Eldorado Gold’s response re alleged environmental & social impacts of mining activities in Northern Greece

22 October 2013

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invitedEldorado Gold to respond to the following items:

“Mining company accused of transporting toxic materials illegally”, EnetEnglish.gr (Greece), 15 Oct 2013,

“Greek Delegation Asks Canadians to Help Stop Canadian Mining Company Eldorado Gold”, MiningWatch Canada, 30 May 2013,

“[video] Welcome to the Greek Eldorado”, Soshalkidiki, 17 May 2013,

“Violent repression continues in Halkidiki, N. Greece”, Soshalkidiki, 12 May 2013,

“Soshalkidiki magazine”, Soshalkidiki, Mar 2013,

Eldorado Gold provided the following response:

“Eldorado conducts its business in Greece is a similar fashion to the other countries in which we operate – with respect for human rights, the environment, and the well-being of all stakeholders. We recognize that it is vital that we operate with integrity today, tomorrow and in the future. Eldorado has every intention of maintaining that commitment to excellence in Greece.

Eldorado Gold’s mineral properties in Halkidiki, Greece are permitted to, and operate in accordance with, all Greek and European Union regulation. Eldorado has operated safely and with care for its people, local communities and the environment for more than 20 years.

Eldorado recognises that there is a wide range of stakeholders who are interested in our Greek projects. Most stakeholders fully support our operations, some want to know more about what we do and some have concerns. The majority of the villages of the Municipality of Aristotle, where Eldorado’s mines and projects are located, are supportive of our investments. It is our policy to have open, frank and ongoing discussions with all stakeholders who choose to engage with us.

Unfortunately, there is a small faction of individuals who have used repeated violence, as evidenced in the arson attack earlier this year, in targeting not only the property of Eldorado but also that of our Greek employees, contractors and community supporters. The judiciary authorities of Greece are investigating these acts of violence with a view to pressing criminal charges against the perpetrators.

In addition to the above mentioned violence, a well-organized campaign of misinformation has been orchestrated against the company. Eldorado absolutely refutes any suggestion that the corporation or its subsidiaries are acting illegally or without respect for human rights and the environment.

Eldorado recognizes that everyone has their own point of view and respects the rights of individuals to voice their opinions in a safe, peaceful and legal manner. However, we condemn any activity that puts the safety of our employees, contractors and those in the communities surrounding our projects at risk.”