Official Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Por Vida, Inc. met for a Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 23, 2012 at 12:30 p.m. at the Por Vida Academy campus.
I. Call to Order, Announcements, and Establishment of a Quorum
A. Roll Call & Recording of Board Members Present - Declaration of Quorum Present
Sr. Odilia Korenek, Board President
Edie Cogdell, Board Secretary
Rosantina Aranda, Board Member
Judit Vega, Board Member
David Clear, Board Member
B. Recording of the Executive Director/Superintendent and Staff Members Present
Joseph Rendon, Superintendent
Mike Oropeza, Chief Financial Officer
Jeri Stump, Assistant Principal PVA
Rebecca Cardona, Minutes
John Vacca, Teen Reach Coordinator
Lea Dewberry, Attendance Officer
Bryan Chenevert, Truancy Officer
Hector Pena, Home Visit Coordinator
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Testimony
- No Public Testimony
V. Approval of Minutes
a)Sister Odilia Korenek motioned for approval and David Clear seconded the motion. The JanuaryMinutes were approved as read.
VI. Por Vida Academy Charter HS Presented by Mr. Pena
- School Enrollment and ADA
As of 2/23/2012, the ADA was 141 and enrollment was235.
- Mr. Chenevert- New Truancy Officer for Por Vida Academy. He is working with administration for Policy which addresses excessive absences based on state requirements. He is also filing truancy through the court system. A form is being drafted which will address policy and student expectations. There is no requirement to notify parents however Mr. Rendon opted to make them aware of changes. Every period is a snapshot of attendance, there is no tardy, the State looks at second period.
- Mr. Vacca and Mr. Peña presented the board on recent camping excursion
- Lesson plan will be developed for the camping trip.
- The Board commended staff for looking at alternative ways of reaching out to the teens.
- 1st period is the period most students miss due to transportation issues, about 50% of the students are facing this issue.
- There is argument by consultants that teachers are not being innovative enough to encourage students to be in school, this is something that will be addressed in the near future to include utilizing resources within campus. Consultants will be coming in to observe and make recommendations.
- Ms. Dewberry presented the contract to the board.
- Had 26 year old test today, recommendation to communicate student success stories to the board and to highlight what our school is all about.
VII. Corpus Christi Academy Charter HS Presented by StephenMora
- School Enrollment and ADA
As of 2/23/2012, the ADA is 58 and the enrollment is60.
- Principal’s Report
a)Saturday school initiative has been successful with an increase in participation
b)Incentive educational excursion to approximately 35 students who have attended Saturday school. Zoo and Natural Bridge Caverns.
c)Developed partnership with Texas A&M to prepare students for UIL competition. 10 kids have signed. Attendance and grades are a big factor for participation.
d)Theatre arts is the second initiative.
e)CCPD will also be working with students interested in law enforcement the will take internship and mentorship.
f)Several other partnerships in progress which will mentor students.
g)Laptop project- Teachers and students are slowly embracing program. The school does have a filtering system for popular sites.
VIII. Cesar E. Chavez Academy Charter HS Presented by Mrs. Valencia
- School Enrollment and ADA
As of 2/23/2012, the ADA was 74 and the enrollment was97.
- Principal’s Report
a)Educational excursion to the Alamo it was tied to attendance. Upcoming school wide excursion to Brownsville zoo and paintball.
b)Theatre class will be going to Texas A&M to look at theatre program.
c)Counselor is doing drug presentation.
d)Blood drive
e)College and career day in planning
f)Cesar Chavez march coming up
Frost Bank has an “A-team”. Employees who volunteer in the Corpus Christi community; this information has been forwarded to Frost bank and will be given to Ms. Valencia to explore possible relationship between Frost and Corpus Christi.
IX. District Items presented by Mr. Rendon
- No District items.
- Informational:
- Mr. Rendon attended TCSA which is preparing for January session, working on legislative agenda. The association is looking at law suit to increase ADA. If this is something that is pursued the TCSA will require Board Resolution to pay out of state funds for law suit.
- The legislative agenda will be similar to last time.
- IDEA public school from the Valley is looking into expanding to Austin and San Antonio area. The school is not looking to target our student demographic population.
- The IRS was addressing rule change on Teacher Retirement System for charter school employees not being considered governmental agency. The IRS received large response and it looks like they will not be moving with rule.
X. Financials presented by Mr. Oropeza
A. Income Statement by Object:
Page 1 Fund 161 –Over spent on this fund, it is not being utilized at this time.
Page 2 Fund 224- Special Ed Co-op, certain staff will be paid out of this fund.
Page 3 Fund276 – Previously fund 286, it is now 276 for San Antonio employees only. The report does not depict full expenditure as of yet.
Every balance sheet account is reconciled on a monthly basis.
TCSA dues come out of 420 fund.
- Edie Cogdell motioned to approve the October Financials, Rosantina Aranda seconded the motion. The January financials were approved as presented.
II. Board Items:
Proposal to the Board to look at top initiative and partnerships within the community.
- Por Vida- Meals for educational excursion
- CEC- Safe and adequate daycare – looking at about 20 children
- CCCP- Permanent structure for the school
Board asking for estimate for each of the items above, the next Board meeting will address these items. March 20th 12p-2p meeting to address these issues, 2:30 p.m. regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Retreat mission quote $2,500 1st quote, gathers minutes, goes to website, researches and comes back to address strengths and weaknesses. $5,000 quote includes above and implementing.
San Antonio youth summit informational brochures distributed for board to review.
XI. Adjournment
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 2:33 pm. The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2012at 2:30 p.m. at the Por Vida Academy Charter High School located in San Antonio, Texas.
Sr. Odilia Korenek Date Edie Cogdell Date
President Secretary