VISION 2020 (UK) Limited:

Registered Charity Number 1146746

VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd Ophthalmic Public Health Committee

Terms of Reference


This Committee has developed from the Ophthalmic Public Health Group set up by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. It has broad representation from all sectors, professions, and patient organisations involved in eye health. It supports the collaborative working and aims of the UK Vision Strategy that are underpinned by core public health functions:

  • prevention of poor eye health and sight loss,
  • promotion of good eye health and sight,
  • improving eye health and care services
  • equitable access to effective integrated timely and integratedservices and support for independent living


The purpose of the Committee is to ensure there is a process for identifying public health issues specific to eye health; provide a framework for reaching consensus on these and their relative priorities for action, and that these have a national voice.

It shall achieve this by–

  • Raising awareness of public health issues relating to eye health
  • Communicating effectively within VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd, and member organisations
  • Engaging with the wider public health community, NHS and social care sectors


This will beadvisory and strategic.

The Committee will provide strategic direction on the public health issues and priorities for eye health to VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and to member organisations, thereby informing and facilitating alignment of their activities in taking these forwards.

Activities as agreed by the committee will be carried out by the member organisations, which may work jointly or individually as appropriate.


The Committee will report to :

  • The VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd Board on a quarterly basis
  • to Committee member organisations through their representatives. (Appendix is available from with details of organisational arrangements for frequency of reporting and accountability )


The Committee will consist of:

3 nominees from The Royal College of Ophthalmologists including paediatric representation

2 nominees from the College of Optometrists

1 nominee from the Optical Confederation

1 nominee from LOCSU

1 nominee from V2020UK

1 nominee from the Royal College of General Practitioners

1 nominee from the Royal College of Nursing (Ophthalmic Section)

1 nominee from the British and Irish Orthoptic Society

2 nominees from the Royal National Institute for Blind People (one of whom is visually impaired)

2 nominees from the Faculty of Public Health

1 nominee representing ADASS

1 nominee representing CVIC

The Committee will have the power to co-opt additional expertise as required.

Observers are welcome with prior approval of the Chair, and a maximum of 2 at any one meeting.

Term of Office

Committee members will serve for a period of two years, renewable for a further four years.


The members will elect their own Chair from amongst the membership. The Chair will serve for two years, renewable for a further two years.

Working methods

Meetings:4 times a year , duration 3 hours

Secretariat & Venue:Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London

Papers:2 weeks in advance of meetings

Deputies:Members to nominate Deputies who can

attend (fully briefed and informed), in their absence. This would obviate the need to agree on when a meeting is quorate.

A Member of the Committee shall be

delegated by the Chair to undertake this role in her absence.

Transparency:Terms of Reference, Membership, dates of

Meetings and approved Minutes, shall be

placed on the Vision 2020 (UK) Ltd website


The members will agree priorities, activities and desired outcomes at the beginning of each year and report to VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and nominating organisations on progress towards achieving those outcomes at the end of each year.

Fees and Expenses

Members are not paid fees. Expenses should be claimed from the nominating organisation in accordance with their own standing orders in force at the time.


The terms of reference will be reviewed after two years

November 2013

Terms of Reference – November 2013

VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd Ophthalmic Public Health Committee 1