- verbal questioning - thumbs up/down
- “what stuck with you” board - out the door quizzes / Check For Understanding/ Assessment
Resources and Materials:
- ELA binders
- Reading notebooks
- LA notebooks
- LA books
- overhead projector
- ALWFC books
- Worksheets & homework papers / Do Now:
LA Hook: write “When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween” on the board.
Use to intro scary stories and to remind students of descriptive writing. / I Can/I Will Learning Target
I CAN use a rubric to complete the requirements of a three paragraph story.
I CAN read a story and explain how the setting affects the plot.
Language Arts:
·  DV
·  Introduce scary story rubric
·  Assessment: Teachers will read The Lady or the Tiger/dicuss
·  Students will complete a plot line for the story and explain how the setting affects the plot / Differentiation
(Intervention and Enrichment)
Inclusion students will receive:
-  typed copies of all notes
-  extra time
-  items read
-  testing in small groups
-  shortened assignments (if needed)
-  certain items scribed
- exit slips - “got it, kind of, no way”
- verbal questioning - thumbs up/down
- “what stuck with you” board - out the door quizzes / Check For Understanding/ Assessment
Reading: The Lady or the Tiger assessment
Resources and Materials:
- ELA binders
- Reading notebooks
- LA notebooks
- LA books
- overhead projector
- ALWFC books
- Worksheets & homework papers / Do Now:
LA Hook: Teachers write examples of independent clauses on board and say them aloud to students. “Do these make any sense? Why?” / I Can/I Will Learning Target
I CAN understand and identify independent and dependent clauses with assistance.
I CAN brainstorm for a 3 par. story.
I CAN read a novel and use context clues to write a connotation for unknown words.
Language Arts:
·  Introduce independent and dependent clauses (WS 74)/complete for HW
·  Model how to brainstorm/students brainstorm in pairs
·  Introduce chapter 1-5 vocabulary – students independently copy words onto vocabulary bookmark
·  As teachers are reading chapter 1, they will stop periodically for students to re-read sentence containing vocabulary and write down connotation and part of speech / Differentiation
(Intervention and Enrichment)
Inclusion students will receive:
-  typed copies of all notes
-  extra time
-  items read
-  testing in small groups
-  shortened assignments (if needed)
-  certain items scribed
- exit slip - “got it, kind of, no way”
- verbal questioning - thumbs up/down
- “what stuck with you” board - out the door quizzes / Check For Understanding/ Assessment
LA: WS 74, brainstorming
Reading: connotations
Resources and Materials:
- ELA binders
- Reading notebooks
- LA notebooks
- LA books
- overhead projector
- ALWFC books
- Worksheets & homework papers / Do Now: continuing lesson from Wednesday / I Can/I Will Learning Target
I CAN understand and identify independent and dependent clauses with assistance.
I CAN read a novel and use context clues to write a connotation for unknown words.
Language Arts:
·  DV
·  Review WS 74 (clauses)
·  Students finish brainstorming for scary stories
·  Complete chapter 1 and vocabulary bookmarks/review
·  Figurative language review using figurative language packet – teachers model how to fill in packet – students work independently / Differentiation
(Intervention and Enrichment)
Inclusion students will receive:
-  typed copies of all notes
-  extra time
-  items read
-  testing in small groups
-  shortened assignments (if needed)
-  certain items scribed
- exit slips - “got it, kind of, no way”
- verbal questioning - thumbs up/down
- “what stuck with you” board - out the door quizzes / Check For Understanding/ Assessment
Language Arts: WS 74
Reading: connotations, figurative language
Resources and Materials:
- ELA binders
- Reading notebooks
- LA notebooks
- LA books
- overhead projector
- ALWFC books
- Worksheets & homework papers / Do Now:
LA Hook: Write 2-3 good examples of effective topic sentences and 2-3 examples of ineffective topic sentences on board. Ask students if they can picture what’s happening or if they’d keep reading. / I Can/I Will Learning Target
I CAN watch a video and respond to a writing prompt using complete sentences, punctuation, and grade-level spelling.
I CAN understand and identify independent and dependent clauses with assistance.
I CAN read a novel and track behaviors of main characters.
Language Arts:
·  DV/SOD(clause practice)/journal
·  Teachers model how to write a strong and effective topic sentence/students work in pairs to write one for their story
·  Teachers begin reading chapter 2 aloud while students add to Character Chart (focusing on how main characters, Kenny & Byron, act in Flint) / Differentiation
(Intervention and Enrichment)
Inclusion students will receive:
-  typed copies of all notes
-  extra time
-  items read
-  testing in small groups
-  shortened assignments (if needed)
-  certain items scribed
- exit slips - “got it, kind of, no way”
- verbal questioning - thumbs up/down
- “what stuck with you” board - out the door quizzes / Check For Understanding/ Assessment
Language Arts: journals